Home Technique Galvin


Basic introduction

Calvinism appeared in the 16th century religious reform period. Rei Zhengzong and Xinyi Zongpeng acknowledge that the people in Mon-winning due to Christ, the main feature of Zhengzong is the main feature of "long and old" supervisory education, by the pastor and the sect of the long-elder collective management church, think that anyone must not enjoy unlimited power And think that church people can participate in political activities, making secular closer to God's will.


So the national or region, economy, democratic system, and public education of the theology of the agency. Rei Zhengzong pays attention to the propagandalism, the ceremony uses local language, and more emphasizes to sing the praise poems. The main dispatch has the elderly (popular in Scotland), a system (popular in Britain and America). The main source of origin of Zhengzong is Switzerland, Netherlands, Scotland, France, South Africa, Southwest Germany, Belgium, Australia, and a number of countries in the United States and Canada.


Calvinist five-way point

Completely corrupted ( t Otal Depravity) or completely unable to (total inability), human beings cannot be any spirituality due to Adam's degeneration Good deeds. unconditionally selected ( u nconditional electric) God's sorting is unconditional, his pick is not because of the advantages of people in ethical morality, and he is not he foreseen. Affinding happens.

limited resolution ( l iMited atonement) Christ nail cross is just a person who pre-monitors, not everyone in the world. irresistible grace ( i rresistible grace) Human could not reject the salvation of God, God saved the grace of the people could not be obstructed because of the reasons of people. Refuse. Saint Henglun Conservative ( P ERSeverence of the Saints) The salvation will not lose again, God will have to make it pick. The first word letter of these five-point teachings is Tulip , the meaning of "tulip".

Other Calvinist content

is directly elected by the elderly and old governance church, and the pastor is appointed by the elderly. The church established in Calvin is therefore called "Elder", "Elder and Elder" or "Elder Church." Against the Holy Communion "Quality", also opposes Luther's "homogenous say", and believes that believers can receive spiritual but invisible entities that are unable to accept. The country is from the church and sent it to the church.

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