The field of view is limited to the field of view of the optical path system, and can be measured by a line view or into the field angle. The determination principle of the field of view: The minimum angle of the multi-stop in the space or its minimum angle is located on the center of the incident pupil. Then the border of L1 is a field of view, and is also an incident window.
Find the conjugate imaging of other apertures other than the aperture diaphragm (windows), because all the light that can pass the window through the space can also pass through the aperture corresponding to it. The main light from a certain point on the matter will define after the entry of the pupil center, which is a "window" ", which" Window "is the smallest angle of the incident pupil center, and its limit is the largest, The corresponding diaphragm is the field of view, and it can be seen from the above analysis.
Frequently visual appendix
Magnifying glass magnifying glass
low-dimensional microscope in intermediate image Specially set
high-magnification and precision microscope in the middle image plane specially set
Kopler telescope after the objective lens Specially set up or near the focal plane
Galileo telescope object frame