Home Technique International credit card organization

International credit card organization


1952, Franklin National Bank, California's first bank issued credit card. Emergence of bank cards, credit cards from the original development limited to buyers and sellers of commercial bank credit instruments as a credit instrument. In 1966, the bankers gathered American Buffalo, held a historic event.

1958, Bank of America launched an innovative card BankAmericard "revolving credit" function in Fresno, California. In the same year, American Express launched the first debit cards. With a century-old reputation and world-renowned brand, was a smash hit Elvis became one of the first cardholder, a lot of businessmen who travel frequently become active applicants American Express card this new product. When American Express opened contract will be more than a network of more than 17,000 businesses, especially the United States hotel alliance 150,000 card users and 4500 members join the hotel, marking the bank card has finally been accepted by the mainstream of American business.

1966 Good Year pass released his first Gold in order to meet the higher demand for increasingly sophisticated consumers.

1975 Nian first debit card issuers.

1979 Nian first Visa traveler's checks issued in the form of four currencies.

1984 years, the American Express issued the first in the world's first platinum card, the card only for invited specially selected members and shall not accept an external application. In addition to the integration plan and worry-free consumerism, cardholders can enjoy a comprehensive travel service offers and leisure offers, call 24-hour service for Platinum Card members properly arrange the life size matters.

1986 Nian Visa became the first to offer multi-currency clearing and settlement of payment card system, which accelerates the speed of settlement between financial institutions, greatly improving the efficiency of the transaction.

In 1995 industry-wide chip card uniform technical standards --EMV (abbreviation Europay, MasterCard and Visa's) standard introduced in order to achieve common in the chip card compatible worldwide.

In 1999, the American Express Platinum card holders selection of top clients, as they released Centurion Card (CenturionCard). This holds the most advanced American Express card products, free access to the world's top clubs in major cities, can enjoy unique in the world's top personal service and superior taste of exclusive benefits, including all-around personal assistant, extraordinary exclusive travel deals, recreation life benefits, banking services Commissioner to provide banking and investment services and 24-hour comprehensive support. Platinum Card and Centurion Card makes Express become the spokesman for distinguished card.

American Express Company by virtue of the quality of a hundred years of service and innovative business ideas, to maintain their image of "the rich card". Over the past Express has been taking independent issuing of, he began to other financial and card issuers an open network, established in 1997, Global Network Services (GNS) from 1996, allows partners to issue American Express cards, using the American Express network drive partner business growth, strengthening competitive advantages and increase profit margins, improve business integration management capabilities. GNS has established a strategic partnership with 80 partners in more than 90 countries around the world. It has 28 partners in 17 countries in Asia Pacific, including Commercial Bank of China, Bank of China Taiwan Taiwan's new, Dah Sing Bank of China Hong Kong, DBS Bank, Bank of New Zealand, National Australia Bank.

In 2000, the amount of the payment card issuer Visa brand to reach 1 billion.

In 2008, Visa listed as the largest in US history IPO, its shares began trading publicly on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol "V".

2009 Nian, Visa's VisaNet authentication system upgrade, significantly enhance the substantial increase in the transaction storage capacity to enhance the speed and responsiveness of transaction processing engine.

2011 Nian, Visa announced the development of a cross-channel virtual wallet and paid in accordance with a series of customized mobile services without market demand.

International credit card organization

main organization


Visa is a global payments technology company that actively promote research and development of digital currency products, such as credit cards, debit cards, prepaid cards etc., connected to individuals, businesses, financial institutions and governments around the world in more than 200 countries and territories through a fast, secure and reliable digital currency.

Underpinning digital currency is evolving forward VisaNet, it is a per second can handle 20,000 transactions processing network data information of one of the world's most advanced; the same time, Visa network but also to protect consumers from fraud and ensure payment for merchants. Visa is not a bank, does not issue cards to consumers, extend credit or set rates and fees. However, Visa's innovations, however, enable its financial institution to provide consumers with a variety of payment options, including pay now with debit, prepaid card advance payment or credit card payment products afterwards.

visa identification (2)

Visa is a global payments technology company that operates the world's largest retail electronic payments network connects more than 200 countries and territories around the world consumers, businesses, financial institutions and governments to promote it more convenient to use digital currency instead of cash or checks. Visa's predecessor was founded in 1900 Bank of America credit card companies. In 1974, Bank of America credit card companies and some commercial banks in Western countries, the establishment of an international credit card services company, and in 1977 officially changed to Visa (VISA) international organizations, become a global credit card syndicate. Visa International has VISA, ELECTRON, INTERLINK, PLUS and VISA CASH and other brand names. Visa card issuers to consumers does not, nor does it provide credit card fees and interest rates and set cardholders to consumers. Customer Relationship belong to its network of financial institutions directly responsible for the management of financial institutions. In 2012 the number of customers of financial institutions amounted to 15,500 million units issuing more than 1.9 billion, several thousand million merchants, networked ATM machines about 180 million units.

