Home Technique Internet new words

Internet new words


Usually it comes from popular expressions in film and television networks, and more often because of a certain social phenomenon, which has produced some opinions that are accepted by everyone. Due to the selection of new online words at the end of each year, coupled with the focus of the media, the recognition of new online words continues to increase and they are increasingly integrated into people's lives. This kind of network terminology is usually divided into several categories: homophonic type, pinyin abbreviation type, pictographic action type, English abbreviation type, digital type, and industry-specific type.


I don’t call me, I am called ----even

The age is not called the age is called the annual ring

< p>It’s not a cockroach, it’s a cockroach, it’s ----Xiaoqiang

What’s not a cockroach, it’s ----Xia Mi , Shenma

Don’t call it ----Biao (嫑)

If you like it or not, call it ----porridge

It’s not called like this, it’s called ----Jianzi

It’s not called that way, it’s called ----Yangzi

Isn’t strong, it’s called---- Gongshen

Elder brother is not called eldest brother, but is called-----------Xiongtai

Comments are not called suggestions, but they are called---Paizhuan

Support is not called support, called ------------top

Strong support is not called strong support, called --------- ---Crazy top

Card games are not called card games, they are called ----killing

Chasing girls is not called chasing girls, but called MM

Looking at MM is not called looking at MM, it is called ----Appraisal

Is it good to look good? It is called ——Seductive

It’s not amazing, but it’s called——cow x!

Awkwardness is not called embarrassment, it is called-sweat or embarrassment

Sneer is not called sarcasm, it is called-huh

You come in and don’t call you in, call- - Random entry

Excitement is not called excitement, it is called ----high

Eating and drinking is not called eating and drinking, it is called ----corruption

Called a treat, called ----anti-corruption

Text rubbing game, called rpwt test

Does the post always call old, it’s called Mars

Return to the old post Or the old Weibo, called-dig graves

Qiaobian is not called Xiaobian-----Chen Shuibian-

I don’t know if I don’t know, I don’t know, it’s called Phuket Island


There are also some more commonly used Internet terms, such as: GG (brother) JJ (sister) DD (brother) MM (meimei) prawn rookie frog dinosaur net worm hacker flash guest zebra pig etc.

PK is one-on-one.

Fans are fans and star chasers.

Chasing girls is not called chasing girls, it’s called-picking up girls.

Things are not called things, they are called --Dongdong

Extreme excitement is not called special excitement, it is called--to high

If you have the ability, you don't have the ability, but you are called--have the material.

Unlucky It's bad luck, it's bad.

Single women are not called single women, they are called-petty bourgeoisie

Single men are not called single men, they are called-diamond king and old five

I’m bitten by countless mosquitoes. I’m bitten by countless mosquitoes. It’s called--New Mosquito Lianbo

I wish you happiness or not, I wish you happiness.........Call you a pig Happiness

Unification: synonymous with painting walls and sweeping buildings. That is to say, the entire page is your reply, a kind of condemned behavior

XXXX said: a kind of post-verb, such as eating dinner

XXXXing: XXXX is in progress, Is XXXX. For example, surfing the Internet

PP: photos, but if it means playing PP, it means kick your ass

kick your ass: hit your ass

GF: girl friend, girlfriend (of course, it can also be grandfather~~laugh)

BF: boy friend, boyfriend

SJB: Neuropathy (World Cup)

PMP: flattering (PMPMP: flattering desperately)

MPJ: flattering

kick: flat

slap: slapped

Jam: Awarded

BXCM: Ice and Snow Smart

LOL: 1. Laugh Out Loud, laugh; 2. Laugh Out Loud, League of Legends (game abbreviation)

KFC : Kxxx & Fxxx & Cxx, if you have a grudge against someone, just KFC him

PK: player kill, hacking, attacking, it can also be interpreted as first approval and then K

< p>btw: by the way, by the way

PS: two meanings, btw or photoshop (a computer retouching software)

CU: see you, goodbye


RMB: Renminbi

Zou Zhao Gong: Super strong

Owner, Banzhu: Moderator, manager of the forum section, compare the water version to a small The shop, they are the shop second.

Divers: Those guys who like to watch other people fill their water without filling themselves

Crazy: Can’t stand the stimulus and behave abnormally

THX, 3X: Thanks, thank you

sigh: sigh

cool: cool

pm: private message from the forum

zip it: shut up

DL: download, download

PUB: The ftp scanned on the network can be uploaded and downloaded temporarily. It also refers to the act of transferring files to pubftp for sharing.

BRB: Be right back, come back soon

TTYL: Talk to you later, goodbye, talk to you next time

BBL: be back later Come back

Bun: If someone looks ugly or stupid, just call him a bun

Fan: very, very

Protein: BD+BC+SJB

Love tiger oil: I love you, I love you

Watch: No, for example, if the watch is too good, it shouldn’t be too good.

