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Japanese Chinese History

Works Introduction

The authors have worked for the study of Japanese sinologists, Sudo Tiango, Tarang, Tarang, Tarang, to collect historical materials, and get the Japanese Dongyang History Thai Bai Bird Kuji and its disciple and Tian Qing professor (author Tutor who stayed in the day is carefully advised. The book is mainly discussed in Japan's history of the Chinese history of Chinese culture, and there is no shortage of opinion. The "Japanese Hanhua History" section is now launched in Figure 1, and the "scholars in the scholars" recognized by the "scholars in the scholars" and the books. At the same time, one of the following articles is to let the scholars know that Mr. Huang is in a lifetime of academic research and its exceptional appearance!

Author's Review of the Word of Word One One One Memorial Huang Fun Professor Birth 100th Anniversary

Xu Junhui (China's famous writer, senior professor in Chinese Department of China)

Japanese Chinese History

On November 13, 1999, it is a famous historian, the former Guangxi Normal University (now Guangxi Normal University), Mr. Huang Yizhen's 100th anniversary. Mr. Huang Xinyi has passed away in 1982, but he just did not say a rich spiritual wealth, but he stayed forever.

left by the book

Huang Lao has left the work, mainly "China Tong's Social Society", "Summary of the Society of Tang Dynasty", "Song Dynasty College Students Saving the Country", " Guangxi Zhuang's brief history "," 智 高 "," Zhuang History "(nearly 700,000 words" Zhuang History "After the death of Huang Yong, Zhang Yincheng completed, but in Huang Zhang 2 Mr. Huang "There has been written: Huang old" has collected millions of people for Zhuang people for decades. "These materials are" preparing "Zhuang History". The preparation of "Zhuang History" is also in Yellow Old Under the host, "This book is mainly written by Professor Yellow Professor." So the signature of "Zhuang History" is still headed by Huang Lao.) If you say, other historians can write If the three works later, it is Huang Lao alone. This is because Huang Lao himself is the original for Zhuang people.

Zhuang people's good son

Zhuang is China's minority The highest population, developed economy and culture, long history, but before Huang Lao, there is no self-independent historical book. Zhuang people have their own historical works, from Huang old. Therefore, Huang La is not only a Zhuang people The good son is also a good son of the Chinese nation; "Guangxi Zhuang", "智高", "Zhuang History", is not only a treasure of Zhuang culture, but also the treasure of the Chinese nation, it will shine the Zhuang History of the Chinese nation.

Huang Lao acquaintance

I and Huang Lao know that I am in the funeral of Mr. Yixi Wu's old. In April 1968, my father-in-law disease In Guilin. At that time, the worker culture palace was engaged in the corpse exhibition. The two majors of Wu Dou is desirable rain. The kind people did not dare to go out, afraid of being suffering from the innocent disasters, there are not many people who will hang, the most concerned relatives and friends I have to come, it is also awkward. The people who come. The people come to, only one old gentleman leaves, his appearance, full of the grief and affection for the death of the old friend. I can't help but feel moving, quiet Asked his wife: "Who is this old man?" The wife told me that it was a professor of the teacher. Mr. Huang Xinyi I have heard that he does not only learn from profound, and it is just right, and it is also the father-in-law, especially It is good. But in 1957, I was also fate. I met today, I took the initiative to talk to him. I know that he is a Zhuang scholar. Just ask me to see me in Bama, The gods of the Zhuang people have been attached to the couplet: "From Shandong Yuanyuan, branch of Bama Shuri Chang", they all claim that the soldiers from Di Qing came from Shandong. Huang Laoyu and I told Zhiqi Uprising After the failure of the uprising, Di Qing's soldiers left the reason. He said that there is a good thing, convincing, greatly enriches my historical knowledge, so that I understand why Gui's rural areas, not called the village, not called Zhuang The original reason is called.

