Home Technique James Rodney Schles

James Rodney Schles


Parents are Jews, and the mother is Lithuania immigrant. He was born in New York City, 1950, from 1952 and 1956, won bachelor, master's and doctoral degree in Harvard University. During the 1955, the University of Vingia was coached. In 1963, the Director of the Senior Staff and Strategic Research Office of Land. In 1969, the Secretary for the Budget Bureau, director of the Act, 1970 for the Administration and Budget Assistant Director. The Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission in 1971. In 1973, he took place in Richard Helms, the director of the Central Intelligence Agency. It was only 44 years old. It was the youngest director in the history of the CSI. At that time, he was the climax of the water door incident. He claims that "I am here, it is guaranteed. The president is not made by you. "In just five months, he conducted a comprehensive institution and personnel reform to the Centralistory Bureau, making the CIA's vitality, and people's heart. It promotes the deputy director of the Audit Secretary of the CIA, Schlesinger's most subverting reform during his tenure is the activities of all violations of the Constitution, which have been carried out since the establishment of the CEO, and its purpose is to strictly restrict the activities of the CIA in legislation. The range can be explained. On May 9, 1973, it has signed a Directive issued by Colebi to all employees and the former employees, requiring them to report to the Secretary now and the past activities that may be considered illegal, this The sub-investigation activity exploded all the insiders in the Central Bureau, and the CIA was named.

James Rodney Schles

Nixon turns Schleneg to the Ministry of Defense, he is not very wanting to be the minister, because the president's military secretary Alexander Blackg has adjusted 82 airborne divisions around the White House, ready once the parliament Fortunately, this kind of thing has not happened. At that time, the number of nuclear weapons of the Soviet Union under the leadership of Bremen had exceeded the United States, and the traditional nuclear deterrence had no role. He asked to maintain a conventional army that confronts the governor against the Chinese government in the case of granting, requiring NATO countries to at least Maintain a military budget of 5% of GDP. He has repeatedly said that the defense budget has reducing one-third more than the 1968 defense budget. The weapon research and development funds have been reduced by 45%, which is the worst defense budget. The only thing he is worthy of him is to retain the development of the F-16 light fighter.

After he took office three months, the Arab countries launched a redemption day war. The Israeli army was in critical, but he was afraid to push the Arab countries to the Soviet Union, emphasizing neutral, and Secretary of State Henry Kikin A great conflict occurs. Finally, the president ordered unconditional assistance Israel to make the situation slowly. In 1974, the unified school of Cyprus launched a coup, rushed to Macarios, Turkey sent troops to help the tribe in the island, occupying 40% of the island, and two NATO Allies Greek and Turkey almost played, the United States The Greek lobbying that Turkey accused Turkey's weapons for NATO in unfair places, but the United States will not be able to block the Allies of the Soviet Union in Turkey. As a result, the Turkish weapons were banned for five years. In 1975, North Yue soldiers defeated South Yue, and victory ended the Vietnam War. At this time, he is leaving the red high-shredded ship for Ma Precai, the ship, and the Ford's president has not announced, and the unbearable Ford President finally dismissed him, let Donald Henry pull. Msfeld took over.

1976 Researcher at the Advanced Research Institute of the International Problem of Hopkins University. In 1977, he served as a new position of the Minister of Energy. In 1979, President Carter once again dismissed him, this time because of his tough style and uncomfortable attitude in Congress. In the future, it will be academic. Ren Georgetown University Strategy and Advanced Consultant, and is also a senior consultant of Lehman Brion-Kux Brock. In the foreign policy, it advocates the development of China 's relationship under the framework of the west.


has "political economics of national security".

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