Home Technique Fluorescence quantum efficiency

Fluorescence quantum efficiency


Fluorescence quantum efficiency refers to the number of photons number N 2 and activated substance from the pump source N 1 The ratio of .

otherwise called

Also known as the fluorescence quantum yield of fluorescence and fluorescence efficiency. In the unit time (seconds), the number of photons transmitted secondary radiation fluorescence and the number of primary radiation photon numbers of absorbing excitation light.


The fluorescence quantum efficiency φF is a most important parameter in the performance of fluorescent substances, which indicates that the substance converts the absorbed light energy to fluorescence.

φF = Light quantum number / absorbed light quantum number

φF = Molecular number / excited molecule of the emission fluorescence

φF value is The chemical structure of the substance is closely related, any factor that affects the chemical structure of the substance can cause a change in fluorescent quantum efficiency, at ambient, can be said to be a "function" of the molecular structure. In order to clarify the molecular structure and its changes, particularly those having a different micro-different compound molecular structure, and the fluorescence quantum efficiency can provide certain information.

Fluorescence conversion efficiency

Fluorescence conversency is a physical quantity of the active system of the radiation system, which is an important parameter of the laser has two representations, namely fluorescent quantum efficiency and Fluorescence energy conversion efficiency.

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