Bangdang: the sound of fainting

Pig baby: the oral language passed by CCF, good boy

Headshot: the vocabulary introduced in the game, Someone hit his head

748: Go to hell

886, 88: Goodbye

847: Don’t get angry

987: Don’t go, don’t go

55555: Crying

XXX: Things unsuitable for children

blah-blah: Repeatedly repeat

Hohou, Houhou, Kaka, Kaka, Hehe, xixi: Modal auxiliary words

+U Come on.

BC idiot

BOT robot.

BTW Bye The Way, by the way.

BT is abnormal. Example: Internet surfing with your nose is also very BT. Or BitTorrent, a new P2P download tool.

CC ①xixi, hee hee, Xixi. Hey. ②Jealous, jealous.

CT police.

DBC idiot

Brother DD.

The auxiliary word "的" in the di structure is specially used at the end of a sentence to express emphasis. Example: Not so di!

e Disgusting.

eg for example.

FOAF Friend of a Friend, a friend of a friend.

GF Girl Friend, girlfriend.

Friend of a Friend Friend of a Friend.

GB Nintendo's famous handheld game console (GameBoy), and GBA (GameBoyAdvance).

Brother GG.

gx congratulations.

Haha Haha. Laughter

Boss monster, game monster

Hehe haha. Laughter

hiahia onomatopoeia, weird laughter.

HIGH is high, and it is often used in behaviors such as drinking.

hoho hearty laughter.

HP health.

me2 me too, me too.

mop, an acronym for idleness. From the Mop website, the member on Mop is called "Mopper". The original meaning in English is "mop".

N means thinking. Example: N...N...

NB ① Great. There are also: NBHH, Niubi, Niuren, Da Niu. ② Natural Beautiful.

nod nod (action).

O ①Answer others' silly words. Example: O...O...I want to vomit! ②Sometimes it is also used to mean: "I", "ou". ③Oh.

Abbreviation for PC Personal Computer.

PF admires.

PK Person-killing, one-on-one, an online duel of virtual human lives.

PM ①Private Message, private message, is the private message on the forum. ②Pardon Me, please forgive me. ③Pokemon/Pokemon English abbreviation (pocket monster)

Puke vomits.

PvP was renamed from PK, because the South Korean government has ordered game developers to change "PK" to "PvP" (Player Versus Player).

pw password, password.

Q ① Please. Example: I QQ you, give me your phone number.

② Cute. It is the transliteration of English "CUTE";

③ Use the icq chat tool to call. Example: The day before yesterday, I Q Q you.

R tone particle, surprise. Example: R? You are a primary school student.

rt as the title. When it is used to post a new post, when the content has been typed on the title, only rt is indicated in the content column.

U You, you. For example: Thank U! "Thank you!". There is also Ur, which means: your, yours. I served U, which means: I served you.

vs duel. Unlike pk, vs does not necessarily represent a separate challenge.

W King or Wan. Example: Newcomer W. Broken W.

Y WHY, why?

YK young teeth, young, juvenile.

The state of zzZZz sleeping.

Dad toolbar, toolbar.

Screen refreshing refers to refreshing a page of a chat or forum with repeated sentences to clean the layout.

Lovely and poor but no one loves it.

Hematemesis describes a depressed mood.

It looks like a vomiting object.

The big man is fine. (Japanese)

Gugou Google search engine. Also written as "Gu Dog".

Han exclaimed, afraid. Sometimes it is also written as "Khan". Example: The view upstairs is terrible. Cold~!

Open the picture and open to the public.

I used to express admiration, or unexpected.

I flashed to express that I can't afford to hide.

Team refers to a group of members organized to participate in a computer game competition.

The customs act in which the disc was beaten.

Throw bricks to follow up.

Grab one. Grab the first reply position in the miscellaneous forum.

Grab the whole qz, rush to post the whole number of posts.

Paid bricks refers to a critical attitude when replying to posts.

Making things up is an exaggeration.

The warm quilt prize refers to the Nobel Prize.

Big laugh. Great laughter.

Tangible and stylish.

Axe version of the vice.

Upstairs Upstairs is the reply to the above post. There are also a series of terms such as "downstairs", "top floor", "ground floor", "poster (poster)" and so on.

Can Nian ①Unfortunate; ②Death. (Japanese)

Mother generation (or nothing) No, no. (Nanjing pronunciation).

Water vapor, which is purer than pure water, is a blank post with no text or any content.

Ink is humorous.

Kimchi refers to browsing in the forum.

Win the bar Win98. There is also a similar: the plague is dead (windows).

Comic fan.

Diving means staying in the chat room without talking.

Irrigation refers to publishing some meaningless text on the Internet.

It's often gray, very very.

Baked Chicken HomePage, personal homepage, "Bamboo Leaf"

Cat Modem, Modem (for dial-up Internet access)

Wang Qiugegui refers to sneakers.

Throw the gun and shoot out the sight with the feeling.

