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雷 峰 塔 塔

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Disclaimed the Pour of Leifeng Pagoda 1

I heard that Hangzhou West Lake Leifeng Tower 2 poured down, I heard that I didn't know. But I have seen the unveiled Leifeng Tower, breaking the rotten, between the lakes, the sun in the mountains, is one of the "Leifeng Xi Zhao", the West Lake ten scenes. I have seen the true scene of "Leifeng Xitai", I don't see good, I thought.

However, in the name of the wischase of the West Lake, I know that the earliest is this Leifeng Tower. My grandmother has often said to me, the white snake girl is pressed under this tower! There is a person named Xu Xian saved two snakes, a young white, and later the white snake will make a woman to repay, marry Xu Xian; green snakes, and follow. A monk, Zen Master, and the Zen Master, who saw Xu Xian's face, and people who won the monsters, there was a demon, but only extraordinary talents saw that - will After he hiding in the Mountain Temple, the White Snake Niangniang came to find a husband, so he "water Mountain". My grandmother is more interesting, about it is called "Yi Demai" 3 , but I didn't know if I have seen this book. Do Xu Xian "" Fahai "is written like this. All in all, the White Snake Niangni finally made a policy of the law and was put on a small odor. In the earth, the top, which also caused a ballast tower, which is Leifeng Tower. There seems to be a lot of things, such as the "white-shaped yuan sacrificial tower", but I have forgotten it now.

I then I only hoped in this Leifeng Tower. Later, I grew up and went to Hangzhou. I saw this broken tower, I was uncomfortable. Later, I saw a book, saying that Hangzhou people called this Tower as "Bao Shi Tower", in fact, should write "Baodi Tower" 4 , is the son of Queen. So, there is certainly no white snake girl, but my heart is still uncomfortable, still hoping that he fell.

Now, he actually fell, what is the people under the trend?

This is a factable. Try to Wu Yue's mountain waterfront to explore the public opinion. Anyone is old, the silkwomen village, in addition to a few people in a few brains, can anyone don't have a white lady? Don't blame the sea too much?

and still should only read themselves. White snake self-lost fairy, Xu Xian self-married, what is the coherence with others? He is equipped with a scroll, it is moving, it is about to be embarrassed, it is simply a certain.

I heard that later the Emperor's Emperor will blame the sea, so that he is poisoned, you want to take him. He fled and escaped, finally fled in the crab shell, did not dare to come again, and now. I have a lot of jade emperors, and I am very satisfied with this one, because "Water Man" is responsible for the law; he is really good. Unfortunately, I didn't inquire about this, or I am not in the "Yi Dew", but the folk legend.

Times of the autumn rice, there are many crabs in Wu Yue, and after boiling, no matter which one, unveil the back shell, there is yellow, there is a cream; if it is the female There is a pomegranate seed. First, I will have a conical film, and then carefully cut along the tapered bottom with a small knife, take out, turn it out, so as long as it is not broken, it becomes a Luohan model, there is a head , The body is sitting, and the children there are called his "crab monk", which is hiding in the law of refuge inside.

At the beginning, the white snake girl was pressed under the bottom of the tower, and the French Zen Master hid in the crab shell. Now, only the old Zen Master is sitting alone, and it is not coming to the day of the crab break. When he made the tower, did you think that the tower is going to be in the end?

雷 峰 塔 塔

is alive.

Work Note

1. This article was originally published in the first phase of Beijing "Silk" Weekly, November 17, 1994.

2. Leifeng Tower: Formerly in front of Hangzhou West Lake, Zhuji, Song Taizu, Bao Bao (975), was built in Wu Yue Wang Quan, first name, Siuan brick tower, post-name Wang Hao Tower; Building it on the hill called Leifeng, known as Leifeng Tower. Pour in September 25, 1924.

3. "Yi Demon Biography" tells the story of the bombardment of the folk gods of the White Snake, Qing Dynasty, Chen Xing, a total of four rolls of fifty-three times, and "sequel" two volumes. "Water Mountain" and "White Military Festival" is the plot in the story of the white snake. Jinshan is in Jiangsu Zhenjiang, there is Jinshan Temple in the mountains, and it is built in East China. The white-shaped yuan is the son of the story in the story, and Xu Xian, who was born, he later came back to the sacrificial tower, and met with the White Snake Nagne under the Leifeng Tower by Fahai and Shang Town.

4. This article was originally published, and the end of the article said: "This thing is done on October 28, 1994. Today, Sun Fuyuan, I He said, he said that Leifeng Tower is not a banga. So, it is about me to remember, but I really know that Leifeng Tower is not white. Nowadays, the previous reporter pointed I know that this section is not a book, then I know why, I know it is inexplicably. This statement is, and correct. November 3. "The Baodi Tower is in the top of the West Lake Gem, still save. One said that Wu Yue Wang's money was created when I got into the Song Dynasty. Ming Dynasty, Zhu Guozhen, "Incomcal Tab" Volume 14, there is a simple record: "Hangzhou has a banghouse, because of the entry of the DPRK, I will stay, do this to protect it ... Today's mistake is a big uncle." The other legend is The Song Zhenzong Xianlian's year (998 - 1003) is always in the arch. Ming Dynasty Langqi "Seven Repair Class": "Dining, Yongzheng Guiyuan Tower, people are known as the teacher," "

creation background

< P> Leifeng Tower and Baotao Tower in West Lake, Leifeng Tower is the beginning of Wu Yue, Wu Yue Wang is built by Huangfu, so it is also known as the Huangfu Tower to standardize morality. When Baidu Tower will be covered by Wu Yue, it is Wu Yue Wang Qianyuan, which is a "guarantee", which is the "guarantee", which is the "guarantee", which is the "guaranty", which is the "guarantee", which is the "guaranty", which is the "guaranty", which is the "guarantee" built in the Song Dynasty. After the Revolution of 1911, although the feudal authorities were overthrown, the feudal system did not "extinct", and the restoration of the forces still have retro arguments still in the drum noise, and it is not easy to remove feudal ideology.

