Home Technique Legal benefits

Legal benefits

Welfare type

1. Pension insurance pension insurance system is a national and society based on certain laws and regulations, and to solve the labor age boundaries of the laborer in the national rules of labor, Or a social insurance system established by the old life of the old life to withdraw from the basic life after the labor position. It has the characteristics of mandatory, mutual management, reserve, sociality. At present, countries in the world can be divided into three types, ie insured funding (also called traditional) pension insurance, compulsory savings pension insurance (also known as provident fund model) and national co-ordination pension insurance.

2. Unemployment insurance

Unemployment insurance has been called the industry in the past, refers to the laborer's substance from the state and society during the statutory due to unemployment. A social insurance system for help. The type of unemployment insurance system includes national mandatory unemployment insurance, non-strong unemployment insurance, unemployment subsidy system, comprehensive unemployment insurance system, etc.

3. Medical insurance

Medical insurance refers to national legislation and enforcement, and gives a certain substance assistance from the state or society after people are sick or injured, that is, providing medical services. Or a social insurance system for economic compensation. Medical insurance has the most close relationship with the laborer, and other personal insurance interleaves, there is a unique third party payment system, and the level of treatment and payment level is not positive.

4. Work injury insurance

Work injury insurance is also known as occupational injury insurance or injury compensation insurance, refers to labor according to law, which is a worker who suffers from accident harm and suffering from employment in production. Its relatives provide a social insurance system for medical treatment, living security, economic compensation, medical and professional rehabilitation. my country's current "Work Injury Insurance Regulations" began in January 1, 2004. There are three implementation principles in the work injury insurance system, namely no fault compensation principles; risk sharing, mutual assistance principles; personal non-payment principles.

5. Fertility insurance

Fertility insurance means a social insurance system for living security and material help because women workers temporarily interrupt labor due to pregnancy, childbirth. Implement a birth insurance system, to ensure the health of childbearing workers and babies, promote exceptions; implement maternity insurance is a recognition of women's fertility value; truly achieving equality between men and women.

6. The meaning of housing provident fund

The meaning of housing provident fund refers to state organs, state-owned enterprises, urban collective enterprises, foreign-invested enterprises, urban private enterprises and other urban enterprises, institutions, private office Long-term housing storage deposited by non-enterprise units, social groups and their in-service workers. Housing provident fund is a housing security system implemented by the country. It is essentially part of the labor remuneration. It is owned by the individual and specialized funds for the resolution of employee housing problems.

Welfare Features

1. Compulsory Social Insurance is the mandatory implementation of national legislation, within the scope of the law, enterprises or employers must participate in social insurance according to law, press Provisions paying insurance premiums. Enterprises who pay back or refuse social insurance premiums for no reason should be levied or pursue their legal responsibilities. In various safety, the mandatory characteristics of work injury insurance is most obvious.

2. The main purpose of social insurance is to provide basic living assurance for laborers from lifetime, which is in line with national laws and can enjoy the national office. Various social insurance benefits. Social insurance coverage is limited by the level of economic development and is implemented in a certain period of time. For example, China's current social insurance is mainly the main organization, all ownership enterprises, institutions, and some private enterprises employees, and laborers' main guarantees.

Legal benefits

3. Social insurance is the use of social strength to carry out risk sharing and mutual compensation, and the function of insurance decentralized risks directly reflects its mutuality. With the expansion of coverage, the degree of socialization is improved, the stronger of social insurance is also.

4. Differential

Social insurance has welfare, but there is also a certain difference in the enjoyment of insurance. When the worker also occurs the risk of old, sick, death, unemployment, birth, etc., due to the different insurance expenses of personal age, salary and payment, and the insurance benefits will also be different.

5. Preventive

The various social insurance funds paid by the enterprise and individuals are to prevent risks, which is in order to encounter labor in laborers. There is enough material foundation to provide funding, preventiveness is a basic feature of social insurance. The prevention of social insurance is related to the rights and obligations of the insured, and the payment level of the insured person is directly related to the amount of insured, but only under certain conditions, it will be coordinated according to the situation of the protective object.

The importance of influencing factors

The importance of legal welfare

1. guarantee the basic life of the workers, maintain social stability

statutory welfare, guarantee Workers can get medical, recovery, and improvement of labor, basic living security, and employment opportunities for disease, disability, death, unemployment, and elderly. Social insurance in Western countries is because some workers' lives are not guaranteed, the basic living expenses are not satisfied, causing the social turmoil, forcing the government to adopt the policy. Legal welfare is committed to creating a good social environment, improving the employment level and welfare level of society, enhances people's psychological balance and social fairness, and maintain social stability.

2. Guarantee the health of the workers, maintain labor regeneration

The implementation of the medical insurance system and the disease insurance system can make workers to treat the disease, restore health, and sweep the labor Regeneration barrier. The implementation of maternity insurance can restore physical strength as soon as possible and participate in production labor. Workers get help when losing labor capabilities, facilitating laborers and their families of basic life, workers, old, illness, disability, etc., can reduce family burden, use more resources for Improve the quality of the workers.

3. Enable individuals to actively participate in the economy, indirectly improve the competitive advantage of enterprises in the enterprise. The legal benefits are in line with the humanitarian spirit, which is conducive to the sense of belonging to enhance personnel, retain talent. The legal welfare is a national policy that the employer has to implement. However, it can stabilize the staff team and improve business management. The special difficulties of the laborers have been solved. The safety of the workers, the worries of health, they actively participate in the economy, and strive to improve the competitive advantage of enterprises.

4. Promote production development, guaranteeing the normal operation of the economy

Insurance system to increase public spending and increase social demand. For example, unemployment benefits are distributed, which is conducive to maintaining the basic life of workers. It turns out that there is no consumption or social members with small consumption, which will generate "growth" consumption demand, increase the increase in consumption, promoting the supply level of goods, and promotes economic growth. The stability of the people, the enhancement of corporate economic strength inevitably promotes the growth of the national economy.

Affecting factors

There are many factors affecting legal benefits, mainly include the following factors:

1. Government regulations policy

The governments in many countries and regions are expressly stipulated that any benefits should be organized to organize employees. Once the organization does not provide corresponding benefits for employees, it is illegal.

2. Wage control

Due to income tax, general organizations can provide high salary in order to control costs, but can provide good benefits, which is also advocated by the Government. measure.

3. The sharp increase in medical expenses

Due to various reasons, medical expenses around the world have increased significantly in recent years. Once employees have no corresponding welfare support, if they are sick, especially critically ill patients, often cause difficulties in life.

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