Blind sniper doesn’t open the scope, but shoots the sniper rifle directly

Ben Ladeng bin Laden< /p>

Su Shi

Pure face without makeup

Pure water contentless post

Practicing sniper techniques

Put a post at the top of the list

The boss takes the lead. Sometimes it’s someone touted by everyone, sometimes it’s someone beaten up by everyone

The person who made the flash

The forum or chat room next door

Toilet article Bad article

Vest refers to a post with multiple IDs owned by a person

Asses traveler

Pit will cause a lot of people to reply to the post.

No, it's not. Cantonese

Speaking of…… comes from the Japanese grammar "……とぃぃます", expressing thoughts and feelings. Example: It seems that he is old and tough.

Super/Strong/Ha/Huge/Crazy/Serious... It means special, exaggerating and strengthening the tone. Example: You are super awesome! I seriously support your statement!

BBS: ①The abbreviation of Bulletin Board System, refers to the electronic bulletin board system, and is collectively referred to as the forum in China. ②Bob, the abbreviation of Big-Breasted Sister.

Owner: Moderator, you can also write Banzhu. The beautiful homophony due to pinyin input. The deputy moderator is called "Bang Axe".

Vest: Registered members have registered other names. These names are collectively referred to as the vest. The opposite of the vest is the main ID. Example: Qingmei suggested that the owner should not use the vest to speak when he conducts version management.

Rookie: Originally refers to people with relatively low computer skills, and later widely used in real life, refers to people who are not very good at a certain field. The opposite is the old bird.

Prawn: The common fake of "heroes" refers to senior networms who have a relatively long Internet age, or people who are particularly skilled in a certain aspect (such as computer technology or article level). Will be called so.

Gushing: Originally refers to posts published on forums that have little reading value. It is customary to refer to most posts and replies as "Gushing", which does not contain derogatory meaning.

Pure water: water without any substance, also called steam.

Sailor: People who like to irrigate. High-level ones are also called buckets, water ghosts, and narcissus. When referring to female irrigators, there is also a specific name: jellyfish.

Diving: People who stay in the forum every day, but do not post, only read the posts, and pay attention to the daily affairs of the forum.

Strike the iron: write a post, generally refers to a post with a little weight.

Baizhuan: Post a post of someone with a different view and understanding from others. Example: Please pay attention to your tone and attitude when you shoot bricks, otherwise it will easily turn into a ginseng rooster.

Screen refresh: Open a forum, all topic posts are posted with the same ID.

Sweeping the building: It is also called brushing the wall. When opening a forum, the last reply of all topic posts has the same ID.

Original: The person who posted the topic.

Guiluo: Replying to the same topic post, the average fan prefers the construction.

Upstairs: People who reply to the same thread one step earlier than you, as opposed to "downstairs."

Sofa: SF, the first person to reply. Later, people who could not sit on the sofa claimed that they were sitting on the "bed" or the host's "thigh"~

Chair: the second person who responded to the post

Bench: the third The person who replied to the post

Can Nian: What a pity it means "broken thoughts" etc.

Xiaoqiang: The cockroach in "Tang Bohu Points Autumn Fragrance" refers to a particularly tenacious vitality People.

Protein: fool + idiot + neurotic.

White bones: white-collar + backbone + elite.

La Duck: Rubbish (from the "Mcmug" series). "Hang La Duck" in Cantonese colloquialism means to commit suicide by hanging one's neck.

Kuso: Japanese pronunciation of "feces". At first, it taught game players how to "play bad games seriously," and then it was introduced to the mainland via Taiwan and gradually evolved into a "spoof".

San Mao Chao Si: The popular young author wrote a book with the same name as San Mao's work, a new idiom derived from it. It refers to a fanatical mental state of blindly believing in a certain theory or a certain character without completely ignoring the truth. From Longkong.

A woman from the Maopu Forum participated in the Athens Olympics on behalf of the forum. She once did a set of IQ questions widely circulated on the Internet, with a score of 145, and she famously said: No one is smarter than me as beautiful as me, and no one who is more beautiful than me is smarter than me. Tianya community then deduced a famous saying: No one who is better than me CJ is BT, and no one who is better than me BT is no CJ.

Sister Furong, a woman, an internet phenomenon. Since April 2005, she has been on the headlines of almost all websites, Sina, Tencent and other major websites and newspapers have rushed to report, and even China Central Radio has begun to discuss her phenomenon. The popularity and continued popularity of Sister Furong proves that some media and people have reached an extremely malicious state.

English abbreviation

1. DIY: The abbreviation of Do It Yourself, meaning do-it-yourself. Example: Qing Huan is too broken, the Qing eyebrow computer is broken and he is asked to fix it. He asks Qing eyebrow to DIY. 2, SOHO: Short for Small Office Home Officer, which means "office at home". Example: Xiaofei, the author of "The Ranger Show", belongs to the SOHO clan.

3. BUG: The original meaning is "bug", and later all computer-related faults are called "BUG". Example: Every time there is a BUG in the Xia Ke community, Qing Mei jumps anxiously.

