Home Technique Jingzhou big white

Jingzhou big white

Product Features

Sensory Features

Jingzhou big white is solemn, lateral flat, is willow. The back is straight, and the back of the head is rushed. The upper place, the jaw is sharp, and the mouth is fell vertically before the mouth. Eye is large. Small scale. The side line is obvious, the front is slightly bent, and the rear portion is slightly lower. Body color shining, light brown, body side silver gray, abdominal silver white, dorsal fin, tail finish black, pectoral fin, belly fin, hip finish white.

Quality Indicators

Jingzhou Dahua has a unique quality "individual big, meat and delicate, delicious and beautiful, delicious, nutritious, unique taste". After testing, each bicycle fresh fish edible part contains protein ≥17.4 grams, fat ≤ 7.17 grams, amino acid ≥16.8 grams, water ≥ 72 mg, calcium ≥ 208.8 mg, iron ≥ 0.61 mg, zinc ≥ 0.7 mg, all higher than ordinary fish.


soil landform

According to the original "Jiangling County" record, Jingzhou District geological distribution belongs to the second settlement belt of Huaxia Department, Jianghan Shenzhang District The recent structure belt is the inland assembly basin that is formed by the Yanshan Movement. The terrain is in Jingzhou City, the northern Hiqi, the south is the plain. The landform is a low-key land, and the southern part along the river incentus plain and the eastern Binhu Plain. Soil northwest stick, southwest sand, southeast tide, because of the change of river rushing accommodation (Q4) and the fourth red clay (Q3), the main soil has three pots of rice soil, tide, yellow browniline, and natural fertility is better. .


Jingzhou area is 319.8 square kilometers, accounting for 30.6% of the total land area. Among them, the water surface of the river is 27.28 square kilometers, 28.14 square kilometers of lakes, 24.72 square kilometers of the water surface, 88.3 square kilometers of the pond water, 4.82 square kilometers, and the beach 87.17 square kilometers.

Jingzhou District water resources are mainly derived from natural rainfall, transit rivers and deep groundwater. The total amount of surface runoff produced by the annual rainfall 50% is 3.39 billion cubic meters, 75% generally 25.8 million cubic meters year, 95% decenee year is 141 million cubic meters; transit guest Water is mainly from the Yangtze River, the depressed river and the tiger river, 32.14 billion cubic meters of the three rivers, the total amount of groundwater is 15.6 billion cubic meters, and the water is sufficient. Rainfall in the territory, high heat is basically the same as the fish growth. A large number of runoffs and abundant rainfall are supplemented with water resources for fisheries, regulate water quality, improve the water environment, and bring rich organic quality and nutritious salts to breeding water, increase natural fertile sources of breeding water, The growth of fish in the watery provides relatively rich bait supply.

Climatic Situation

Jingzhou District is located in the south part of Hubei Province, and Bei Asian tropical wet season wind climate has four seasons clear, rain heat in the same season. The average annual temperature is 16.1 ° C, the highest temperature is 39.2 ° C, the lowest temperature is - 10 ° C. The annual average air pressure is 1012.1 MPa, the year has the highest pressure of 1044.9 MPa, the lowest air pressure of 989.6 MPar. The average relative humidity of over the years was 81%, and the average relatively lowest humidity of 71% over the years. The average annual rainfall is 904 ~ 1127 mm, and the annual frost-free period is 256 days, and the annual sunshine is 1800 ~ 2100 hours. The whole year leads the wind to the northeast wind and the north wind, the summer is mainly south wind, the maximum wind level is 19 meters per second. The temperature is suitable, the rain is abundant, and the light is sufficient, providing convenient conditions for the development of aquaculture.

Historical origin

As early as 1400 years ago, Jingzhou Big Bai has entered the royal court. According to the "New Tang Book · Geography · Jiangling House": "Jianglingfu, Jiangling County, Ben Jingzhou South County, Tong Gong Fangxi, Bun, Citrus, Orange, Orange, Square, White Fish, Sugar, Crab ... ". It shows that Jingzhou whitefish has been included in the list of tribute to the court to the court.

In the edible method, "Historical Records · Calife Biography", the Spring and Autumn Warring States Period Chu people "rice fish", ie with fresh fish soup. After more than 2000 years, the new "Jiangling County" still said: "The squid is delicate, fresh food or marinated is very delicious."

Qing Emperor Qianlong (1736 ~ 1795) "Jiangling County Zhi · Material" Qing Guangxu (1875-1908) "Jingzhou Prefecture · Property" and the new "Jiangling County Zhi · Agriculture Zhizhi · Water Product" published in 1990, introduced "white fish" or "squid" entry .

