Home Technique Louis Victor Debroe

Louis Victor Debroe

Synonym Deburi generally refers to Louis Victor Debroyi

Character experience

Home World Background

Louis Victor Debro It is a homemaster in France, a niber family. Debroyi family has been famous in the French army, politics, and diplomacy since the 17th century. Hundreds of years, in the battlefield and diplomatic, in 1740, was taken by Louis 15 for Duke The title washerified by a long period. The son of the first generation of Duke has played against the Habesburg family in the seven-year war, got the sacred Roman Empire, and gave each member of the family. Debroyi family grandfather J. V. A. Debroyi (1821-1901) is a famous French politician and state affairs home. In 1871, he was elected as a French National Assembly, and the same year was held in the British Ambassador, and later Served the French Prime Minister and Foreign Minister. When Debroji's elderly, the sixth generation of the Sixth generation of Debuli Duke Morriee, he became the Duke of France and German Princes in 1960, but a simple life is simple, and the children will be Dedicated to the scientific business.

Seeking the student

Debroji parents have lost. He loves to read, and the secondary school era showed a literary talent. He began to study history in the University of Porsabpa in Paris, and a bachelor's degree in literature in 1910.

In 1911, he heard Morris, which was the first Soli Physics Seminar secretary, provokes the strongness of physics after the discussion of the problem of light, radiation, quantum nature. Interest, especially he reads the "scientific value" of Pangola, turned to research theoretical physics. In 1913, a bachelor's degree was obtained.

During the First World War, he was familiar with the knowledge of radio waves on the military radio report station on the Eiffel Tower. His brother M. Debroe is an experimental physicist who learned from Brother and Einstein about quantum work, further leading to the great interest in physics. After some ideological struggle, Debulli finally gave up the decided to study the historical plan of French history and chose the path of physics. In 1924, he received a Physical Physics in Paris University, in the doctoral thesis, the concept of "substance wave" is proposed.

Teaching experience

1926, starting at the University of Paris.

1932, he served as a professor of theoretical physics of University School of Science, University of Paris. In 1933, he was elected as Academician of the French Academy of Sciences. Since 1943, he is a permanent secretary. In 1962, Debro retired.

Personal life

1960, Louis's brother Moris, Louis became the Duke of the seventh generation Debro (7th Duc de Broglie). Louis never married, a lifetime single, two faithful coming. He likes to have a trainee life, selling the luxury huge house of the noble hereditary homes, choosing to live in the civilian hut. He is deeply ease, never going to holiday, is a standard work mad. Going to work, he likes walking, or bus, and does not have private cars. It is a noble gentleman who is polite to people. On March 19, 1987, Debullo passed away, and he was 95 years old.

Main results

Material Wave Study

During the First World War, Demro's military in the Eiffel Tower Wireless telegraph station serves. I usually love to read scientific works, especially Pangle, Lorenz and Wan Hoi's work. Later, it was interested in the work of Prance, Einstein and Bohr, and turned to study physics. After retiring, he followed the Ph.D. in physics. His brother Morris Debroyi is an expert studying X-ray, Louis Victor Debroyi once studied X-rays with Morris, and both often discuss the relevant theoretical issues. Morris served as a secretary at the first Solwei meeting in 1911, responsible for organizing documents. The theme of this meeting is about radiation and quantum. The meeting documents have great inspiration to Louis Victor Debro. Morris and another X-ray expert Henry Prague closely. Henry Prague advocated the particle of X-rays. This view has an impact on Morris, so he often discusses the relationship between wave and particles with your brother. These conditions have prompted Louis Victor Debroyi in depth to think of wave-borne nature.

French physicist Buri Yuan published a series of papers in 1922, which proposed a theory of interpretation of Bocetal regular orbit atomic model. He envisaged the "Ethernet" surrounding of the atomic nucleus, which interfered with each other because the electronic track radius can be formed to form a standing wave around the nucleus, so the track radius is quantified. This insight was absorbed by Debro, and he removed the concept of the Ethernet, directly assigned the Ethervation to the electronic itself, and discussed in-depth discussion on atomic theory.