4, I served U: I served you... the classic lines in Zhou Xingxing's film. Example: You can actually make Qinghuan not say "no" to you, I take U!

5. Yi Meier: The transliteration of Email, the meaning of email. It can also be referred to as "meier" for short. Example: Qingmei never uses Yimeier. It's useless to write to her.

6, CU: See You abbreviation with transliteration, goodbye. Example: CU, come here today.

7. IC: I see the abbreviation of I See with transliteration, I know. Example: IC, you are a neurotic. (Classic lines in "A Chinese Journey to the West")

8, Q: The transliteration of Cute, cute. Example: Ao Yuehan looks good, like a Barbie doll.

9, FT: Ditex, short for Faint, meaning fainting and fainting.

10, SP: support, support.

11. Lost: The transliteration of BUY, the meaning of buying.

12. SIGH: Sigh, there is a sense of helplessness.

13, LOL: Laugh Out Loud, laugh.

14, KFC: Kill fu*king customers.

15, PK: player kill.

16, BTW: By the way, by the way.

17. BRB: Be right back, come back soon.

18. TTYL: Talk to you later, talk about it later.

19. BBL: Be back later. I'll be back later.

20, kick your ass: hit your ass.

21, PPL: people, people.

22, PLZ: please, please, it is also abbreviated to PLS.

23, RUOK: Are you OK?

24, IOWAN2BWU: I only want to be with you.

25, M$ULKeCraZ: Miss you like crazy.

26, CUL8R: see you later.

27. IMHO: In my humble opinion.

Transliteration terms

1, 3166: Sayo Nara, Japanese, goodbye.

2, 886: Bye bye, goodbye.

3, 3Q: Thank You, thank you.

4, 7456: I am so angry.

5, 9494: That's it.

6, 818: Gossip, from the Tianya community.

7, 616: Take a walk. Usually when posting pictures of cats and flowers when replying to posts, it is commonly known as "walking for a walk".

8, 8: No.

9, 54: The homophony of "ignoring", that is, ignoring a person and expressing the greatest disdain for it.

10, 4242: Yes, yes.

11. Porridge: I like it.

12. There is no such thing. "Wood" comes from the pronunciation of Guizhou. "Miyou" is also used in the same way.

13. Fan: Very. From South Fujian dialect.

14. Table: "Don't" read the legion, which is said to come from the pronunciation of Shanghainese.

15. Bailan: "White Egg" from South Fujian, which means a person is both stupid and insulting, troublesome, and derogatory.

16. Element: The pronunciation of "Yes" in Taiwanese Mandarin. Corresponding to it is "8 prime".

17. Jiangzi: "This way" is quickly read with a continuous tone, which is also called "Crimson Purple".

18. Cool: also say "pants" and "ku", the transliteration of Cool.

19. Even: the pronunciation of "I" in Taiwanese Mandarin.

20. Shrimp: What, what's the meaning, comes from the pronunciation of Hokkien.

21. Mouth-resistant: also said to be bearable, meaning cute.

22, drops: of, ground.

23. About this: this.

24. Ben four: stupid homophony.

25. Jam: Exceeding the prize.

26, vest decision: Ma Jiajue.

27. Potassium disulfide iodide: KISS.

28. Kacha: A certain kind of operation that must be done before practicing "Sunflower Treasure".

29. Kou Nian: Poor.

30. Ginseng Rooster: A pass for "personal attack".

31. Mud: You.

32. Haokang: It looks good. From South Fujian dialect.

33. Tube: Comrade.

34, thick, roar, kaka, kaka, hee hee, xixi, hiahia, etc.: expressing laughter, usually used as modal auxiliary words.

35, 99 Good night

Anime term

1. TV version: refers to the animated version on TV.

2. OVA: Original Video Anime (Original Video Anime), which is opposite to TV and is not shown on TV.

3. Theater version: the movie version of the animation.

4, OST: Original Sound Track (original music album), special collection of music related to a certain animation.

5, OP: opening song/theme song.

6, ED: Ending song.

7. CV: Voice actors, voice actors.

8. STAFF: All members who participated in the production of the adapted animation will be included in the event props.

9, OTAKU: Japanese, "Otaku". Otakuhara refers to people who are passionate and proficient in animation, manga and computer games (ACG), and generally refers to people who are passionate about subculture and have a deep understanding of the culture.

10. Juvenile teeth: also known as "sex people", young, not very sensible.

11. Master: a very strong person.

12, SF: SCIENCE FICTION, works of science fiction machinery.

13, FF: FINAL FANTASY, Final Fantasy.

14, M0: MACROSS ZERO, Macross Zero.

15. Obasan: an old woman with a 38-type

16. Brother Gui: a strong man with full body muscles.

17. Sister Gui: The big sister with full body muscles.

18. Yu Jie: A woman older than herself.

19. Bad tastes: quirks, special preferences that are out of the ordinary.

20. Meteor: Refers to a CG picture with a little erotic or a little dew point.

21. Kouhu: Hong Kong-style animation terminology, which can also be written as "Kou Gu Yue", which is equivalent to a modal auxiliary word such as "Kao".