This paper is written on October 28, 1924, it is a month after the Leifeng Tower. When the author is writing this article, the 19th year of the 1911 is 13 years, and only 5 years will be 5 years. Although the Revolution of 1911 ended the royal rule in two thousand years, it did not change China's semi-colonial semi-feudal social nature. The May 4th, especially the new cultural movement, although the feudal thinking, feudal morality has been strongly impacted, but it has not been removed from these sludge turbid water. In the winter of 1924, it is the time of the Northern Warlord Government to strengthen its reactionary rule. Critique of feudal ceremony.

Literature Appreciation

A ancient tower collapsed, this matter is unconcerned with social political struggle, but pay close attention to Lu Xun, a change in political situation, is a keen eye, from A unique angle, which is cleverly associated with the anti-feudal struggle that is ongoing at the time. With the Lei Feng Tower, use the "White Snake Niang" to the mythical story of the Fahai cruel suppression, the power to maintain the feudal tribute system, criticized and revealed, praise the spirit of the "White Snake Niang", revealing The historical law of the feudal system that killed the people's freedom and blocking the development of social development.

From the title, it seems to be a paper. It is actually a beautiful language, the meaningful, and talking. Effects, using narrative pen, it is the most prominent feature of this article. The works from the end of the end, there is neither the sight of the speech, and there is no arbitrary discussion of the scribble, but in the narrative of profound, beautiful and beautiful.

The article first talked from the "Leifeng Tower" to talk, all the narrative language, did not directly publish his own discussion. Next, the pen is turned, and the language of the "White Snake Niang" is described in the language. In this way, the "Leifeng Tower" has laid the foundation for the symbolic significance of "suppression of the tower", laid the foundation for the theme of expressing anti-feudal.

then, the story of the relationship between white snakes, Xu Xian, and Fahai with a large number of spaces. The accompisstation, expressing the articles anti-feudal thinking. Tongshe can't find a pocarological language, but as in the water, although the shape of the salt can not be seen, it can taste the salty taste in every drop of water. The author's "reason" is not open, but it is empty in front of the reader. More sensible, it is not only pedigree, but also messenger, makes narrative, ordered with lyrver, and is integrated. It is in a prolonged person and The work from the article describes the "broken rotten" to the middle narrative law sea "Zao Hui is moving", interferes with the marriage freedom of others, and the distinctive emotions of hate the feudal power and sympathors and compressors condensed in the pen end , In the word line in the narrative language, give the reader with a strong infection.

finally, with the "live" two-word word independent section, use the "smoking" pen to adjust the "Lao Zen Master", "La Shan" "Alone" in the crab shell in the crab shell in the crab shell. The spicy ridicule, the strong wishes of people who punish the evil, and have been exhausted, and they have received the effect of surprisingly victory. It is novelty and fighting, and it is amazing.

Play Home Reviews

Ministry of Education former Governor Xiubin "Liu Bin talking language": "On Leifeng Pagoda's pouring" is a short, delicate, strong combat power The prose, and "blessing", "Blessing", "Blessing", is a burning bullet that is shot to the feudalism, but it is not like "I have a dramatic", and the method of experiencing, the method of reasoning Chen Fengtheng Morality The sin is not like "blessings", using a painful pen to describe the real tragedy caused by the seal, in a relaxed, lively, humorous brush touch, directly ignoring the Leifeng Tower, after the mood, the mood, directly, write yourself Love and 憎.

Anhui University Professor Fang Ming "Modern Essay Boutique": Essay is the unity of image thinking and logical thinking, the integration of poetry and political theory. An essay, no excluding image and poetry. And this article is a special case. The full text of Leifeng Tower is poured, first talks about his joy and happiness, and expands the narrative of beautiful lyrics. Through the legend of the old grandmother, the legend of the White Snake and the French Hai Dynasty, and then and the interesting of the crabs between Wu Yuexiang, the feelings of their own feelings, the hometown, the non-love performance. That anti-feudal thinking tendency is very distinct. A sentence "I don't see good, I thought", a "live", surprise the author's subjective emotion. Cast thinking in the image, or say, all the shape, the characteristics of the essays are most special, so it is a special case, and it has a variety of meaning.

Professor, Sichuan Normal University, Relie Culture Research Center, Li Mende, "Professor Li, teach you to read Lu Xun prose": In this article, the author borrowed the people of Leifeng Tower collapsed, to the White Snake The sympathy and the disgust of Zen Master of the Fahai, reflecting the strong desire of the people's anti-feudalism and pursuit of free happiness. As Lu Xun said, this is the public opinion of Tianfuo, the village of the silkwomen.


Lu Xun (1881-1936), formerly known as Zhou Shou, after renovation of Zhou Shuren, word Yu Mountain, afterwards, "Lu Xun" is 1918 published "mad Diary "The pen name used to use is also his most influential pen name, Zhejiang Shaoxing. Near modern Chinese literati, thinker, educator, five-four new cultural movements, the founder of Chinese modern literature. Mao Zedong once evaluated: "Lu Xun's direction is the direction of the new culture of the Chinese nation." The novel, prose, poetry, and someone have a total of dozens of essays, and primary school languages. The novel "Blessing", "A Q Zheng Chuan", "medicine", etc. have been adapted into a movie. At the same time, his work is translated into more than 50 languages, Japanese, Russian, Spanish, French, German, have a vast number of readers around the world.

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