Home Technique Keith Alexander

Keith Alexander


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1974 Nian West Point graduate

1975 German monitoring service sensitive issues

on the border of East Germany and Czechoslovakia in 1991, assistant chief of staff of the US 1st armored division, senior US military intelligence officer in Saudi

secretary of the US central Command Intelligence

2001 deputy chief of staff

in 2003 the Army in charge of intelligence work

in 2005--2014 in 16 then-director of the national security Agency

2010 Year - 2014 US commander of the network

2014 Nian due to the impact, "Snowden exposed material incident," US national security Agency (NSA) Director Keith Alexander (Keith Alexander) has officially leave.

In September 2020, Amazon announced the appointment of board member Keith Alexander for the company.


served as the National Security Agency in the past nine years (hereinafter referred to as "NSA") in Secretary, Keith Alexander (Keith Alexander) hosted a wide range of vast amounts of information digital surveillance operations, collected and even made a lot of former executives NSA was incredible.

NSA recently retired deputy director John Yin Gris (John Chris Inglis) said, for example in Iraq, NSA originally collected only about 50% of the communication signal enemies, the information can be processed for several hours . But then, NSA began collecting every email enemies, each and every mobile phone SMS position signal.

implemented in 2005

This adjustment from Alexander since he took office in August 2005 began to implement in order to ensure that American commanders in the field to know when the enemy commander boot, where the boot, phone calls and so on who.

former commander of the US war in Iraq, David Petraeus (David Petraeus), said in an interview, this information valuable, he had shattered the enemy in an attempt to bury roadside bombs.

However, later there were some unexpected things. In this regard, Alexander unprepared, even now still difficult to understand.


Thanks to Edward Snowden (Edward Snowden) of the exposed material, the whole world learned about the NSA many "prevent sticking" confidential. In the 10 months after Snowden exposed material, due to the public's mouth cutting pen punish, Alexander has been under tremendous pressure.

Alexander said in an interview last week, said: "I think people made a mistake, we should admit that in order to protect national security while working people are not bad people."

Initially, after Snowden exposed material, and his deputy, Alexander knew that I caught in a "storm" at home. But they believe that when the American public to know the internal NSA control, as well as layers of regulation from Congress, the White House and federal court, will understand the behavior of the NSA surveillance.

Keith Alexander

Gries Yin said: ".. Time after the message is open about a week or so, we are not ashamed of us believe that if people understand the whole context of the monitoring, will soon support our approach."

but the opposite is true, the survey results show that many Americans believe that NSA steal their e-mail, monitor his phone records. There are even rights organizations in the bus system to advertise in Washington, said Alexander lying.

submitted his resignation

So, Alexander submitted his resignation, but it was rejected the US government. Alexander said, should not allow other senior officials be held accountable, because large-scale confidential document is the system administrator (refer to Snowden) was unexpected to steal things.

Affected by this, in order to prevent the recurrence of similar incidents, NSA security procedures were followed for 42 adjustment. For example, during bulk transfer of data, it requires the presence of two people, to monitor each other.

Alexander believes that public reaction is so intense, largely influenced by media reports of sensational and misleading, and against critics of the NSA exaggeration. Alexander also said that the content of the exposed material of Snowdon, with 70 years of congressional intelligence agencies discovered the practice of abuse of power are essentially different.

Alexander said: "For some of the acts of intelligence agencies congressman 40 years ago found that the behavior is wrong, and this one is not."

to follow orders

Alexander also said that a presidential task working group also affirmed the NSA's actions. The task group has released a report, said: "Anything NSA done all we asked them to do, there is no evidence that they abuse their power."

But the report also pointed out: "NSA There are some serious and persistent violations of conduct and privacy regulations, even unintentional act, but also sparked the NSA valid, legal ability to manage their own powers concerns. "

FBI Agent Michael ago Derman (Michael German) believe that people of goodwill who will stand on the side of truth and democracy. At this point, if any resistance occurs, all belong to malicious acts, it should be overcome, even if it is within the limits permitted by law.

But former White House privacy officer Timothy Egger (Timothy Edgar) said: "Obviously, NSA is not the wicked things they did was to grant the president and Congress to do."

extreme culture of secrecy

Iger and other industry insiders believe that Alexander has not been done thing: did not say clearly to the public collection purpose and use of such information.

Note that the CIA to shape different public image over the years to avoid a NSA interact with the public. NSA's culture of secrecy is so extreme that some people simply are not aware of its existence. Unlike other intelligence agencies, NSA never boast of his importance, including finding Osama bin Laden (bin Laden) that a significant contribution in Pakistan.

So, when Snowden outbreak, NSA did not much political capital, its officials do not know how to deal with the crisis. A former NSA official said: "Alexander is an engineer, he often said, 'If we can do, we should do it.'"

strong character < / p>

before the White NSA, Alexander is a strong character. During most of his tenure, this style also helped him solve many problems, including a major challenge faced by the NSA.

Washington Center for Strategic and International Studies cybersecurity expert James Lewis (James Lewis) said they have such vast amounts of data that do not know how to deal with, one of Alexander's credit is the introduction of large data solution.

The solution NSA classification and processing of data has brought a revolution in which such a tool called "Apache Accumulo", can handle PB level data. It is with these innovative tools, NSA in the "cat and mouse" game to stay ahead.

Alexander believes that within five or ten years time, the shadow of Snowdon event from NSA to come out. But now, once fruitful strategies are becoming useless.

NSA former senior official Richard Sena (Richard Zahner), said:. "We are successful because people lazy, not doing what they should do" before the enemy already know some of sophisticated American power, now, Russia's battlefield commanders and al-Qaida leaders are aware NSA almost everywhere.


Alexander permanently leave the office at the occasion, still do not know the loss of the event how much. For a person of the data collected are more than anyone else, which is a satire. US officials believe Snowden stole up to 1.7 million documents. But Alexander said the investigation did not determine how many documents were stolen.

Alexander said: "What have you learned correspondent material, which the Russian master, and master what other countries, it is unknown there are many other things we do not know.."

< h2> disputed

2014 Nian 10 23, according to foreign media reports Keith - Alexander was holding and transaction related with China and Russia during his tenure as the US national security Agency (NSA) Director merchandise stock China Aluminum column.

Alexander disclosure of financial information from the point of view that he had engaged in commodities trading by experts as "opaque." The report also pointed out that the officials in charge of ethical issues approved this trading activity in Alexandria.

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