22. Kou Jie: Hong Kong comics are often used to refer to the laughter of bad guys, especially wicked laughter.

23. Boom killing: Hong Kong comics term used to refer to the action of killing someone.

24. Waste wood: Hong Kong comic terms refer to waste and useless people.

25. Breaking the sky: Hong Kong comics term, "breaking the sky", can be used when uncomfortable.

26. Against the sky: Hong Kong comics terminology refers to walking against the sky. It can be used when angry.

27. Not enough class: Hong Kong comic language, meaning not qualified.

28. Closing voice: Hong Kong comics term refers to shut up.

29. Riding a bull: casual, casual, simple, and artistic attitude.

Danmei terminology

1. Danmei: from Japanese, originally meant to refer to aestheticism, and later interpreted by Taiwan, it became a synonym for BL, specifically referring to female writers writing/painting to women Novels or comics read by readers. In fact, in Japan, JUNE is the representative name for BL.

2, BL: BOY’S LOVE, gay. Homophonic glass, also called comrade.

3, GL: GIRL’S LOVE, lesbian.

4, 㚻: (Japanese: やおい, Japanese Romanization: Yaoi), this term comes from Japanese publishing genre, involving Japanese manga, fanzine, animation and art creation of lovers. It focuses on the homosexual relationship between two male characters and has a more direct sexual description.

5. Lace: lesbine, lesbian, lesbian for short, also known as homosexuality, Lara.

6. Offensive and susceptible: small offense refers to the active person among gay men, and small offensive refers to the passive person among gay men.

7. Top and bottom: The little top refers to the active person among the lesbians, and the little bottom refers to the passive person among the lesbians.

8. Doujin Girls: Women who like BL culture so much are called "fu women" in Japanese.

9. Tanmei Wolf: Women who love Tanmei literature so much are more advanced than their fangirls.

Classic term

1. CJ looks up at the sky at a 45-degree angle. (From the End of the World)

2. It's a tragedy on earth, and I choked silently. (From Tianya, you can reply to speechless posts like this)

3. Be kind. (Classic lines from "Mobile")

4. If you come out and mix, you will have to pay it back sooner or later. (Classic lines from "Infernal Affairs")

5. This endless life. (Shi Weihan's classic lines from "Splitting Empty Knife")

6. Life is really lonely as snow.

7. Irrigation is a virtue.

8, what is the kingly way. (For example: spoof is king.)

9, YY is my way of thinking, BT is the realm I pursue. (From Maopu)

10. The tiger's body shook and left in three points. (From Tianya, Tianya replies to a post three minutes. "Tiger Body Shocked" is often seen in Huang Yi's works)

Harmonious Term

1. LOLI: Luo Li, meaning a young girl. Lolita from "LOLITA" originally refers to little girls under 12 years old, generally refers to the innocent and cute to the white-eyed little girls. [Similar young boys are called "Shinta" and come from the Jintian Shoutaro in "Iron Man No. 28", and the first is wearing a suit and shorts. ]

2, LOLI control: People who have a strong preference for Luo Li

3, 18x: Cannot watch under 18 years old.

4. Queen: Female masters are called queens, and they are generally arrogant and cruel. The usual image of a queen always wears tights, high heels, and a whip in her hand. Later it was extended to be a strong woman.

5. Holy water: Refers to urination. The counterpart is "gold", which refers to stool. The golden holy water is an indispensable prop in the novels of the training department.

6. Doujin: The second creation, the plot or characters in the famous masterpieces are derived from their own stories. Fan creation is not limited to BL, and general-oriented works are also available.

7. Female body: change the male characters in the original work to girls for fan creation.

8. Doujinshi: Books published by the author at his own expense. Books published by publishers are called "Business Chronicles".

Digital homophonic

1, beginning with "0"

01925: You still love me.

02746: You are disgusting.

02825: Do you love me or not.

03456: You are useless for love.

0437: You are a nerve.

045617: You are my oxygen.

04527: You are my beloved wife.

04535: Do you miss me.

04551: You are my only one.

0456: You are mine.

04567: You are my old wife.

0457: You are my wife.

045692: You are my favorite.

0487: You are an idiot.

0487561: You are an idiot without medicine.

0564335: Think of me when you are bored.

0594184: You and I will last forever.

065: Forgive me.

06537: You make me angry.

07382: You deceive good and fear evil.

0748: Go and die.

07868: Are you full?

08056: You ignore me.

0837: Don't be angry.

095: You are looking for me.

098: You go.

2, the beginning of "1"

14580 If you want to die, I will help you  12580 One click I will help you  1314: For a lifetime.

1314920: I will love you forever.

1372: Wishful thinking.

1392010: I will love you all my life.

1414: To die to die; meaning.

147: I am in love.

