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Enama Ezaki

Character introduction

Jiangi Ling is born in Osaka, Japan, is born on March 12, 19.. In 1940, he entered the Turkey University of Kyoto. In 1944, it entered the Tokyo Imperial University. It is famous for Japan. Solid physicist. Jiangyu Ling is the eldest son of the architectian Jiangi. When I was young, the music played by the voice machine was moved, and I also want to be the inventor of Edison like the invention. Although the senior high school entrance examination failed, he later made an indignation to the University of Tokyo and graduated from the Department of Physics, Tokyo University. The university era, the dormitory of Jiangi rent is burned in the Big Bomb in Tokyo. Seeing this scene, Jiangi wants to work in Japan after graduation, so after graduation, enter the enterprise work. In the 1950s, according to theoretical analysis, it was considered that the tunneling effect should be observed in the process of PN junction, but the experiment has not been discovered. In 1957, when Jiangyu was developed in the development of a new high-frequency transistor, there was an abnormal negative resistance in the forward voltammetry characteristics of high doped and narrow PN junctions. Through theoretical analysis, he believes that this negative resistance characteristic is formed by the direct penetration area of ​​the electronic hole, thereby providing a strong evidence for the tunnel effect. In 1957, Jiangsu University graduated for 10 years, and he got a long-awaited doctorate with this achievement. In the subsequent study, he invented a tunnel secondary tube formed by a tunnel. The invention of the tunnel diode has opened up a new research area - the tunnel effect in the solid.

Personal life

Father: Jiang Si Zhuang Lang, architectural man.

Research History

In 1944, Jiangi entered the Japan Tokyo Imperial University specialized to attack the experimental physics. In 1947, he received a master's degree (later in 1959 because of a doctoral degree), then served Kobe Industrial Co., Ltd. has begun research as a semiconductor such as germanium and silicon such as transistor material. In 1956, he became a researcher of Tokyo Communication Industry Co., Ltd. (Sony), the research of high-doped germanium and silicon, this research As a result, the invention of the tunnel diode is caused.

The so-called "tunnel phenomenon" refers to an indispensable energy barrier (not too large) from the classic theory point of view of the electronic casual direction. It has been discovered in the juxtural in the 1920s. In the early days of the three-year quantum mechanics development, people have been trying to use tunnel effects to partial flow phenomena and contact resistance, but the theoretical foresee and experimental observations have repeatedly contradictory. In the fifth decades, with the emergence of semiconductor PN, it was once again evolved the research of tunnel process. According to theoretical analysis, the tunneling effect should be observed in the process of PN junction counterattack. But the experiment has never confirmed. In 1957, Jiangi was in developing a high-frequency transistor; unexpectedly found that high-doped narrow PN junction is in the positive volt-ampity characteristics, there is an "abnormal" negative resistance, and as long as one increase is a raw material containing a large amount of impurities When the voltage of the diode, it can be seen immediately that the current is increased by the voltage. He believes that this negative resistance characteristic is due to the direct penetration of the electronic hole, and provides a powerful experimental prove to the tunnel effect. He also found that the semiconductor (two tubes having negative resistance) as a new electronic component can be applied to the switching circuit and oscillator circuit, and the high speed circuit (such as an electronic computer), which is a sensation at the time. The invention of the world.

In 1958, Xi Jiangxi issued a paper on "tunnel diode", which is the beginning of the Nobel physics bonus. Later, people named "Tunnel Diode" as "Jiangi Diode" with his name. In the second year, he also published an article on the invention of the management and its mechanism, and thus obtained the Renke Fangxiong, the highest honor of the Japanese Learn, Memorial Award . Then, in 1960, the reward of publishers was obtained, and m was obtained in 1961. N. Libeman Memorial Bonus Barantan Medal by the Franklin Institute. ITALY School of Sciences also gives him awards. Due to the contribution of "tunnel effects" in semiconductor and superconductors. Jiang Shi shared 1973 Nobel Physics Bonus . 1974 Japanese government awarded Culture Medal .