智 高 is a national hero

智高 has always been a controversial figure. Controversial is mainly concentrated, one, Is he China or Vietnamese? Second, his nature and historical status of troops. Huang Lao is rich in the informative information, fully proves that 智 高 is born, lives, and rule Guangyuan Prefecture, in Tang, Song Dynasty is one of China's 邕 邕 邕 縻 縻,,,,,,,, 考 考, 考 考 考 考 考 縻 縻 考 考 縻 考 縻 縻 縻 縻. Later, the interrogation of the intersection of the intersection, killing his father, accounting for its land, Guangyuan Prefecture curse to join. His mother escaped, built a large compound in the arrow, and Qian'an Dezhou changed its name. Two states are now in Jingxi County, Guangxi, so he is the authentic Chinese. The reason why he was lending, I would like to use the Song Dynasty to resist the aggression of the intersection, and repeatedly requested the internal attachment, repeatedly refused, and they had to come with the war, and there was no split of China to win the intention of Jiangshan. Although he has failed, he has produced good consequences: one is to force the Song Dynasty rulers to consider his birth request, accepted the border of Zhuang people, strengthening the border defense forces in Guangxi, curbing the interse invaders Crazy evil, did not make a big disaster like Liao, Xixia. The second is to strengthen the integration and unity of the people of the people, promote the development of left and right rivers, so that the Zhuang people quickly seal the society in the future, and finally became the most in the motherland's large number of people, and the economy and culture. nationality. Therefore, 智高 is a national hero, promoting the people who move in history, so I have to write him. These arguments have only a full historical basis, and it is in line with objective facts, and its correctness is undoubted.

Assist Huang Lao to organize (智高 "book

" Four Help "reverse, I invite the Nanning to visit relatives. Because I love people work in Guangxi People's Publishing House, I also live At the Guangxi People's Publishing House. At this time, Huang Lao's "智 高" will be published in Guangxi People's Publishing House. Because some places have to make supplementary modifications, Huang Lao demanded publishers to assist. Publishing House and Huang Laowu It depends on me. Hair my head, Bamam Culture, come to Nanning to go to Nanning, go to the publishing house to contact him, and put forward to him, the Director is immediately approved. I am helping Huang Lao to organize (智高 "book.

Huang Lao's spiritually, I assisted Huang Lao to organize a book of "智 高", and have a great education in Huang Lao in the treatment. I was originally written novels. In the fiction, as long as the plot is reasonable, it doesn't matter if there is anything, the academic work is not only to say, not only the words, there is still a thing, the word must have a basis. And the requirements are not alone. See Huang Lao In the heat hot hot, the small window is in the small window, keeps looking for information, busy with the head of sweating, the spirit of this serious, rigorous studying, I am tourted, admire. I will admire. I will teach in the university. When writing academic books such as "Chinese Novel History", there is an entrusted Bo test, and it is a text, which is called Huang Lao's spirit.

In 1978 I modified a long history in Shanghai. "湃 水"River" returns, get off at Guilin, take a visit to Huang Lao. Huang is very happy to tell me: The Party Central Committee has decided to correctly correct the original MRD to correct (this news I have heard it in Shanghai) He asked me the future work plan. I said: "I am from the District Wenlian. Of course, I will return to the District Wenlian." He advised me to go to the university to teach. Say: "University is teaching and scientific research Writing is one of the business, more than the editor. You can write, you can write more things, create more talents, leaving more valuable wealth for the human society. Teaching all books, each doing each learned, interpersonal relationship is not so complicated. Otherwise, people's life, can't afford to have more than 20 years. "I met the Guangxi University Teacher Jin Tao in Shanghai Writers. The Director of the Western Chinese Department has also persuaded me. I think this is Huang Lao to care for me, I have accepted his opinion. So, Huang Lao wrote to his east bed, the West University His east bed introduced, I will change to Xidao. For teaching needs, in order to live up to the expectations of Huang old, I learned Huang Lao's hardship, do not avoid cold, no holiday, desperate reading, writing. So far In addition to the articles published in the newspapers and periodicals, 34 books have been published (12 of which are published before 1958). This is the giving of Huang Lao.

The impact of the big nostalgia

Huang Yong's research on Zhuang people, also affects foreign countries. In the early 1980s, Huang Lao went to Nanning meeting, lived in the hotel, I went to see him, just in the east bed, I also take it in Xi Dalo. America Young scholars Mark Beardman is looking at him. Mark is to study Southeast Asia's magnificent culture, to Xi Daries, but also to facilitate the study of Zhuang culture. Meet Huang Lao, of course, to ask him. Huang Yumi talked about it, answering many of the problems raised by Mark. The two talked about that the sky will be late, and they have to be different. After I moved, I happened to live downstairs in Mark. When I asked Mark, I asked Mark, and Mark also asked Huang Lao, said and Huang Hao's trick, solved many of the problems that did not solve the past, better research. When Mark returns home. I am going to send, he still read the yellow old. Unfortunately, Huang Hao is driving. This is the loss of Zhuang culture! The loss of Chinese culture, the loss of world culture.

Today, when the birth of Huang Laoyi, I would like to have a heart. Dedicated to Huang Lao, although he went away from us, his style will always last forever, forever, long-lasting!

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