Home Technique Francisk Pizeo

Francisk Pizeo

Have an early age

Pielo is born in Trujillo in Esteremadu, Spain. It is the illegibility of Fonzalo Pizarro. His father is an infantry school, served in Gonsalvo de Cordova, Navarre, and other regions in Italy. There are not many childhood information leaving Pi Zero. I only know that his childhood is quite poor, and there is no education. In the early 1900s, Pi Zelo was originally in Seville, and later joined the Ship of Spain Navigation Adventures. The team was sent several adventure missions, and Zeng Zizihai, the West Island in the West Indies, is said to have arrived from Heoszo de Ojeda from Heis Drion.

Francisk Pizeo

Pi Zelo follows Vasco Núñez de Balboa to explore the islands around the Pacific, and settled in Panama, becoming a farmer. In 1522, he and the church's monk Hernando de Luque and soldiers Diego de Almagro partnership, find more colonial land from Panama, and three of them reached a flat land, after the peace occupation agreement, start planning from the sea road to enter the time Inca Empire range. On the way, they collected thirteen followers, spent a few months, bought some horses, food and weapons, gathered on the island of South America West Coast, no store, no boat; Pi Zero believes He sailed along the coastline and passed through the territory of the Empire.

then when he returned to Panama, Panama Governor encouraged him to continue to advent, and allocated him more soldiers and horses to explore the road. In the spring of 1528, Pi Zelo returned to Seville. In the summer, the Emperor Charles of the Holy Roman Empire was defended, and on July 26, 1529 surrendered, Pizeo took a meeting with the 200 alliances in New Castile, Spain, and the governor, the army captain. They also agree on the colonial plan and distribution of South America, and raise more military and cost allowances. Finally, Spain is willing to provide soldiers and boats, and ask him to find one hundred in South America in six months. Soldiers, starting from the desired food and horses, January 1530, Pi Zero and brothers Hernando boarded the boat left under the Spanish expedition Panama, led 120 soldiers 27 horses, and set off in South America.

Occupy Peru

November 16, 1532, the small army of Pizeo and less than two hundred people came to Perukhamar, and he invited the Inca King Ada China. Going to the army to dinner, to show the respect of the empire, but the King of Indota was captured, and 12 people were also killed. In 1534, Pislo invaded Cusco, and began to slave the local people as a military, expanded Spanish colonial territory, gradually destroying the Empire. In 1535, Pi Zelo believes that it is too far from the sea, and Cusco in the deep mountain is not suitable as the capital of the new colony. On January 15, he chose Lima, which was the sea, as a new capital.

1538, the army led by Pizello, the original and his partnership soldier Diego de Almagro started with him, at the UTE city, he defeated Almagro, but June 1541 26 On the day, he assassinated the followers of Almagro in Lima City.

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