Home Technique Hypertext link

Hypertext link

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points from a text file to another text document or from a text anchor point to a link (LINK).

Hypertext link

Super text

1965 TEDnelson Trims the text of the text to organize the text in the text, so that the computer can respond Thinking and convenient access to the information you need. He donated a word for this method called hypertext. In fact, the true meaning of this word is the meaning of "link", used to describe the organization method of the file in the computer, and later people organize the text organization "Super Text".

Hypertext is a text, which is the same as the text on the book. However, compared to traditional text files, the main difference between them is that traditional text is organized in linearly, and hypercraft is organized in nonlinear. The "nonlinear" here refers to some of the relevant content encountered in the text together by linking, and users can easily browse these related content. The organization of this text is relatively close to people's way of thinking and working.

Hypertext link

Hyper text link (HyperLink) refers to the link between the words, phrases, symbols, images, sound clips, or film clips, or other The link between the file, the hypertext file is also called "HotLink". Words, phrases, symbols, images, sound clips, film clips, and other files are often referred to as objects or called document elements (Element), so hyperlinks are links between objects or between the document elements. These objects that establish interoperability are not limited by the spatial location, which can also establish link relationships between different files in different files in the same file.

Each hypertext link has two endpoints (technically, each of them is called anchor - anchor point), one of which is commonly referred to as a link, which can be hypertext or graphic buttons; One end is the target of the link. The latter can be an object on the same server (or the same computer) (when the chart is included), or otherwhere located in the Internet, as long as it is a resource that can be shared through the World Wide Web.

Popularly, in the browser, when you click the high brightness text (or underline), the blink is taken to another document (or other parts of the same document, Or an object that is completely different types). In fact, you have not really taken to a place, just a browser looking for and captures what you need on the web.


Hypertext links have a role in the rankings of website rankings, we are generally adopting hypertexts The link is in the form of a URL link (such as: www. *****. Com) is not large for ranking, but there is a role in the inclusion!

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