Home Technique Fengshan Zu Temple Tourist Area

Fengshan Zu Temple Tourist Area

synonym Shanwei Fengshan Temple Tourist Area generally refers to Fengshan Temple Tourist Area


Fengshan Temple Tourist Area 3 (5) < / p> Fengshan Temple was built in the Ming Chongzhen nine years (1636), due to the Fujian Fengshan fishermen drifting to settle in the area, and create a foundation, while offering the protection of God in their hearts - Mazu, and the establishment of Fengshan Mazu temple.

Qing Emperor Kangxi (1662-1722) released Boycott, Shanwei port has developed substantially, a "two episodes of business travel, boats clouds," the thriving scene, and therefore Fengshan Temple in seven years of Qianlong (1742 ) to be expanded.

In December 1994, re-light ceremony held Fengshan Temple, and is open to visitors worldwide.

In May 1995, approved the establishment of Fengshan Temple Tourist Area.


  • position Realm Fengshan Zu Temple Tourist Area

Fengshan Temple Shanwei downtown tourist area located east of Lake clear product, with a total area of ​​about 100,000 square meters.

Fengshan Temple Tourist Area
  • climatic characteristics

Fengshan Temple Tourist Area by subtropical climate, warm and humid year round, the annual average temperature of 22.1 ℃, summer is not hot, not cold in winter, all year round for vacation.

  • topography_geomorphy

Fengshan Temple Tourist Area, including Fengshan, Ding covered mountain , part of the waters around the island and Phnom three mountain lakes of the product clear, Fengshan is the highest point in Shanwei city, 31 meters above sea level. Clear Lake mountain products as China's largest semi-closed lagoon, tourist area of ​​water, the mountain is not high.

The main attractions

Fengshan temple

  • Summary

  • < / ul>

    commonly known as Fengshan Fengshan Mazu Temple, Fujian Meizhou Matsu sub-Ling palace, famous for the eastern Mazu culture Communication Center, the ancient incense.

    • Matsu temple main hall

    Fengshan Mazu temple main hall is the main tourist area of ​​the building, Shanwei port is also evidence of history. It was built in the late Ming dynasty, Qianlong seven years of expansion (1742). Construction area of ​​840 square meters, the main hall layout for the three two homes, Miankuo three, Wind & Fire-style gable, hard top, known as the "Double Star hold India, dragon with care", is being Sanshan traditional temple architecture. Colorful fusion of the main hall of Lingnan architecture, such as porcelain inlay, stone carving, wood carving, clay sculpture, painting and so on. Within a limited range of complex scenes careful layout, curtain roof, the pillars of the plaque, painted murals and exquisitely crafted, Originality.

    • days after the Court

    Fengshan Temple days after the House was built in 1993, is Matsu Temple apse, left and right with a bell tower, in front of the believers worship worship, pray the prayer-cho, every lunar first, fifteen, there are thousands of devout worship Mazu believers to come, strong incense.

    Chaozhou days after the House adopted the architectural style of "Zhong Yan Xie Shan-type plug wing" stone and wood structure, with more than 600 cubic meters of wood, construction area of ​​782 square meters. Exquisite design, large-scale and combines classical architecture and modern building technology in one. Possession of contemporary calligrapher Qi Gong by the title of "days Pavilion" plaque and the father of contemporary Chinese Folklore Mr. Zhong Jingwen autograph book, "bell tower", "tower" plaque. Style pavilion dedicated to Matsu clay colossus, with Sishen and 24 Division statues, and placed a flat Antalya lights.

    Fengyi Taiwan

    Fengyi Taiwan Matsu statue of up to 16.83 meters, carved from 468 high-quality granite from Mazu hometown (Fujian Meizhou) is made, is China's largest Mazu stone statue of Art. China is a famous writer Bing Xin stone wrote the "days of the Virgin", describe the Fengshan Mazu statue is completed, become a new landmark of the city of Shanwei.

    Mazu shrine Hall

    Taiwan Mazu shrine Fengyi Museum is located at the scenic area of ​​over 1500 square meters, is China's first introduction Ma Zu Shengping, legends, shrines Museum of Art . Shrines museum focused on selected fifteen stories and legends of Matsu, using modern sound, light, electricity automatic control system to fifteen stories, fifteen sets sights interpretation shrines Matsu.

    Development and Construction

    In twenty-three years (1934), Fengshan Temple rebuilt according to the original style.

    1991 In June 2009, Shanwei City Fengshan Temple is the people's government as a county cultural relics units, and approved by the Guangdong Sheng Wen tube, in the following year in February rebuilt according to the original style.

