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International staff

Synonym International Civil Servants Generally refer to International Staff


Chinese International Staff Reserve Examination. The International Exchange and Cooperation Division of the Personnel Department shall organize public recruitment of international employee reserve in accordance with the principle of "open, equal, competition, and excellent". Public recruitment is based on the requirements of the United Nations national competition examinations and the conditions for the international organization, facing the society, strict examinations, equal competition, and selection. The examination and assessment of the examination will enter China's international staff reserve library and can participate in the United Nations National Competitive Examination.

International staff

Exquisite Process

International staff exam specialty has administrative management, economy, electronic information processing, finance, library, legal affairs, statistics, language services (translation, interpretation) In both written tests and interviews, candidates' registration and exams are carried out in Beijing and Shanghai. During the organization of the examination, the task of the personnel test center in the Personnel Test Center is mainly to assist the International Exchange and Cooperation Division of Personnel Department to do a good job in examination, including registration, proposition, examination room setting, examination implementation, reading, performance analysis and other work.

United Nations National Competitive Examination. The National Competitive Examination is one of the main ways of the United Nations recruiting staff. The position of the recruitment is P1 / P2 primary business officials, and the United Nations Secretariat is held after consultation with Member States in accordance with the number of members of Member States in accordance with Member States. The person selected through the exam will enter the list of the United Nations International staff reserve. When the position is vacant, the United Nations is selected from the list of backup staff.

United Nations National Competitive Examination, by the United Nations Propositions and Volume, Personnel Testing Center by the Personnel Testing Center to assist with the International Exchange and Cooperation Division of Personnel Department to assist with the examination room and organizational exam.

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