1573: I am deeply affectionate.

1589854: If you want me to send it, I will send it five times.

1711: Wholeheartedly.

177155: MISS. (This is not a homophonic, but a pictogram)

1920: I still love you.

1930: I still miss you.

3, "2" beginning

200: I love you.

20110: I love you for one hundred and ten years.

20184: Love you forever.

2030999: I love you and miss you for a long time.

2037: Sad for you.

20475: Love you is happiness.

20609: I love you forever.

20863: Love you in the next life.

220225: Love you, love me.

230: I love you to death.

234: Love is with you.

235: I want to miss you.

2406: I love you to death.

246: Starved to death.

246437: Love is so magical.

25184: Love me forever.

25873: Love me to this life.

25910: Love me longer.

25965: If you love me, stay with me.

259695: Know me when you love me.

259758: Marry me if you love me.

2627: Love comes and loves.

282: Are you hungry?

256895: You are a cute puppy.

4, "3" beginning

300: miss you.

30920: I love you if I miss you.

3013: I miss you all my life.

310: According to you first.

31707: LOVE. (This word needs to look at 30707 upside down)

32062: Miss your love.

032069: I want to love you for a long time.

3207778: I want to blow the air with you.

330335: Think about you, think about me.

3344587: Unchanging heart from life to life.

3399: A long time.

356: Go online.

35910: Miss me longer.

359258: Love me if you think about me.

360: Miss you.

369958: God, save me.

3731: Sincerely.

39: Thank you.

30920: I love you if I miss you.

5, "4" beginning

419 English literal translation for one night one night stand

440295: Thank you for loving me.

447735: Miss me all the time.

4456: Come back quickly.

456: It's me.

460: Miss you.

4980: Only for you.

48: Right.

6, beginning with "5"

505: SOS.

507680: I must chase you.

510: I follow you.

51020: I still love you.

51095: I want you to marry me.

51396: I am going to sleep.

514: Meaningless.

515206: I don't love you anymore.

518420: I love you all my life.

520: I love you.

5201314: I love you forever.

52094: I love you to death.

521: I am willing.

52306: I am in love with you.

5240: I love you.

52460: I love you so much.

5260: I have a crush on you.

530: I miss you.

5366: I want to talk.

5376: I am angry.

53719: I am still affectionate.

53770: I want to kiss you.

53782: I am in a bad mood.

53880: I want to hug you.

53980: I want to beat you down.

540086: I am your girlfriend.

5406: I am yours.

5420: I only love you.

54335: Nothing to think about me.

543720: I really love you.

54430: I miss you all the time.

5452830: I miss you all the time.

546: I lost.

5460: I miss you.

5490: I will find you.

54920: I always love you.

555......: Uuuuu (crying).

55646: I'm so bored.

5620: I love you very much.

5360: I miss you.

5630: I miss you very much.

564335: Think of me when you are bored.

570: I am angry with you.

57350: I only care about you.

57386: I went to work.

57410: My heart belongs to you.

574839: I actually don't want to leave.

5776: I'm out.

58: Good night.

584520: I swear I love you.

586: I am not coming.

587: I'm sorry.

5871: I don't mind.

59240: My favorite is you.

59420: I just love you.

59520: I will always love you.

596: I'm leaving.

517230: I have fallen in love with you.

5170: I want to marry you.

5209484: I am an idiot if I love you.

7, "6" beginning

609: to permanent.

6120: Too lazy to care about you.

6785753: There is nowhere to be seen.

6868: Go go go go go.

687: I'm sorry.

6699: Shun Shunlili

8, beginning with "7"

70345: Please believe me.

706: Get up.

70626: Please stay.

7087: Please don't go.

70885: Please help me.

721: Dear you.

729: Go for a drink.

7319: Forever.

737420: I love you in this life and this life.

73807: Deep love and fear of shallow fate.

740: I am mad at you.

7408695: Actually you don't know me.

74520: Actually I love you.

74074: Go to death, go to death.

74839: Actually, I don't want to leave.

756: Kiss me.

765: Go dancing.

770880: Kiss you and hug you.

7731: Heart-to-heart.

7752: Kiss and love.

77543: Guess who I am.

77895: Hold me tightly.

786: I'm full.

7998: Go for a walk.

7086: Falling apart.

70345: Please believe me.

780: I care about you.

706519184: Please let me rely on forever.

7758258: Kiss me, love me.

9, "8" beginning

8006: Ignore you.

8013: Accompany you for life.

8074: To piss you off.

8084: BABY.

81176: Stop being together.

82475: Being loved is happiness.

825: Don't love me.

837: Don't be angry.

8384: Nothing is wrong.

85941: Help me tell him.

860: I will not keep you.

865: Don't mess with me.

8716: Eight Yale.

88: Bye Bye.

886: Bye Barra.

8834760: Long lovesickness is only for you.

898: Let's break up.

10, beginning with "9"

902535: Please love me and miss me.