Master Card

MasterCard logo (2)

MasterCard International (MasterCard INTERNATIONAL) is the world's second-largest credit card international organizations. In 1966, some banks in California established the Bank Card Association (Interbank Card Association), and enable the Master Charge name and logo in 1970, the unification of the credit card name and the design of each member bank in 1978 again changed its name to MasterCard. MasterCard International has a MasterCard, Maestro, Mondex, Cirrus and other brand names. MasterCard International itself does not directly issuers, MasterCard brand credit card by MasterCard member financial institutions and international organizations to participate in the offering. In 2012 its membership of about 20,000, with more than more than 21 million merchants and ATM machines.

Diners Club

Diners (DinersClub) Diners Club was founded in 1950 by the entrepreneur FrankMCMamaca, it is the first plastic payment cards, eventually developed into an internationally accepted credit cards. In 1981, the largest US retail bank holding company ---- ---- Citibank's Citi cards accepted DinersClubIntenational. Diners company's main advantage is that it increased its sales in the region have not yet been developed, and the consolidation of the company's strong position in the credit card market maintained. The company by mutual agreement to form a large cash exchange between the network and the ATM network, which focused on strengthening its position in the international market.


JCB logo (2)

JCB (JapanCreditBureau) 1961 Nian, JCB as Japan's first specialized credit card company declared established. After that, it is truly representative of Japan's credit card company. In Asia, its trademark is unique. Its business in more than 100 countries and regions around the world. Kind JCB credit cards most of the world's more than 5,000. JCB's international strategy is mainly aimed at the working and living abroad Japanese industrialist and women. To establish an international status, JCB also plans to implement priority service to Japan, the United States and Europe and other businesses, to include a special tour guide in JCB cardholders. The service is unprecedented mystery JCB successful. Since

American Express

American Express logo (2)

American Express (Amex) in 1958 issued the first American Express card, so far American Express has been in 68 countries and regions in 49 currencies issued American Express card, to build the world's largest self-contained network of merchants, and has more than 60 million high-quality cardholder groups. Founded in 1850, American Express Company, the first business is to provide courier services. With the continuous development of business, American Express traveler's checks in 1891 launched the first high-end customers mainly for frequent travelers. We can say that American Express service to high-end customers of a century-long history, has accumulated a wealth of experience and a huge high-quality customer base.


China UnionPay logo (a)

UnionPay (CUP) is approved by the People's Bank of China jointly launched by more than 80 domestic financial institutions shareholding financial service institution established with registered capital of 1.65 billion yuan. In 2002 the company set up March 26, headquartered in Shanghai.

affiliated legal characteristics

(a) the subsidiary legislation to legislate for autonomous international organization of credit card legislation

The so-called autonomous legislation but individuals or organizations (not government) or the use of and the legal nature of a substantially similar rule. Credit card operating rules of international organizations, is the basis of summing up many years on the business practices of credit card, changing according to the situation of the credit card market, supplemented, amended by the international credit card organizations, made perfect, credit card payment settlement authority stereoregular main areas of customization credit card in the hands of international organizations. Of course, some of the strength, the relatively large size of the member banks such as Citigroup, but also to initiate a credit card once the International Organization challenge, but overall, the legislative power of the credit card or international organizations more independent, autonomous.

(b) the subsidiary legislation to Modern Lex

Modern Lex also known transnational law, international contract law, international trade law, generally refers to countries engaged in international trade activities businessman mutual recognition in practice and comply with norms, rules and practices of international trade activities. Modern concepts of international treaty law merchant, there is the origin, content, nature and status in the International Commercial Arbitration larger ambiguity of some scholars to be defined as "international commercial law recognized worldwide and has developed into a specific and clear rules," the , international trade practices as well as three types of standard form contracts Clearly, the operating rules of international credit card organizations are "standard form contract" category, when the card-issuing banks, acquiring banks and other third parties who want to add a credit card and become a member of international organizations when It must be recognized by Beijing credit card cash effect of the format of the contract and sign it.

(c) of the subsidiary law is jus cogens field of international credit cards, have the effect of widespread use

operating rules credit card international organization of member banks generally applicable for non-member units have certain indirect binding. The latter mainly between non-member banks and member banks if the credit card business relations aspects of the occurrence, member banks are generally invoke the rules of the credit card operations of international organizations, non-member of the general considerations of cost savings and improve efficiency, but also willing to operators to comply with the rules of international credit card organizations. From a broader perspective, credit card cross-border use of payment and settlement area of ​​2012 lack is no need to enact a special law to adjust the specification alone, according to the service handling practices credit card international organizations to operate, not only very safe, convenient, and efficiency is relatively high. Borrow Hegel's famous saying that "is a reasonable presence", simple and practical rule of law is the best law rules.

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