Home Technique Information retrieval system

Information retrieval system



information retrieval tools from scratch, through the manual, automated, computer retrieval, computer network to retrieve the four main stages.

1. Manual stage

a so-called manual search tool, the information carrier is substantially paper based, the tool itself is a certain form of printed publications, in order to manually Now, to obtain the desired literature. In this way it experienced a fairly long historical period, about 2,000 years time, although the late microfilm retrieval tool (film) type, but basically to complete the task manually retrieve a wide variety of search tools by hand, and feature comparison complete a variety of abstracts, titles, bibliography, index and so on are hand-search tools. To date, manual retrieval tool also plays an important role.

2. Automation stage

With the development of science and technology, literature along with the amount of growth, in particular to the 1930's - 1940's, the development of natural science has entered an unprecedented period of history, old discipline has been developing rapidly, and the emergence of many new disciplines, publications will be a substantial increase, the rapid growth of the volume of documentation, rely on the original manual retrieval methods often spend a lot of time to go, not necessarily satisfactory retrieval effectiveness. In order to improve search efficiency, people began to use optical technology, mechanical technology, design and manufacture of the search tools. However, this search tool has not been widely open, the computer was replaced by the retrieval system. In our country we do not go through this process, directly into the computer retrieval stage, more precisely into the computer network retrieval stage.

3. We searched stage

the development of computer-based technology is the foundation of modern information technology, computer information retrieval progress. After 1946, the first computer was born soon, it will be used for information retrieval, creating a precedent for modern information retrieval. Since then, a series of new theories and new methods of information storage and retrieval appeared, has gradually become an independent branch of science. From single batch period (mid-1960s to early 1950s), the online retrieval trial period (mid-1960s to mid-1970s), until the online service system (mid-1970s to mid-1980s). Information storage media also from tape, disk to CD, fundamental change, its storage mode from the development of database-file to form the core. From system architecture point of view, development retrieved from offline to online retrieval, and is substantially parallel with the development of computer technology.

In the early 1950s, MIT P. R. Bagley started to use computer code to retrieve abstracts of the feasibility study experiments. In 1954, the US Naval Ordnance Laboratory in Silver Spring, Maryland IBM701 type using the computer, the document number and a small amount of indexing terms stored in the computer, compare the correlation output search results - document number, thus the birth of the world a document retrieval system for automated information. At that time, the computer is still in the tube period for information processing has significant limitations, so no practical system, and offline retrieval.

late 1950s to the early 1960s, with the development of hardware and software sub 20 century by the second generation computer (semiconductors), the document processing performance enhanced information retrieval, information retrieval into practical use offline batch stage. In 1959, the United States Lawn use IBM650 computer retrieval SDI SDI established the world's first system based on a KWIC keyword index. In 1961, the United States, "Chemical Abstracts" community computer preparation "Chemical titles" (ChemicalTitle), and the issue of "Chemical titles" machine-readable version of the tape. Since then, computer information access in the world officially entered into the practical application of the new era of development and production. After 1967, the United States, "Chemical Abstracts" social whole series of new publications will be produced by a machine-readable database. In 1963, the US Department of Defense commissioned by the System Development Corporation began developing ORBIT computer system access and success. In 1964, the US National Library of Medicine have begun to use the computer to retrieve the preparation of publications in the world medical literature of "Index Medicus" (IndexMedics) and put into use.

in the late 1960s, since the advent of the third generation of integrated circuits in computers birth and high density mass storage hard disk and disk drive, and a digital communication technology and packet-switched universal public data communication network, so that access information from the computer into the off-line retrieval to the batch phase. The first online information access system is Lockheed (Lockheed) Research Laboratory developed CONVERS system through continuous testing and improvement in the future, DIALOG renamed in 1966, 1967, NASA began to provide regular search service.


in a narrow sense, the target information retrieval system is a specific information user can obtain specific information in a particular manner and a method at a specific time and place, so that to meet their information needs. In other words, the user is given query, the primary goal is information retrieval system to retrieve information may be useful or relevant to users. Broadly speaking, the target information retrieval system is the expression of ideas and the user needs to match the ideas that build bridges between the creator or creators of information and the user information.


(1) storage function. The subject content and features information about the external features of the recorded, arranged in a certain order to organize themselves in order to find all kinds of information resources.

(2) retrieval functions. Provide a means of retrieval, the retrieval method in accordance with certain people, timely, accurate and comprehensive information to find the required resources.

(3) reporting functions. It reveals a certain period, the development of a range of information resources. By reporting the information retrieval system resources, learn about the history, current level and future development trends of the discipline.


1, according to the functional division retrieval .

can be divided into Bibliographic Retrieval System and factual data retrieval system , bibliographic retrieval system is mainly related to a research topic of justice offered to retrieve, the result is a group of related literature clues, it retrieves the object of the job search tool. Case data retrieval system for retrieving a variety of facts or data. As for an explanation of a word, a person, a time, a place name, a company and its products and so on. The result is a straightforward, for reference answers. When the fact that data retrieval. Use a variety of reference tools. Such as dictionaries, encyclopedias, yearbooks, manuals, directories or the appropriate database.

2, in accordance with the designated search means minutes

can be divided into manual retrieval systems and computer retrieval systems . Manual retrieval system is based on manually storing and retrieving information. Using a variety of tools to retrieve paper. Search Portal small, slow, inefficient. The computer retrieval system is computer information storage and retrieval systems, various database retrieval, flexible retrieval, retrieval inlet, fast speed and high efficiency. Because computer searches have high speed, high efficiency, the new data content, a wide range of large quantities, easy to operate, unlimited national and geographical location when retrieval features, has become one of the primary means of access to information.


1. Physical structure

physical structure

information retrieval system is a hardware resource used in information retrieval (such as a computer, network), the sum of the system software (such as Windows family of software) and the information collection (database).

2. Logical structure

logical structure refers to the information retrieval system included function modules or sub-systems and their interrelationships. Including information resource selection and acquisition subsystem, information standard primer system, thesaurus management subsystem, database creation and maintenance subsystem, processing subsystem ask questions and retrieve user interface subsystem.

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