    20 Since the 1980s, Fengshan Temple Tourist Area by the donor community and overseas Chinese large-scale expansion, the newly built pavilion days later, the bell tower and statue of Mazu, Mazu and shrines in Fengshan Park Hall, Hailufeng drama Face and fishing style garden pavilion and Matsu cultural Square.

    History and Culture

    legendary story

    • legend mom Zusheng Quan's

    back Fengshan Fengshan Temple, year round fresh air leaking from the foot of the crevice. Ming, a Fujian businessman beside springs of firewood to open a shop, then in four weeks springs surrounded by stone, and near the temples shed built a simple, convenient product in the production of clear lake and fishermen worship Mazu worship water, and can provoke charcoal business. Therefore, people called this as well, "Chai shop well." At this ancient wells, drinking water wells Shanwei early residents, even in the face of drought, the wells dried up elsewhere, but here alone gurgling water, still sweet and cool throat.

    early 1970s, the country launched the "industrial school in Daqing, Agriculture, Learn" campaign, when the revolutionary committee in the town around Shanwei Fengshan run from small factories and expansion of wasteland species, choose Chai on top of a hillside to build a well paved adobe brick kiln firing, firing adobe poor quality, low success rate, past the only domestic water wells masses wood shop in brick kiln put into operation soon, the water level dropped, water salty bitter, sweet chilly spring water becomes dry well, living water can not be guaranteed, the people complained. Soon, this brick kiln also due to poor efficiency and closed. How often did this spring water wells resumed its former sweet. People say this is well Mazu Quan, offshore and not salty, drought and thirsty, Holy Well Quan so the spread.

    temples will

    • Overview

    lunar month every year twenty date of birth Matsu, Shanwei urban people, family day fishermen, rural believers are temples to participate in temple activities, traditional folk activities have Mazu temple during patrol, fighting for gun head, acting worship and pilgrimage and so on.

    Fengshan Mazu Temple will be originated in the Qing Dynasty Qianlong, ancient tradition, is the crystallization of traditional folk culture. Matsu will mainly include: folk festival; New Year (the first month) meet God praying; Lantern (fifteenth) Matsu lantern squid mining activities; Mazu folk art Christmas parade, gun will Fengshan Mazu activities; major holiday opera performance ; Hungry Ghost ritual Purdue (Yu Lan will) and other folk activities.

    Shanwei Fengshan Mazu temples will be after the custom inscribed on the World Intangible Cultural Heritage, was approved by the Guangdong Provincial People's Government for the provincial intangible cultural heritage.

    • folk festival

    Shanwei ancestors ancestral home mostly Fujian, ancient fishing business travel faith Matsu, is the incense. Fengshan Temple expanded from seven years of Qing Emperor Qianlong (1742) to today's scale, ritual norms, has been formed with local characteristics of typical offerings, public memorial, Min Ji, offering four kinds of official ceremony.

    1, Code of sacrifice, namely the completion of the temple rebuilt or expanded, every tenth anniversary of the festival, held Shigemitsu Daqing, commonly known as the San Xian.

    2, public memorial that the first month of the Chinese New Year and welcome God's blessing of Mazu Festival March Niansan two festivals.

    3, the public offering, that is, people usually festival.

    4, the official festival, that is, from government-sponsored Matsu Cultural Festival festival. Hosted by the Government, after the folk worship ceremony, organized by the Council of thousands of people a team, with a ride Bridge YongCu Matsu complete tour after security patrol together throughout the Matsu statue placed in the middle of the square stage. First lit firecrackers after opening (drum gongs) by a government official, all stood in salute, Ming Zhu to Matsu by the Board members, incense, flowers, offering tea, fruit offering, and offered silver silk, finished reading Zhu-Wen , organized by the organizers and then government leaders, representatives from various sectors, were presented wreaths on behalf of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan to Matsu, during which students from the dance music students sixty-four dressed in costume dress dance team composed of dance music and Matsu. Secondly, the personnel participate in the activities of the bow line to Matsu. Then government leaders and guests speech, square art performances, folk parade cannon will organize activities. Mazu Culture held every year infinitive seminars, lectures, PEN, will riddles, trade fairs and so on.

    • local theater

    Fengshan Temple three times a year to play drama: Lantern lights drama, drama Mazu holy days, at the end of thanksgiving play. Nearly year-round drama hard act to become Hailufeng "character drama," "white opera" platform "West Qin Opera" three local operas survive and actor talent show. Also attract "opera" "opera" "Huangmei" "Opera" and other foreign troupe to participate in the birth of God festival performances. Fengshan Mazu Temple Festival drama for a long time, drama and more lively atmosphere, drama and March Shanwei basaltic Hill tourist area comparable.