Jiangsu Saki was selected as academicians of Japan Academy of Sciences in 1975. Academician of the National Academy of Sciences was selected in 1977, 1977 has become academicians of American National Academy of Engineering.

proposes semiconductor super lattice theory

to propose semiconductor super lattice theory, and published superlatry theory in the International Semiconductor Physics Society.

Novo Award 5

Jiangi often presents a speech on the seminars for high school students and college students, each time you will introduce yourself "5 of the Nobel Prize condition".

first, cannot be bound by the previous result.

Second, respect the predecessors, but it can't be lost.

Third, abandon useless things, leaving only information useful to yourself.

fourth, respect yourself, no life to others, this challenge will never escape.

fifth, never lose pure sensibility and curware.

Publishing book

Get Honor

Nobel Physics Award

1973奈 加 加埃沃 (1929-) Because the tunnels in semiconductors and superconductors, Josephsen (BRIANDAVIDJOSEPHSON, 1940-) is theoretically predicted that the nature of the supercurrent of the tunnel barrier layer, especially The experimental phenomenon called "Joseph Effect" jointly shared the 1973 Nobel Physics Award. Jiangi has become the third Nobel Prize winner in Japanese science.

The 14th Japan International Award

1998, Jiangi received the 14th Japan International Award. The reason for winning is: "Contributes to the development of new functional materials by creating and achieving artificial superlatry crystal concepts." Many people who have obtained this award have become a powerful candidate for the Nobel Prize, and Jiangsu is still considered to be a winner of the Nobel Prize.

Academic anecdote

Discovery textbooks have errors

Jiangi's predecessor, Tokyo Communication Industries, Niki, noticed that if the material is mixed with many impurities The current will flow inversely. His extremely weak unusual current measured by China Assistant and started to completely investigate the cause.

At the beginning, the Chinese assistant believes that it is incorrect, so it will measure the abnormal current in the textbook. However, Jiangi feels that the content in the textbook is not necessarily all correct, maybe the textbook is incorrect, so he continues to experiment.

ultimately, Jiangi discovered an abnormal negative resistance, that is, before a critical point, the voltage increases, but after this critical point, even if the voltage increases, the current will decrease. . This negative resistance, can be used in the field of switches, oscillations, and enlargement, and the industrial value is very high. Jiangi in theory that this is the tunnel effect in quantum mechanics, and successfully produced Jiangi Diode (tunnel diode).

The first super lattice paper is refused to

Jiangi's main achievements in research include the related research results of Jiangi Diode and Superlattice. However, Mr. Jiangi revealed that the first papers on superlattice were retired back by the most authorized physics magazine "PhysicalReview" and did not publish. He also pointed out that in reality, the original research is not necessarily the correct evaluation of the academic circles.

Research Experience

1, not sleepy for the progress and the obstacles that have been facing.

2, respecting Master is important to accept their advice, but don't overocate them. Keep your own free and open-minded to play a unique creativity.

3, in the tide of information, there is no useless thing to become your own burden. To pay, only useful parts.

4, adhere to your own claim, can't escape the battle.

5, you can't lose the initial sensibility and unknowingly curiosity.

Character view

Creativity and judgment

CreativeMind is the source of original research results.

Creativity reaches the peak at the age of 20, and then gradually declines with the growth of age. On the other hand, JudiciousMind, which is mastered in the acquisition process, is constantly increasing. The change of these two capabilities is indicated by a linear body, and it will find that the intersection of the two will appear around 45 years old. If the two capabilities can be combined, it will usher in "Zenithoflife" during this period. (Life vertices).

scientific wisdom is not new, but you have to learn from the future. Challenge the limit, let the research results open the door of tomorrow.

Real cultural people

", some cultural people refer to the Expo group, and have obtained a lot of knowledge and wisdom. But in today's era, there is rich The amount of knowledge is no longer a cultural man. " He believes that "" can always absorb new knowledge and constantly change your talent is real cultural people. "

Jiangyu Ling Yu Nai Award

The 14th Jiangyu Ling was awarded to Xiu Jun from September 7, 2017.

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