Home Technique Li Yizhen Memorial Hall

Li Yizhen Memorial Hall

The pavilion is built in 1992 in 1992, located in the Dongda Street, Pu Town, Haizhou District, covers an area of ​​1500 square meters. From the newly built hall, the main exhibition hall and the repair of new former residences, small and exquisite, antique. The "Mirror Flowers" version of Chinese and foreign languages ​​and the academic papers of domestic and foreign experts, academic papers, research materials are exhibited in the hall. Li Yizhen has lived in Louding for more than 30 years. He used the twenty years to write a "mirror flower edge" in the former first. At the commemorative ceremony, the experts of the Mirror Flower, scholars were fully affirmed about the construction, protection, and literature and history of the memorial. They hope that the relevant departments at all levels can expand the scale of the memorial hall, collect Li Yizhen's various cultural relics and "mirror folk songs", research materials, constantly enrich the collection of cultural relics, gradually expand the scale, and build Li Yizhen Memorial Hall Research Center. The painting and calligraphy family also gives the Memorial Hall of the portrait of Li Yizhen Xu Qiao Lin, Xu Guilin, and precious words.

Li Yizhen

Li Yizhen, the words Songs, the rock, the ancestral home is Daxing (now Beijing), because of his brother Li Yu, in the forty seventh year of Qianlong, Zhai (now Lianyungang). Li Yizhen hit the brother and lived in Loudo life for thirty years. He has been studying a "mirror flower edge" in more than 30 years in more than 30 years. This name is aware of the heart, with "Mountain Hai Jing" as the inner, through the narrative description of the romanticism of overseas fantasy world, the author's life is ideal.

Li Yizhen Memorial Hall

Li Yizhen Memorial Hall

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