Home Technique Foreign language teaching

Foreign language teaching

Brief History

foreign language teaching history can be traced back to Greek and Roman times teaching teaching medieval Latin European countries, then to teach grammar and rhetoric based training. To the Renaissance, to the Czech Republic JA Comenius (1592 - 1670) as the representative of the humanist educators emphasize both learning Greek, Latin, prepare for the revival of the ancient culture, also advocated creation of modern language courses at schools to adapt We need national exchanges. Since then, Western Europe is divided into the foreign language teaching classical languages ​​and modern language teaching, the former refers to the ancient Greek and Latin, which refers to Western Europe, some of the major national languages, such as English, German, French, Spanish, Italian and so on. Foreign Language Teaching 17th and 18th century Western European classical language based; the 19th century, gradually replaced by modern language teaching. 20th century, especially after World War II, the scope of modern language teaching extended to the East, Northern Europe and Asia, Africa and the continents of the major national languages.

Chinese Language Teaching about the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, set up in 1407 Ethnic House, specializing in India, Myanmar and other languages. In 1757, the Qing government in Beijing set up Russian Museum, Russian professor. In 1862, alterations to the Capital Tongwen, the first English museum, the museum have been established or French, Russian Museum, German Museum, the Japanese Pavilion. Translation Studio with training objectives for translators, approximately 120 students. After 1903, in secondary schools to offer foreign language. Chinese language teaching teaches modern languages, language choice is often influenced by the needs of society and the educational system mode. Late Qing high school plagiarism Germany, Japan, the first foreign language courses in Japanese or English-based, and then in German or English-based. After the Revolution, to follow the curriculum Britain, the United States, mainly in English. After the establishment of People's Republic of China, the first Russian-based, then turned to English-based.


foreign language teaching in four stages:

① 1880 years ago, due to classical languages ​​(especially Latin) of teaching, using the method is grammar - translation method, emphasizing the word to memorize grammar rules and means. By word for word translations to train reading and writing skills.

② 1880, the European rise of foreign language teaching reform movement. Linguists such as the United Kingdom H. Sweet, W. Germany dimensional leaf-Tropsch (1850 - 1918), Danish O. Jespersen, French language teacher F. Goan think traditional classical language teaching difficult meet the needs of modern language teaching for reform. In 1887, the International Phonetic Association proposes six principles: Foreign Language Teaching advocates should start speaking daily life; to enable students to be familiar voice, frequently used sentences and idioms; use the inductive method of teaching grammar; to enable students to a foreign language thinking; writing training to after the first imitation of creation; written translation should be done to improve the stage. So there is a direct method embodies these principles. In 1904, Jespersen published "how to teach foreign languages", he from teaching objectives, teaching methods and teaching methods to the principles of selection, training system, summarizes the results of foreign language teaching reform at this stage.

③ After the First World War, frequent international exchanges, promote the teaching of modern languages, using the direct method of teaching foreign languages ​​Khabarovsk hereby school came into being distributed in the United States and Europe. H.E. Palmer asked to listen to students in terms of sound, phonemes, words, etymology, semantics, syntax, etc. in the "language of scientific research and teaching" (1917) in speaking, reading and writing. M. West proposes a method to teach a foreign language through reading. Then he began to pay attention training methods students to use language skills.

Foreign language teaching

④ sharply during World War II and post-war development, politics, economy, military, culture and tourism, and promote the study of foreign language teaching in practical and theoretical aspects. The US government has offered troops in wartime foreign language training, to stimulate the use of - strengthening teaching methods based on the theory of reflection, opened up new ways of teaching foreign languages. 1950s and 1960s France and French-propagation learning and research center compiled a set of basic French course uses audio-visual method to test audiovisual law, heard on the Law of foreign language teaching reform craze began to rise. 60 years later, the advent of language laboratories, a large number of mechanical drills audiovisual language law and language laboratory provided, are considered "ideal" teaching method. Soon, as the theoretical basis of visual stimulus law - theory of reflection under attack generative grammar school, in 1963 and 1970 have been published in "Gideon Report" and "Penn test report" have pointed out that laws do not hear superior to traditional teaching methods, language laboratory also no obvious effect on foreign language teaching.

