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Industrial technology

Basic Features

"Professor Yuandu believes that industrial technology is the systemization of production technology, and is a system of production technology. The basic characteristics of industrial technology are mainly based on the following points:

1 industrial technology is a systematic technology;

2 industrial technology is a socialized technology;

3 Industrial Technology has direct productivity function;

4 compared to production technology, industry technology is a unique technology.


One, adhering to the "process theory" thinking and "engineeringism" in technical philosophy, the reconstruction itself requires opening "technology black box", in line with engineeringism Research requirements, while reconstruction also reflects the process of technology evolution;

Industrial technology

2, the industrial technology is given by STS connotation, industry technology as a native, technology and social associated link, its social practice reflects Technology - The relationship and results of social interaction;

The three, the existence of industrial technology is specified from the perspective of terminology, the industry context, the knowledge is to generate and defense in a certain context, the industry The proposal of context provides the necessary logic premise for further exploration of industry technology.


Classifying the knowledge in the industry technology has two kinds of entries, one kind of enterprise is classified according to the knowledge of industry technology, that is, open industrial technology knowledge "Black Box"; another way is classified according to the technical composition in the industry technology, that is, open the technology "black box".

There are many scholars to divide knowledge transfer from the knowledge of dominant knowledge and hidden knowledge. However, such classification is too simple but it is difficult to define, and it is impossible to explain the implicit implicit knowledge, and the actual operability is subject to the discussion. Dr. Zhang Bin's classification method of technical knowledge is worth learning, but industrial technology knowledge is divided into "industrial technology itself" and "industry technology peripheral knowledge" and used knowledge networks in the process of industrial technology. In addition, the "industry technology peripheral knowledge" is adjusted to industry context knowledge is more appropriate, and will be further discussed further below. In analyzing the knowledge system of industrial technology, it should adhere to industry technology as a technology - the unity of social collaborators, but also to complete the task of opening the industrial technology "black box". Therefore, in order to study the characteristics of its reconstruction in industrial technology proliferation, first need to start, explore the reconstructed objects and results, to adhere to the idea of ​​technical processes, open industrial technology "black box", and industrial technology A complex technical system is deconstructed, which techniques are included in this system, which is undoubtedly important for how to resequent integration in proliferation.

Professor Chen Chang 曙 pointed out in the article "Industrial Research", "industrial technology is composite consisting of a variety of technologies, is a systematic technology, and it is believed that industrial technology can be divided into two categories: The first is the technology of all kinds of industries or proprietary as a logo; the other is "common, supported technology".

The first class can be known as a specific industrial marker can be called industrial leading technology. For example, steel smelting technology in the steel industry is the leading technology of its industrial leading technology, and the industrial technology revolution is the industry leading technology. Change; second types of general support technologies can be referred to as industrial common technologies, such as blast furnace construction and masonry technology in the steel industry, air blowing technology, etc., industrial common technologies, industrial common technology does not independently determine the technical level of an industry, However, the improvement of industrial common technologies can also promote the technical level of the entire industry. Industrial leading technology is complemented by industrial commonality technology, synergistic, and the distinction between the two is relatively, in different industrial technical systems, both can transform each other. For example, masonry techniques are industrial commonality in the steel industry, but in the construction industry, it has become the industry leading technology. Therefore, the knowledge composition of industrial technology can be divided into industrial technology knowledge and industry leading technology knowledge. At the same time, industrial technology generation and defense industrial context is also a knowledge domain, in the process of its reconstruction Industrial contextual knowledge has also been internalized in industrial technology, and these three knowledge constitute an industrial technology knowledge system as elements of industrial technology knowledge.


and open technology in the industrial context through knowledge reconstruction generation industrial technology, industrial context is the starting point of understanding industrial technology connotation, industrial context It determines that industrial technology knowledge is local characteristics. The local meaning of knowledge is not to refer to any particular or specific geographic area, but emphasizes the specific context of knowledge and defense. The locality of knowledge does not give the knowledge and defense frame boundary, which is the transfer of knowledge. And Refactoring Opening a vast space, the locality of knowledge means openness. From the perspective of knowledge, it is generated and defended in the industrial context of knowledge, and it must be grasped by two dimensions from time and space.

From time to the dimension, the locality of knowledge is expressed as time life, as in the process of our higher education, students often complain that the school's knowledge is over time, in fact, they are grasped Scientific knowledge generation and the context of defense have changed, and it is necessary to be reconstructed in new contexts. The industry technology knowledge is also the same. In the face of fierce market competition, there are always some old industrial technology to be eliminated or out of time. We have to admit that the industrial context will pass on the flash, or have been in change, industrial technology is over time. Because it is not adapted to the new industrial context, or replaced by new industrial technologies. Therefore, for a country, the purpose of establishing a national innovation system is to maintain the advancement of science and technology, constantly adapted to new industrial contexts, through technological innovation, extraordinary innovation to generate new industrial technology; Words, sustained innovation capabilities are the key to ensuring enterprise development, and must use new industrial technology to adapt to industrial context to complete industrial technology upgrades. Therefore, the connotation of industrial technology must fully understand the local characteristics of knowledge from time to dimension.

From space dimensions, the local performance of knowledge is geographically, such as in the process of interaction between different nations, due to the differences in its cultural tradition, many knowledge cannot be universal. Industrial technology knowledge has also existed the same problem. For example, Iran in the last century Iran has triggered the collective riots of Islam. As the industry technology, it is not possible to be transferred, but in the process of transfer, it is necessary to complete knowledge in the target industry context, and our country has passed a large number of industrial technology in Western developed countries in the last century. Lessons, increasing industrial technology, even the introduction of the entire production line, is because they cannot be adapted to the relevant contexts of the domestic industry, have not completed the knowledge reconstruction in the target context, so that a large number of introduced technical parts or Can't exert production utility at all. A regional industrial cluster can always achieve scale according to the designer's ideal, and its important reason is that knowledge reconstruction cannot be completed between the industrial technology and its transfer target context. Even we can also think that those patents that are largely idle in the laboratory and laboratory are also due to the results of the local characteristics of knowledge in design and transfer. It is truly grasping the connotation of industry technology. When conducting technical design, we must fully consider whether to complete the target context of the transfer, will be an important entry point to solve such problems.

The locality and openness of knowledge is a unified, sustained technological innovation and successful technology transfer, which is the most powerful defense of industrial technology knowledge. Therefore, the connotation of industrial technology should be understood from time and space to understand the local and open-minded opposition unity.

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