Since historically, the fish is mainly breed in the river lake. In the Qing Dynasty, Jingzhou has appeared home farming, that is, the "Property" "Property" in the Qing Dynasty " Jiafish is like a tampon, "indicating that the breeding fish can be profitable as farming.

Production situation

2014, Jingzhou Da Baishi area farming area of ​​150,000 mu, production reached 15,000 tons.

Product Honor

On May 22, 2014, the Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China officially approved the implementation of national agricultural product geographical symbols for "Jingzhou Big Bai".

Geographical Sign

Geographical protection range

Jingzhou big white geographical protection is the scope of Jingzhou District, Sichuan, Ma Yushan, Baling Mountain, Li Yu , Mi City, Yucheng 7 towns, Dongcheng, Xicheng, Chengnan 3 Sub-district Office, Taihu Port, Linggu Lake 2 farm management areas and 133 administrative villages and 37 residents committees under the Jingzhou Chengnan Economic Development Zone. The geographic coordinates are 111 ° 54'11 "~ 112 ° 19'21", and 30 ° 06'51 "~ 30 ° 39'44" north latitude. Quality Technical Requirements

Quality Control Technical Specification Number: AGI2014-01-1417.

Specific production method

1, site selection: farming site environmental requirements should comply with "NY53661-2010 Non-pollution-free food freshwater farming production site environmental conditions" requirements, The water quality of the aquaculture should be in accordance with the "NY5051-2001 Water Water Water Water Water" for NY5051-2001 Non-Parisible Food.

2, the range of varieties: Main protection varieties are Jingzhou big white and famous.

3, production process control: Jingzhou big white production process: pond clear disinfection → launching large-scale seedling → regulate water quality → "four custom" feeding → disease prevention → Fish → packaging → Sales.

1 source control: It is necessary to come from the national germplasm and national and provincial original varieties in Jingzhou District and the national and provincial original varieties. It is necessary to uniform and strong. Quarantine is quarantined before being put forward, and the path seedlings are not taken.

2 source control. The culture water is water-based in the Yangtze River, which is strictly prohibited to industrial pollution water, pesticide pollution water into the project area. The internal displacement in the project area must not be used in breeding, the water supply channel and drainage can be gradually separated, and it is used to ensure that the water source in the breeding tank is clean and non-polluted, and the water quality standards for NY5053 "freshwater farming" shall be managed. The water quality is periodically detected during the production process, and the main chemistry, biological indicators of the water source is measured, and the water quality is adjusted as much as possible.

3 input product management. During the breeding process, we must conscientiously select feed and medicines. The medicines selected should meet the requirements of non-pollution-free water products, strictly abide by NY5071 "Criterion of the drug use of non-pollution-free food fish", NY5070 "Fishing drug residue in non-pollution-free food products" NY5072 "Limited to the Safety of Pollution Food Fishing Feed Safety", it is strictly forbidden to use the production license, approval number, and no production of fishing medicine and bait. Strictly implement the drug pick-up period regulations to ensure that drug residues meet the requirements.

4, product harvesting and postpartum processing:

1 out of the pool test. One month before the water products out of the pool, according to NY5053-2005 "Non-pollution-free food ordinary fresh water fish", NY / T5344.1 "Section 1 of the Non-Pacific Food Product Sample" and NY / T5344.7-2006 "pollution Sampling method and inspection method in the seventh part of the salient product sampling specification, focusing on the inspection of safety indicators specified in the standard, in line with standard qualified products, you can list sales, for unsuccessful products that do not meet the standard , Especially the products that have exceeded the standards of the safety indicators do not allow the pool, which is strictly forbidden, and should continue to be temporary and purify. After purification, it is possible to sell the pool sales in accordance with the quality requirements of pollution-free aquatic products. It does not meet the quality of non-pollution-free aquatic products after purification, and cannot be sold. And do a good job, find out the cause, it will be avoided to avoid similar situations.

2 label. Sales of water products should attach the "product label", indicate the unit name, address, product type, specification, out of the pool date, etc. Tags To do: First, you must not separate with the packaging container. The second is everything of the label, must not be blurred or even fall off in the circulation link; it must ensure that consumers are bought, easy to identify and read. The third is the label text, symbol, graphic should be intuitive, easy to understand, background and background color. The fourth is the name of the name must be in the awake position of the label. Fifth, the text used by the label must be a standard Chinese character. You can use Chinese pinyin at the same time, but you must spell correctly, you must not greater than the corresponding Chinese characters.