From September to October 1923, Louis Victor Debron continued three consecutive papers related to waves and quantums on the French Academy of Sciences. The first topic is "radiation-wave and quantum", proposing the physical particles there is also a wave binaronymal, which is considered to have a sine wave with the motion particles, and the two always maintain the same position. Later, he called this imaginary non-material wave as a phase wave. He considers a relativity effect of a moving particle of a static mass of M0, and regards the corresponding intrinsic energy M0C2 as a simple periodic phenomenon of frequency V0. He applied the phase wave concept to the electron with a closed track, and launched the Boli quantitative conditions. In the third article entitled "Quantum Gas Motion Theory and the thesis of the principle of Maima", he further proposed: "Only with the position of the phase wave resonance is a stable track. "In the second year of doctoral thesis, he is more clearly written:" The resonance condition is L = Nλ, that is, the circumference of the electronic orbit is an integer multiple of the phase wave wavelength. "

in the second question" optical-light quantum, diffraction and interference "paper, Debrovan proposes as follows:" In a certain situation, any moving point can be diffracted. The e-clusters passing through a fairly small opening will show the diffraction phenomenon. It is in this regard, it is possible to find experimental verification of our point of view. "

Debroyi has not clearly proposed the concept of material waves. He is just the concept of the phase waves or the phase waves, thinking that there is a non-material wave. But what is it? Wave? At the end of his doctoral thesis, he specially declare: "I deliberately speaking the phase waves and cycle phenomena, like the definition of light quantum, can be said to be just an explanation, so it is best to make this theory It seems that the physical content has not yet been clear, and it cannot be seen as the last conclusion. "Material wave is after Schrödinger equation, the physicity of the interpretation of the wave function is proposed by Schrödinger. Further, Debroe does not clearly propose the relationship between wavelength λ and momentum P: λ = h / p (H, Prestock constant), but later people found that this relationship has implicit in his paper, and called this relationship as Debroyi formula.

Debroji The doctoral thesis has been highly praised by the Defense Committee, and it is considered to have a unique spirit, but people always think that his thoughts are too mysterious, not seriously treated seriously. For example: in the reply, someone is a way to verify this new one Concept. Debroe replied: "This assumption of fluctuations should be observed by electron diffraction experiments on crystals. "There is a experimental physicist in his brother's laboratory to try to do such an experiment with cathode ray tube. I tried it. I have not succeeded, I will give up. Later analysis, it may be electronic The speed is not big enough, as the mica crystal of the target absorbs the air free charge, if the experimenter is seriously doing, will definitely make the result.

Debrovi's paper is published, at the time There is not much reaction. Later, people will pay attention to because of Einstein's support. Lang Zhi Wan once sent a paper to Einstein, Einstein, was very happy. He didn't think, I founded the wave-classic concept of the light of the light, which developed such a rich content in Debroyi, and expanded to sports particles. At that time, Einstein was writing a paper about quantum statistics, so it added. A section introduced Debroyi work. He wrote: "A material particle or material particle system can correspond to a wave field, and Mr. Debron has pointed out in a very worthless paper. "So, Debroyi's work immediately got everyone's attention.

When Xue Qixi published his fluctuation mechanism," said the inspiration of these considerations, mainly due to The original papers of Mr. Louis Victor Debroo. "In 1927, the United States Davidson and Treasure and the UK's GP Toms Sun confirmed that electronic diffraction experiments have confirmed electronics independent volatility. At this point, Debrovi's theory is a universal appreciation as an example of bold assumptions, This has got a 1929 Nobel Physics Award.

Later, Debroji mainly engaged in the study of wave mechanics, and he focused on "Double Excluding theory" after 1951. I want to explain the probability and causality of wave mechanics on the basis of the classic space and space concept, but this effort has not been successful. Debroyi is always interested in philosophy of modern physics, like to physically Learning, scientific history and natural philosophy, some related papers have been written.

Honor Awards

He has got a lot of honors due to Debroji's outstanding contribution.

1929 won the French Academy Henry Peng Gara medal, and also won the Nobel Physics Award in the same year.

1932, won the Monaco Albert First Award.

In 1933, Debull became academicians of the French Academy of Sciences, and also a permanent secretary began in 1942 in 1942.

October 12, 1933, he won the first seat of the French Academy of Science At that time, the second World War, Germany Nazi occupied France, many academicians or passed the world, or was captured, the academic hospital could not reach the minimum number of 20 people necessary for the election. But because this is the special period, in the 10 The seven academician allocated the situation of the ticket, the academic hospital accepted this election result.

1934 is selected as the NGM Lisher, who is academician, in the history of academics, there is no previous spot On behalf of the whole hospital, Welcome Louis became a new academician.

After 1942, he served as a secretary of the math science.

1938, because Debrovo's outstanding contribution to theoretical physics, Germany The Physics Society will give him the highest honor Max Planck medal.

1952 (Kalinga Prize). In 1953, it was elected as a member of the Royal Len to London. In 1956, the Gold Medal of the National Science Research Center.

1961, won the French Honor Legion Big Cross Medal.

Honorary Ph.D., the honorary university of Six famous universities in Warsaw University, Athens University, is an academician of 18 academy of Sciences, such as Europe, US, and India.

Main works

"Wave Mechanics Introduction" (1929);

"Material and Light: New Physics" (1939);

"Revolution in Physics" (1953) ;

"Haysen Uncertainty Relationship and Probability Interpretation of Wave Mechanics" (1982) et al.

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