Home Technique Erqi Yangtze River Bridge

Erqi Yangtze River Bridge

synonym seven Yangtze River Bridge in Wuhan generally refers to seven Yangtze River Bridge

Construction course

August 1, 2008, seven Yangtze River Bridge under construction, and the groundbreaking ceremony.

2010 Nian 1 19, carried out within seven Yangtze River Bridge No. 5 Castle Peak side of the main tower pier cofferdam back underwater concrete pouring work; June 8, seven Yangtze River Bridge, south of conduct 5 Pylon pier No. beams concreting work; September 17, completed seven Yangtze River Bridge No. 4 on the downstream side of the main column tower pier project closure; November 18, No. 5 completed seven Yangtze River Bridge Pylon closure Engineering ; December 6, seven Yangtze River Bridge in Wuhan No. 4 were the main tower pier of the first root Stay Cables work.

2011 Nian 4 23, seven Yangtze River Bridge No. 5 main tower capped completed project; June 13, seven Yangtze River Bridge bridge deck construction stage; August 16, seven Yangtze River South Bank side of the bridge to complete the No. 4, No. 5 among pier bridge closure project; September 27, seven Yangtze River bridge, the main bridge to complete the project closure; December 31, seven Yangtze River bridge opened to traffic.

2018 Nian 1 1st, seven Yangtze River Bridge ETC cancellation fees, and dismantle the relevant facilities.

2019 Nian 1 10, seven Yangtze River Bridge main tower were re-painting project.

bridge position

seven Yangtze River Bridge in Wuhan City, Hubei Province is located in China, 3.2 km upstream from Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge, 6.7 kilometers from the downstream Tianxingzhou Yangtze River Bridge, west riverbank area Zhuyeshan overpass, then Wuhan Avenue, after Erqi Road, across the Yangtze River waterway, the Castle Peak area south peace overpass; the bridge is an important part of Wuhan Second Link is also an important channel to Wuchang, Hankou District area.


building structure

  • overall layout

seven Yangtze River bridge, the main bridge respectively, by water, land north and south bridge approach, three bridge towers, and its interchange ramp composition, all sections are arranged in a northwest to southeast direction.

Erqi Yangtze River Bridge

  • design

Taking all considerations, seven Yangtze River Bridge, double cable plane three-tower cable-stayed bridge design; and in the design process, the designer follows the three-dimensional space has a good, harmonious proportions, showing the bridge tower should have features and architectural style, the design must be refined, simple, no more than superfluous components, as well as highlighting the overall momentum and the Yangtze River bridge in harmony, style and innovation, Wuhan was different from the four towers cable-stayed bridge has been built, showing the uniqueness of the landscape, reflecting the status of the international metropolis of Wuhan charm, culminating in the tower of the bridge modeling, using a vase-shaped shape optimization were based.

  • Design Features

main bridge seven Yangtze River Bridge is a double cable plane three towers swash pull bridge, the main stayed bridge with two mixed, Wuchang Hankou area and will boast concrete beams, the remaining segments are I-shaped girder section of steel - concrete composite beam. Pylons is vase-shaped, parallel strand using the fastener, the upper end of stay cables anchored on the tower, the lower end of the main beam anchored to the anchoring plate; 4 tonnes tower pier, based on use of bored piles, 3 well, 5 tons for the side tower pier, based on the use of bored piles. 2-6 between the main girder bridge pier steel - concrete composite beams, beams tensile binding region I-shaped steel beam, the steel beam is provided between the cross beam 2 is provided through the full length of the bridge of the small cross in the central longitudinal beam, standard steel beam a main phase consisting of steel, beams, small stringers, the pull anchor plates, between each rod of high-strength bolts; pressure receiving area of ​​the beam in conjunction with C60 precast concrete bridge deck, by arranging the steel girder, stringer beams and small Bolted to the top of the scissors and steel beams.

Design Parameters

seven Yangtze River Bridge main bridge (90 + 160 + 2x616 + 160 + 90) m span arrangement, the deck clear width of 30.5 meters, lane 8 is provided; bearing the above pylon station 209 meters, a total of 264 full-bridge cable. Beam 117 were full-bridge between each segment, divided into 6 types, pier 5 to 6, 2 to 3 segments 13 each pier, Pier No. 3 to No. 5 in the span across the centerline 22 each each segment; total 45 4 pier sides of each segment; standard segment length of 13.5 m, 1.44 m wide, 2.935 m high, I-shaped girder of steel top plate 900 mm wide, 36 mm thick, plate width 1200-1920 mm , a thickness of 80 mm, web thickness 36 mm.

Technical Standards
road grade city Expressway
- lane two-way eight-lane
design basis 100 of
design speed 80 km / h
design load < / td> -A city level
navigable water level High: 25.81 m, the lowest: 9.75 m
case of flood frequency 1 Ci / 300 in
earthquake level basic intensity 6 degrees

equipment and facilities

  • lighting

2019 Nian 3 28, to achieve energy efficient street lighting, improve traffic quality seven Yangtze River Bridge, traffic at night to ensure the safety, Wuhan street management the service center seven Yangtze River Bridge in the original high pressure sodium lighting is changed in a unified high efficiency, long life and maintenance of new LED street lamps.

the operations of

fare ticket system

Wuhan municipal government issued a circular on September 12, 2017, announced that from at 0:00 on January 1, 2018 since, the city stopped the collection "nine bridge a tunnel all the way" ETC vehicle tolls, which included seven Yangtze River bridge.

traffic matters

2018 Nian October 4 to December 31, due to the Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge construction will be road maintenance, Wuchang to Hankou to return the vehicle by the Second Link detour seven Yangtze River Bridge.

construction achievements

technical problem

seven Yangtze River bridge pylons in terms of construction, the following difficulties:

1, overall duration tight, large construction tasks; 2, pylon member mass concrete cracks difficult to control; 3, large concrete construction difficult under high altitude; 4, when the simultaneous construction of the tower beam, pylon tube positioning accuracy requirements, construction safety risks Big.

Research Technology

Technology (item) NAME prize name winning units
"great combination of key technologies across three towers cable-stayed span" 2015 China's Highway Institute of Science and technology award Railway Bridge survey Design Institute Limited

value significance

seven Yangtze River Bridge construction will have an extraordinary cultural significance, but the bridge itself is a huge cultural symbol, carrying the humanistic spirit of the times in Wuhan city with innovative ideas. (Comment on "building bridges")

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