Home Technique John Propeo

John Propeo


Early-year career

Purfofo's father named Albert Profumo, is a famous Italian Lawyers, and the title of the fourth generation of Puerto Puerto(this aristocrat is set by the Kingdom of Sad Dia). When Provofmo's father died in 1940, he also inherited the title, but did not use the title. Propeero read Haro in the early years, and later got a bachelor's degree in agriculture and political economy in Brezonos College, Oxford University. In 1939, he joined the British Army (North Aptown Righteous Cavalry), and was sent to north to serve in Normandy, and participated in the fierce battle in France. The procrae is the army to the land army, and in the end of the Second World War I, I founded that Harold Alexander Marshal Harold Alexander, helped him to direct the 15th Army of Ying and Midea, and thus obtained the OBE (military).

Political career

In March 1940, although Prope Fu is still serving in the army, he still successfully replenished the Northampton County Together, he is promoted to the Original Party Member. Soon, the UK Royal Navy was defeated by Nazi Germany in Narvik, Narvik, and Propeero immediately voted against Zhang Bolun's government. At the time, he was the youngest member of the House, and he was in front of 2006, he is also a final House of Solitaard in the world.

In the 1945 election, Propement was defeated by Dick Mitchison by the Labor Party, lost his seat in Kudelin. The result was the tail in 1945, and he visited Japan with the coupon of the Chief of Staff. In 1950, Propper retired from the army and was selected from the Stratford-on-Avon on the Avark County, in 1950. Since the area has always been a stronghold of the conservative party, Propeero is also elected, returning to the House.

Propper is a handsome, good at politicians who are good at quit and room, and the contribution of war is excellent, so he has attached great importance to the conservative party. When the Conservative Party was reorganized in 1951, he was first hired in November 1952, and the Ministry of Civil Aviation Department of Congress will change the Ministry of Communications and the Ministry of Communications and the Ministry of Civil Aviation Secretary in November 1953. The subsequent, respectively, from January 1957, November 1958, was served as a Congress colonial sub-officer and a foreign office. In January 1959, he has served as Minister of Foreign Affairs. In 1954, he married the actress Valaiya Hobbers.

In July 1960, Propper was promoted by the Army Minister's identical for war, and appointed as a pivoting consultant.

Propeo incident

In January 1961, the Viscount Astor was part to his home Clevadton. Propper met a girl called Christine Keler in the party who has also developed a short relationship. Although the relationship between the two is only a few weeks, it is suspended by Propper, but the rumors of their gossip have begun to open.

is surprisingly, the original Kiele has also infected with a senior naval military officer in the Soviet Embassy in London, Yevgeny Ivanov. The incident was later found by the media, so that the "Propement Mo Event" immediately became a matter of national security, and the incident also exposed it in the public. The following is the passage of the event:

In December 1962, a shooting case occurred in London. Because Kiele took it, it was started to investigate her heritage, and Kirler and Propery Mo and Ivanov have had an unusual relationship. However, since the UK tradition, the public will respect the private life of politicians, and they are confidential, so the media will not report. However, in March 1963, the event was finally exposed. At that time, the Words of the Labor Party claimed that the next resident, based on the national security position, Po Fu Mo is necessary to explain his relationship with Kiele in the lower house, to clarify Rumor. Propeero later issued a private statement and pointed out that although he met Kiele, it denied that there was any "inappropriate" relationship with Kieler.

Despite the rumors of Procoro, the story and report about Kerler is still in the ear, and Mai Merlan, who is the Prime Minister, has begun to feel the no loans. So on June 5, 1963, Propper was forced to recognize that he had lied to the House, and this is a non-pardiability of "death" for British politics. As a result, Propper was forced to resign to the Army Minister, the House of Signs and all the positions of the Tirinating House. In addition, before the event of the public, Propper first admitted that he had married the wife first, and got his wife's forgiveness and support.

Although there is no indication, Propeero and Kerle's relationship threatened to national security. However, the scandal is still a great blow to the conservative party government, and the conservative party has lost the party in the 1964 election.

Propeer is completely low-key after "Propper's incident", very little to attend any public. Even if the incident has been adapted into a movie "scandal" in 1989, Kirler has issued his memoirs and once again reopened the attention, but he still did not make any response.

Later years

Shortly after resignation, Propement was originally in the London, the charity Tuny Seri service was obliged to clean the toilet, and soon, he "was persuaded to put down the mop, Teng Early business service "." As a result, he spent the effort in volunteering, with his own political skills and human relationship, successfully raised a lot of money to the charitable group and became the most important fundraising. Since he can maintain life from inherited heritage, he has been paying for the service. As for the wife of Propper Mo, it has been engaged in charity with her husband until 1998. Propper's contribution, successfully saved his reputation, and many commentators also changed him, Lord Lord commented, he felt "Everyone who admire Proco, all people know more than a life High ".

In 1975, Propeer was invited to Buckingham Palace, awarded the honor of the CBE by the English and American Elisa, marking the royal family's rejoin. Later, in 1995, the first British Prime Minister David David invited Propper Mo to attend her 70th birthday dinner and arrange him to sit next to the queen. Propper attended the open space after resignation, and in the late year, it is necessary to rely on wheelchair action. His last appearance was on November 8, 2005, attended the mourning ceremony of Heath Jazz.

Due to 3 March 2006, Propper was sent to Chelsea and Westminster Hospital because of the serious stroke, and after two days later The family is accompanied by the death. After he died, the main current affairs commentators praised the contribution of Proteo to public welfare, and rarely criticized the scandals that occurred in 1963.

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