9089: Please don't go.

910: It's up to you.

918: Come on.

920: I love you.

9213: Love for life.

9240: My favorite is you.

930: I miss you so much.

93110: I really want to see you.

940194: Tell you one thing.

9494: That's right.

95: Save me.

987: I'm sorry.

9908875: Please don't abandon me.

Networm: People who are obsessed with the Internet

Chatworm: People who like to chat in online chat rooms

Prawn: Internet masters, also known as heroes .

Rookie: a novice with little Internet experience.

Xinxiang: Mailbox

Dongdong: Things

Memei: Sister.


TLA: Thanks

CU: Goodbye

Rising prices have spawned new words

The new words spawned by rising prices are: "Mi you house" , "Garlic you are cruel", "Do you play with beans", "You can go", "Ping what", "Jiang you army", "Dolphin tribe", "Cotton palm", "Sugar Gaozong", "Sugar Xuanzong" , "Spend your money", "Dove your meat", "Salt is like jade", "Salt Lord".

New Words in 2013

"People are hard to tear down", "I feel tired and don't love", "I am staying", "Said to be more than enough", "Ten moves and refuses "", "People Officer"... How many hot words do you understand in 2013? Recently, the "2013 Internet buzzwords" summarized by netizens have been popular on the Internet, and "people are hard to dismantle", "feeling tired and not loving", "said to be overwhelmed" and so on have been selected. It is worth noting that compared with the past, the 2013 Internet buzzwords have become more difficult to understand and use more difficult.有语言学家称,网络语言环境催生的这些新词,让人们的语言表达能力更强,可以借助对词语的重新组合、简化甚至是衍生意义来表达复杂的情绪,以达到对无奈、纠结的吐槽。所以在2014年的新词快要出炉的时候,你再不快点学会2013年的网络新词汇,那就真是OUT了。



值得一提的是,网络语言作为网络时代的特别产物,其研究已经成为当代语言学研究中的一个新增长点。随着研究的深入和拓展,一门充满活力的新兴语言学科——网络语言学应运而生。这门学科是由我国语言学家周海中教授在2000年发表的《一门崭新的语言学科——网络语言学》一文中首先提出的。提出一门富有生命力和影响力的新学科,不仅需要敏锐的眼光,更需要非凡的勇气和出众的才智。网络语言学的诞生,标志着网络语言研究开始进入一个新的里程。 2003年,西班牙语言学家圣地亚哥·珀施特圭罗教授出版了全球首部专著《网络语言学:网络上的语言、话语和思想》,并从学理上对网络语言学进行了较为全面和深入的研究。 2011年,英国语言学家戴维·克里斯特尔教授出版了全球首本教材《网络语言学:学生指南》,并对网络语言学现有知识和成果进行了综合归纳和系统阐述。目前,网络语言学的研究领域已经从语言学扩展到了教育学、传播学、社会学、心理学、法学等学科。不过,网络语言学的理论体系和研究方法还有待进一步完善。


2011年热门新词:1. 神马都是浮云 2. 给力 3. 我爸是李刚 4.羡慕嫉妒恨 5. 你应该知道的 6. 鸭梨 7. 非常艰难的决定 8. 蒜你狠系列(豆你玩、姜你军、煤超疯,苹神马……) 9. 围脖(微博) 10. 凡客体 11. 不怕狼一样的对手 就怕猪一样的校友 12. 闹太套





不哭站撸bù kū zhàn lū




不明觉厉bù míng jué lì

释义:亦作「虽不明,但觉厉」,「虽然不明白你在说什么,但是听起来感觉很厉害的样子」的缩略形式,表面词义用于表达菜鸟对专业型技术型高手的崇拜,引申词义用于吐槽对方过于深奥不知所云的言语行为,或作为伪装自己深藏不露的托辞。英文版本是「Not quite understand, but that was amazing.」

语源:周星驰《食神》、《上古卷轴 5:天际》


引申:「虽不明,但觉厉,直膝箭」是「虽然不明白你在说什么,但是听起来感觉很厉害的样子,直到膝盖中了一箭」的缩略形式,「直膝箭」表示转折和否认,英文版本是「Then I took an arrow in the knee.」

抄技百chāo jì bǎi



地命海心dìmìng hǎi xīn


例句:LZ 真是典型的~,还是洗洗睡吧。


碉堡了 diāo bǎo le





毒德大学,焦锐奶化dú dé dà xué, jiāo ruì nǎi huà



飞蝗芜湖fēi huáng wú hú




活撸辈 huó lū bèi



火钳刘明huǒ qián liú míng





经拿滚 /精拿滚 jīng ná gǔn




裤脱我看kù tuō wǒ kàn /脱裤看这 tuō kù kàn zhè




来信砍lái xìn kǎn

释义:「来 XX 信不信我砍死你」(XX 为地名)的缩略形式,语出百度李毅吧一黑龙江网民的「来东北信不信我砍死你」,通常用于调侃东北的三个大砍省民风彪悍。




累觉不爱lèi jué bù ài




冷无缺lěng wú quē


语源:漫游 PPG 论坛(作者:hello1z)


李菊福lǐjú fú

释义:「理据服」的谐音,「有理有据,使人信服」的缩略形式,因被网友戏谑成「有你有菊,令人性福」而常常通过「楼主李菊福」「LZ 是写书的那个李菊福?」等句式调侃或讽刺楼主。


例句:LZ 是写书的那个~?