3 packaging. First, the requirements for packaging materials. Packaging materials should meet the national food packaging health requirements, and should also meet environmental protection requirements. All packaging materials should be cleaned, sanitary, dried, non-toxic, no odor, and should have good air tightness, gas permeability, and water vapor, and volatile isolation, which can prevent moisture from evaporation under low temperature refrigeration. Second, packaging design should beautify the image, attractive, and achieve the purpose of promoting sales. The third is the packaging requirements. For fresh water products, there can be plastic bags, rubber bags, packing boxes, etc., the outer packaging of goods should be labeled as "fresh and perishable item" goods label, write to the name, address, telephone number of the delivery Number and Storage and Transportation Precautions, such as "refrigerated", "frozen", etc.

4 transportation. Common transport containers mainly include plastic bags, rubber bags, live fish boxes (cars), live fish boats, etc. Fresh fish basket (bucket) should be headed up, one layer of fish, a layer of ice, plus the top ice. Preservation of ice should meet the quality requirements of "artificial ice". Living fish transport should have a fresh transport vehicle or other transport equipment with an oxygenated device. Moisturizing, preservation measures should be used during fresh fish. The transportation tool should be cleaned, disinfected, cleaned, non-toxic, no odor. Do not use any toxic and harmful chemicals during the transport of live fresh fish, and must not use anesthetic, and must not be mixed with toxic hazardous substances.

5 temporary. Live fish can be used in clean, non-toxic, non-abnormal cement pool, water cluster box and other water body, and temporary water should be in accordance with the provisions of "Water Water Water Water Water Quality of Non - polluted Food". Fresh fish storage environment should be clean, non-toxic, no odor, no pollution, in line with health requirements, and is related to drainage facilities. The fish should be maintained at 0 ° C to 4 ° C during the preusing period of fresh fish.

5, production record requirements: Follow the Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China (2003) "Regulations on the Administration of Aquaculture Quality and Safety Management", in fact, fill in "Aquaculture Production Record", "Aquaculture Medicine Record "and" Product Sales Record ", and save it to the batch of water products for more than 2 years in order to carry out traceability.

Dedicated Sign Using

1. Applicant: In line with the units and individuals of the following conditions, you can apply to the registration certificate holder using agricultural product geographical symbol:

(1) Production and operation of agricultural products in production and operation;

(2) has obtained production and business qualifications related to registered agricultural products;

(3) can be strictly in accordance with the requirements Quality and Technical Regulations Organize production and operation activities;

(4) has a geographical logo agricultural market development and operation capacity. The use of agricultural product geographic indications should be signed in accordance with the production and operation annual and registration certificate holders, and the number, scope and related responsibility obligations used in the agreement are carried out in the agreement. Agricultural Products Geographical Sign Registration Certificate shall not charge the agricultural product geographic logo.

2, Sign User Enjoy the Rights and Oblisse Signs User Enjoyment:

(1) can use agricultural product geographical symbols on products and their packaging;

< P> (2) Propaganda and participation in exhibitions, show, and exhibitions can be accepted using the registered agricultural product geographic logo.

(3) Consciously accept the supervision and inspection of the registration certificate holder;

(4) guarantee the quality and reputation of geographical logo agricultural products;

(5) Use agricultural product geographical symbols correctly and standardize.

(6) Other provisions: In the production process, one is the production and operator of geographical logo agricultural products, should establish a quality control traceability system. Agricultural product geographical symbol registration certificate holder and logo is responsible for the quality and reputation of geographical logo agricultural products. Second, any unit and individual may not fake, use agricultural product geographical symbols and registration certificates. The third is that the state encourages units and individuals to supervise agricultural product geographic logos.

Historical and Culture

The famous poet Du Fu, who once left Chengdu to Zhangzhou, and wiped the scenery of Jingjing, writing a five-law " "(Also known as" Jiangling Wangxia "):" Wen said that Jiangling House, Yunsha is almost, white fish is like jade, Cantonia is no matter what money. "

also circulating a folk story in Jingzhou In the Tang Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty was a South Tour in the Tang Dynasty. He Zhu Bank went to the Jiangling government. He suddenly had a big white fish to leap out of the water. He fell on the deck of the boat. He saw the fish to live, sunny, silver light. After the emperor cooked the fish, after taste, the delicious white fish was greatly praised. Since then, Jiangling white fish is listed as tribute.

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