    • Fengshan Mazu gun will

    Fengshan Mazu will gun (or commonly known as blasting head grab the gun head), it is one of the important activities of Mazu Festival temple fair each year. After re-expansion of Temple Qing Emperor Qianlong light has been organized from now, it is the Temple held folk activities and the construction of a way to raise funds. Before liberation, head shot only 23 discharge ring, a symbol of those who obtain 1,2,3 gun "fiscal flourishing population", is the most fortunate of people, the first 4-20 artillery guns for the peace, 21, 22, shot called "Yoshiko gun "the winner is the lucky person, so some groups, Yin households and wealthy, heavily involved in hiring young team competing grab. Outport fishing boats, local fishermen will be suspended, guns will participate Temple activities, we are hoping to get the gift of Mazu.

    1995 gun will resume activities, in addition to competing grab the gun head to follow the traditional form of increasing the number, nine separate bid Choi guns, a ribbon, and give it a better name that is auspicious: "smooth sailing" and "Double Xilinmen "" auspicious beginning "" Four seasons peace "" V Qichang "" Le Pro good home "" colorful Phoenix "" developed thriving, "" permanence "," jackpot rainbow. " Investors who bid the highest get Choi guns. Yin this event for many families, wealthy, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan businessmen to support charity Temple construction.

    Specialty area

    • Chaoshan erythro Crab

    i.e. Chaoshan paste crab, mud crab scientific name, the famous seafood of Chaozhou in Guangdong. Crab is the most plentiful of the ovaries of female crabs; fertilized ovary but not too full of female crabs called "mother": slightly plump called "crab"; but only for male crab fried with unfertilized female crabs collectively " crab. " Female crabs caught from the sea, ovarian full of small, artificial fattening to make it a "Crab." Crab breeding good, Tuicu full of meat, full fat cream Feng, after steamed, high nutritional value.

    • leek Guo

    civil snacks, filling the main selection leek (Allium, instead chive available), the production of fresh wash leek pelletizing, granulation add mushrooms, shrimp granules, and the amount and monosodium glutamate, salt, pepper, sesame oil, mix into the filling. Guo sweet potato starch usually made of leather. Guo after taking skin mash into a round shape, filling wrapped, wrinkled shape into a spherical projection surface, into the steamer and steam for 15 minutes until cooked and golden brown oil fry flat on the pan. Fragrant smell, the white outer Chui. Trafficking supported mobile refreshment streets, take on more economical, pure fillings leeks, mushrooms and the like without fines.

    • Leicha

    Lei Cha, also called salty tea. National Rural Leicha not many places to eat, some areas of the city of Shanwei in Guangdong and Guangxi and Jieyang City Jiexi, Jiangxi, Hunan, and have this custom. Leicha eat together into the first green tea leaves, cooked peanuts, sesame a mortar (a special tooth profile of the inner wall Taobo), pomegranate tree do precession stirred masa into a thin round mashed , Qiang put a little salt, and then into the boiling water, Serve Leicha. Lufeng, Haifeng and towns along the coast, eat Leicha, also added to processed celery, onion, garlic, shrimp, squid silk, excellent taste and stimulate appetite. Luhe, Jiexi rural area, but people like to mix fried rice flower, outside accompanied by a dish of pickled garlic or shallots, crisp and refreshing, distinctive flavor.

    Travel Information


    Ticket prices: 15 yuan / person

    Team ticket price: 12 yuan / person

    incentives (purchase tickets tourists, when entering the area required to produce relevant documents for verification)

    applies to:

    1 students (student ID): 7.5 yuan / person

    more than 260 years of age 70 years of age for the elderly (with ID card): 12 yuan / person

    more than 370 years old old free admission (with ID card) < / p>

    4. active duty military police, the disabled free admission (with military officer or soldier card)

    children 5. 1.4m or less by the free admission accompanied by an adult (limit two carry)


    Shanwei city has direct access to Fengshan Temple tourist area bus, also can take a taxi or chartered local to the area.

    free policy

    In February 2020, in order to pay tribute to the vast number of medical workers, Fengshan Temple tourist area of ​​operations since the reopening date until December 31, 2020, to health care is free.

    buy tickets

    During the epidemic prevention and control, implementation of online booking tickets scenic way, visitors can through the "city of Shanwei City Fengshan Temple Tourist Area" micro-channel public number for online an appointment to visit.

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