Home Technique George Herbert

George Herbert

Life Introduction

George Herbert's performance during the study period of Sanqiao University in the study period in language and music, 1620 is elected as a public preliminary member of Cambridge University (a poem need to have poems Talents, eloquence and enjoy the lofty honor) have been served as 1628.

The intention of entering the college I want to be a priest, but the King James I noticed his talent, and Herbert worked for two years for the parliament. After the death of James, Herbert Under his friend's persuasion, he re-picked up interest in religious things. In 1630, he gave up the secular pursuit and served in the England church, and he had always been in San Andrew Bermadon near Salzbury. The small parish is responsible. He didn't get rid of the widow of the panel, and brought the holy communion for the sick.

He created a large number of religious poetry, and it was characterized by rigorous words, and the words and fantasy of the metaphysical poems were wonderful. He is known for its poetry, such as, "Call of Duty" ( the Call ) "Come, my road, my truth, my life", his more than 160 poems are included in the poem "Church" ( the Temple) .

Representative Works

The following is the original text and translation of George Herbert's "Call":

The Call

COME, My WAY, My Truth, My Life:

Such A Way As Gives US Breath;

Such a Truth As Ends All Strife,

Such a Life AS Killeth Death.

Come, My Light, My Feast, My Stregth:

Such a Light As Shows A Feast,

Such A Feast As Mends in Length

Such A Strength As Makes His Guest.

come, my joy, my love, my heart:

Such a Joy As None Can Move, < / p>

Such a love as none can part,

Such a heart as joys in love.


Come, my road , My truth, my life:

This road can give us a living, this truth ends all differences, this life is not dead.

come, my light, my feast, my strength:

This light can be shine, this feast is a new year, this power makes me be his guest .

Come, my joy, my love, my heart:

This joy can be transferred, this love is not peeled off, this heart is happy in love .

1 road, truth, life is Jesus claiming, see "John" 14.

2 feast, guest, heavenly metaphor, see "Matthew" 22.

3 It is worth noting that this poem is an exclusive mono word except KilleTh.

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