heart procedure

practice of foreign language teaching pregnant with the birth of [[Applied Linguistics]], and by the mid 1960s, applied linguistics greatly flourished. It is the research subjects used in each language to explore the laws of foreign language teaching, not only to propose new ideas on teaching methods and curricula, but also focuses on foreign language learning mode, various hypotheses learning mode. Sellin L. Kerr believes foreign language learners in learning a language transition, both translation is not native language of the learner, not the language spoken in this tribe. Transitional language has its own laws, to gradually improve from imperfect. J. Schumann that "acculturation" mode from the perspective of social psychology. He believes that foreign language learning process is the most important social factors and individual emotional factors. Social groups and individuals to teach the language attitudes, culture and lifestyle differences among peoples, will affect foreign language teaching. So, how many degrees of acculturation determines the success of foreign language learning. But Schumann's model does not come into contact with the internal laws of foreign language study.

S Krashen, H Appadurai, M Burt that "supervisory model", they think of the psychological process of learning a foreign language has three important aspects:...

① filtration. Foreign language learners in the learning process can only absorb a portion of a large number of language materials in contact with him, because individual motivation, attitudes, feelings, moods play a filtering role. Filter decide what the learner to learn, learn to what extent, what the speed of learning.

② organization. Learners gradually form a new language system in mind. In the process, he would use some transitional structure will make mistakes in various languages, will be a certain order to learn the language structure. Beverly T. and D. Siluo Bin also found that language difficulties and learning difficulty is not consistent, but according to what principles to determine the learning curve remains to be explored.

③ monitoring. Filtering and organization is a subconscious mental activity, and surveillance is a conscious mental activity. Learning a language can contact the natural absorption, without having to enter the classroom; also can follow the teacher to learn in a regular classroom. By the way learned a knowledge of the language can be used to monitor the output language, for example, say the wrong thing can self-correct, write something can own retouching. As to whether to monitor, it depends on the age of learners, language knowledge and the availability of time, pay attention to whether the language form and so on.

Although these assumptions help to understand the foreign language learning process, it still can not explain complex phenomena.

internal factors

This is the teaching of factors play a leading role. The first is age. Some people advocate "small learning a foreign language" that exceeded adolescence, people's language skills have been fixed in the left hemisphere, so the adult children to learn another language than the much more difficult. But others believe that the child is difficult to determine the best foreign language learners. In terms of voice capacity, children do have the advantage; but in terms of vocabulary and grammar, youth and adults develop much faster. Some researchers (eg Krashen) pointed out that foreign language learning involves not only the age of neurophysiological factors, but also with cognitive and emotional factors, language environment. The result of these factors interact to make a difference in children and adults on foreign language learning. Followed by motivation and attitude. This is the emotional factors filtration process, the success of its learning play a decisive role. Studies have shown that the effect of not only foreign language learning and learners' attitudes towards the foreign language and in which the learning environment, but also to the entire community and also of the language and attitude of the community to use it about. Another factor is able to learn a foreign language. In the early 1930s, it was by the grammar - translation method of influence, the school can be seen as the ability to manage grammar and translation, it is generally believed that includes the ability to distinguish between them, the ability to sound associated with symbols, sensitive to sentence structure induction ability and the ability of rote learning language, reflects the views heard laws. Under the influence of language learning theory behaviorism, some people think that science can be a time learners to master a certain amount of material needed, emphasizing external objective factors, rather than the intrinsic quality of people. Since the 1970s, under the influence of cognitive psychology, it is recognized and foreign language learning is not only related to chemical energy, but more important is the general cognitive style. For example, some "independent" language learners are good at separating the project from the context and categorize them, with a strong ability to learn a foreign language; some difficulties learners vulnerable to mother tongue interference, learning a foreign language is greater.

