Home Technique Harry Hudini

Harry Hudini

Character experience

in 1891, he officially became a professional magician and began to claim Harry Haridini . The Identifies of Hudini ( houdini ) is to express tribute to a French magician, Orean Robert- houdin ). It turned out until 1913 becomes his legal name. At first, his magician has not succeeded, but he met the Wilhelmina Beatrice (BESS) of the peers in 1893 and after three weeks of enthusiastic pursuit, the two stepped into the auditorium. Among the performances of the performance, BESS will serve as his performance assistant.

Hutini arrived in the beginning of the play and the playing cards, and even claimed to be a "Wang Poker King". He is the most famous, but not with the tricks of the escape: he once disappeared from the stage of an adult giant in the race of London disappeared from the stage above the swimming pool.

He started to try to escape the performance. In 1899, Harry Haridin met the circus boss Martin Baker, finally had a "significant breakthrough" in the career. Martin's handcuffs in Hudini is very appreciated, so he advised him to continue to focus on the performance of the escapement and arrange him in the Orpheum juggling theater tour. In a few months, he constantly appeared on the stage of many domestic top juggling theater. In 1900, Hudini tour more European performances. When I arrived in 1904, he has become a household name.

The entire 1900s and 1910s, Hunndin's performances were often very successful. He will free from handcuffs, iron chains, ropes, and binding clothes, and usually perform it in the rope or sleepy in the water, sometimes it will be directly performed under the public. In 1913, he launched his most famous drama "Chinese Water Torture Cell". He will be poured in a closed box made of glass and steel, and the water in the box is stocked until overflow.

In the book published in the 1920s, he explained some mystery of his drama. Most of the locks or handcuffs can be easily unspeakable, some need to utilize the auxiliary of the laces. In addition, it is some time, he will sneak with unlocked tools or keys, and cut the small keys to it is a little and easy to do. He can escape from a seemingly robust milk tank because it can easily leave the neck and can body easily from the jar. When tiered by a rope or binding clothes, in order to fight for twisting space, he first expands the shoulders and chest, and puts the arm outwards, then let his shoulder dislocated. It was originally hidden in the rear performance of the curtain, and then only when he was getting off, but Hunndin found that the audience would enjoy the entire breakthrough process of his performance when he was performing in front of the curtain. In many cases, he will even put himself down on the roof to perform a binding jacket to increase the suspense effect.

Hudini's entire trick, including off escape, although it is quite difficult, but has been arranged in different tour performances, by his brother, Shu Yands (Theo Weiss) ("Dash" of the Huzhada family uses "Hardeen". And the main differences between the two are binding clothes: Hunndini can dislocate two shoulders, but Hatton can only make a shoulder dislocation.


Hunndin died of peritoneal inflammation caused by cracked on October 31, 1926, and the year was 52 years old. Before two weeks ago, Hudin has accepted a boxing student J. Gordon Whitehead from Macquard University. Gordon Whitehead against the lower abdomen. One of Hudini's performance is to invite an audience to step on his lower abdomen, but in that time, he has been played several punches under the unprofitable preparation, and then he must lying on the sofa. Most people think that ptamitis has led to his death rather than the fight against the lower abdomen. However, because the pain brought about by the blow, it is impossible to obscure the pain of the nectitis, which in turn leads to a delay.

Hudin's funeral was held in New York on November 4th, on November 4, November 4, and participated in the mourner than two thousand. He was buried in the Machpelah cemetery in the New York Queens, the tombstone was carved on the "American Magic Association" honor badge. The association will also hold "Broken Wand" ceremony in his jealousy to his cemetery today.

After 81 years later (2007) Hunndini, Sunhant, I hope to dig out his body, and have a group of top criminal investigations to determine if he dismantled some so-called psychic People's lies are avoided and they are dying by people. At that time, I didn't have a corpse, and when I issued a death certificate on November 20, 1926, the body of Hudini has shipped from the train from Detroit to the central station of Manhattan in New York, and buried in Queens, this matter may involve any evidence of any conspiracy. Also buried in the soil. A few days later, a newspaper is reported to be the title "Huan Dien is under harming?" The newly published biography "Hunndini's secret life" once again proposed this issue, making HAIN and others believe that Hudini is probably poisoned. If Hunndin is indeed killing, the biggest suspect may be a group of so-called psychic people, because he has been working hard in the stage performance in the last few years before his death. The Sherlock Shurogue also advocates Tongling, and HU Di's biography mentioned that Copan Dolue wrote a letter in November 1924, claiming that Hudini "will have a sin, will be subject to retribution." Two years later, Hunndin died in the 53rd birthday. The biography pointed out that the technique of the spiritual community is usually poison, and it may be used.

Main achievements

Delighted the in-kind media

In the 1920s, after his loved mother passed away, he shifted his energy to the spiritual media who claimed to claim Body, later such a behavior even inspired and followed by a Magician, James Randi, and a PC Sorcar. Hunndin's professional training makes him disclose scientists and scholars can't see fraud. He is a member of the "Scientific American " Scientific American", which will provide a cash prize to a supernatural capabilities that can successfully show supernatural capabilities. Due to Hudini's contribution, the award has never been taken away. When his "devil gratitude" is still ridiculous, Hunndini will be accompanied by the reporter and the police, and Qiaoqi is mixed into the scene. The most famous in the superior media, as a Boston's psychic "Mina Crandon" also known as "Margery".

These moves make Hudin lost their friendship with the reasoning novelist Conan Dao. Dora is a person who is deeply confident in spiritualism, he refuses to believe in any incident exposed by Hidden. He even believed that Hudini itself is a powerful pioneering medium, so many stunts are therefore achieved, and "reveal" is just that he uses such a capability to block the intra medium. (Refer to Dal in 1931, it is the the Edge of the Unknown ) published after Hun Dien. Such an argument makes two people become a disclosed opponent.

After the relics of "

Hudini left the last hit of his hateful gland. Before you dying, he and his wife Beth Hutnini will be demonstrated, if possible, will contact her and convey a context through the previous ditch, to show. In the next ten years, on the eve of the Halloween, Bethe will test this agreement. After the last unsuccessful Cullet Festival in 1936, she extinguished a candle that kept the burning from the Hutini photo. After that, she said: "Ten years of waiting for anyone for a long time."

The Federal Post Office issued a set of stamps on July 3, 2002, which replicates the favorite propaganda poster of Hudini.

Harry Harry Harry Hollywood has a star stone monument on the most famous star lane in Hollywood. He played five silent pieces and held several screenwriters.

1953 a film starring Tony Curtis will completely thoroughly. Many of the misunderstandings about Hudin are from this movie. For example, Movie describes Hudini died in the performance of "China's water", rather than peritonitis.

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