妈哈 mā hā

释义:「XX 死妈笑哈哈」的缩略形式。



么么哒 me me da

释义:亦作「摸摸哒」、「摸摸大」,表亲吻动作的拟声词,用以表达对一个人的钟情与喜爱。在发生某次李毅吧占领武艺(2010 年快乐男声全国总决赛季军)吧的事件后,有午饭(武艺的粉丝)在李毅吧苦苦哀求称「艺宝佷萌哒,瀙扪艿扪卟崾潶咃,庅庅哒~」,于是「么么哒」广为流传。



男默女泪nán mò nǚ lèi


语源:QQ 空间


年娇处nián jiāo chù





请允悲qǐng yǔn bēi




人干事rén gàn shì

释义:「这是人干的事吗」的缩略形式,用于吐槽关键镜头被和谐、剧情高潮时突然插入 ED 等灭绝人性的行为,也用于对某些非一般人类能够完成的壮举或困难的工作表示由衷的赞赏,例如坚持创作原创作品、大量制作神弹幕或坚持搬运大量新番。

语源:STAGE1 论坛


人艰不拆rén jiān bù chāi




人希 rén xī

释义:「XX,人类的希望!」的缩略形式,特用于 Google(谷歌,「谷人希」)、美国(美利坚,「美人希」)等,常见于 CnBeta 中关于 Google 或美国的文章评论中。


例句:今天把玩了一把 Google Glass,感叹谷~!

社病我药shè bìng wǒ yào



十动然拒shí dòng rán jù


语源:华中科技大学文华学院工程管理专业大四男生王文瑾花 212 天写16 万字情书于光棍节表白,被拒。

例句:我趁着情人节给女神买了 999 朵玫瑰,可惜女神~了,T_T。

爽场shuǎng chǎng

释义:「XX 一时爽,全家火葬场」(XX 为某种行为)的缩略形式。


说闹觉余shuō nào jué yú



躺中 tǎng zhòng/ 躺枪 tǎng qiāng




体亏屁思tǐ kuī pì sī



天了噜 tiān le lu




天凉王破tiān liáng wáng pò

释义:「天凉了,让王氏集团破产吧」的缩略形式,语出耽美小说,形容装 B 过度。



图样图森破 tú yàng tú sēn pò

释义:英文「Too young, too simple」的音译,语出某中央领导人,意为「太年轻,太天真」。原文是「你们啊,too young, too simple. Sometimes naïve!」(太年轻,太天真,有时很天真),因 2000 年香港女记者张宝华不断追问是否「钦点」董建华连任行政长官而勃然大怒做出此回应。



引申:「奶无」「奶易腐」「拿衣服」等是「Sometimes naïve」的音译;「图样图森破奶易腐」是全文「Too young, too simple. Sometimes naïve!」的音译。

图种熊菊tú zhǒng xióng jú

释义:「发图不发种,菊花被熊捅」的缩略形式,形容对楼主发了「你懂的」级别的图却不留下可供下载的 BT 种子,以至于吊足围观群众口味行为的愤恨。



为弃疗wèi qì liáo /何弃疗 hé qì liáo


例句:——不要管我!我已经放弃治疗了! ——楼主~?

我伙呆 wǒ huǒ dāi /我伴都呆 wǒ bàn dōu dāi




无图言屌wú tú yán diǎo /无图说锤 wú tú shuō chuí

释义:「没图你说个 JB」或「没图你说个锤子」的缩略形式。


喜大普奔xǐ dà pǔ bēn




细软跑xì ruǎn pǎo




细思恐极xì sī kǒng jí /西斯空寂 xī sī kōng jì /细思极恐 xì sī jí kǒng



醒工砖xǐng gōng zhuān



药电睡 yào diàn shuì




爷五死yé wǔ sǐ




语死早yǔ sǐ zǎo




引申:「英死早」、「数死早」等。 「语体教」是「语文是体育老师教的」的缩略形式,类似的还有「英体教」、「数体教」等。

自干五zì gān wǔ



战五渣zhàn wǔ zhā

释义:「战斗力只有 5 的渣渣」的缩略形式,多用于形容能力不行、战斗力低下、水平低,相当于「弱爆了」。日文版本是「戦闘力…たったの5か…ゴミめ…」



长姿势/ 涨姿势zhǎng zī shì



智捉zhì zhuō



注孤生 zhù gū shēng





本节内容引用来自:月光微博客 仅供娱乐参考

傻多戴:sha duo dai

































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