learning environment

Broadly speaking, it refers to the objective factors will help improve the efficiency and quality of foreign language learning. For example, a communicative needs of "natural" language environment locale than to learn the language structure and grammar rules as the main "form" and more conducive to learning foreign languages. Learners in which the communication status is also learning a foreign language environment. One-way communication (such as just listening or reading) One is no need to react, one is only a limited response to the two-way communication (such as when reading or listening to native language or gestures, facial expressions to react), another It is to accept the transfer of a foreign language are completely two-way communication. In the novice learners should be allowed to make two-way communication or one-way limited reaction, wait until they have the ability to use a foreign language only after the requirements for full two-way communication. If locale specific referents that can help beginners to understand the meaning of words. From the narrow sense, refers to foreign language learning environment learners come into contact with the special language structure and its effects on foreign language learning generated. For example, some language programs with distinct features on the auditory or visual, easier to learn together. Frequency of use of language projects is a foreign language learning environment. Some of the high rate of repeat words and sentences learner will have a profound impression. Private foreign language teaching refers to the use of foreign language teaching with specific goals. In the special foreign language, first foreign language and science and technology can distinguish non-tech foreign languages, secondly distinguished career of dedicated foreign language (such as hotel manager in a foreign language, foreign language tour guides, etc.) and dedicated professional foreign language (such as chemical in a foreign language, economy learn a foreign language, etc.). Private foreign language teaching method is more flexible, in-service training can also be pre-job or post-job training; you can first learn a foreign language in general, special and school foreign language, can also be combined with professional learning foreign languages. Private foreign language teaching requirements should be clear and specific, first foreign language learners need for investigation and analysis of the design of the course, and then write the corresponding syllabus and textbooks.

dedicated to teaching foreign languages, people used to think that in general coupled with professional foreign language vocabulary. Later recognize specialized vocabulary teaching is not a major. According to M. Inman with a random sample of the statistical approach to science and technology books of 11 million words, vocabulary only about 20%. In the remaining 80% of the vocabulary, functional words 10%, 70% are non-professional and quasi-professional vocabulary. Thus in a dedicated foreign language teaching, people turned their attention to body language-specific foreign language analysis. Such as English scientific articles often using formulas, principles, symbols, numbers, abbreviations and other means to represent the number of relationships, many words have Greek and Latin roots before connecting language suffix, common grammatical relations represent a logical, long term phrases and passive voice, and so on.

Foreign Language Testing

Foreign Language Testing has always been carried out in the classroom, most of the questions and answers is a way, writing and translation. After World War II, foreign language test has psychometric and structuralism combination of features. R. Colorado "Language Testing: Foreign Language Exam preparation and use" (1961) summed up the language testing systems theory developed in structural linguistics, foreign language teaching behaviorism, psychological methods for measuring the three influence each other. This theory is crystallized discrete test. It uses objective test methods (mainly multiple choice), were tested pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, reading and other projects. Later, under the influence of foreign language test psycholinguistics and sociolinguistics, it has the following several characteristics: ① the rise of communicative testing. Psycholinguistics the concept of "communicative competence" in social studies and language linguists use of D. Hymes proposed to raise awareness of communicative language activities and the integrity of the language, so the language should be a comprehensive test interpersonal skills, including grammar is generally believed that the ability (knowledge of grammar rules), (knowledge countermeasure rule of verbal and non-verbal communication) use of language in society capacity (words using knowledge of the rules) and countermeasures capability. Communicative try to make the test content and methods tested in line with the actual situation of communication in a foreign language, designed to test the project is more lively. With the deepening of the communicative approach test, people on the nature of communicative testing, content, method and evaluation approach will have a clearer understanding. ② gradually institutionalized, specialization, standardization, and use the computer. Since the 1960s, it has been found in a number of large-scale standardized language proficiency test, test the proposition by specialized agencies, organizations exams and marking. Core standardized tests is to establish a stable standard, relying on the experts, and the use of modern management tools and techniques to ensure the reliability, validity and ability to distinguish between exams. With computer marking, analysis questions, even proposition. Quantitative computer application and analysis of the language exam test is becoming a precision science. The main

electronic teaching

is the use of means of radio, records, films, sound recordings, films and other auxiliary Foreign Language Teaching. According to the principles of audiovisual teaching method for students to do a lot of four-step exercise (stimulus / response / correct answer / repeat the correct answer) it was once a very popular electronic teaching activities in the language lab. However, such activities can not replace the role of the teacher. Since the 1970s, due to the gradual popularization of micro-computer, the possibility of its application in foreign language teaching is also increasing. Computer training for more than reading, writing, or tape recorder and connections to train hearing. Computer intelligent analog functionality can be used to prepare new exercises, and to analyze and judge student responses; if not further and speech recognition, a speech synthesizer connected, range of applications in foreign language teaching will be more extensive.

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