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Make · Dose

Character's life of

Born on October 19, 1916 in Toulouse, France. He received a bachelor's degree in Lycée Michell School, and he learned medicine in Paris University in the late 1930s. After graduating from college, he served in North Africa during World War II. In World War II, he served in a blood transfusion unit, which caused him to be interested in hematology and blood transfusion immune responses.

Make · Dose

he was a professor at the French College in 1977. Because of its advancement in immunology, I won the Nobel Physiology and Medical Award with others in 1980.

Let Die Sepa life in the last 2 years of Live in Mallorca.

Main achievements

Let · Dogie the most famous achievements were first discovered in 1958, the cell surface markers were first discovered, referred to as HLAS [human primary tissue compatibility antigen (HLA) One of them, named Mac], helping the body's immune system to distinguish their own cells and foreign tissues. The relevant papers on this study have been quoted more than 250 times. His outstanding contributions in immunology, studying in this regard to facilitate tissue typing, helping to reduce the rejection of organ transplantation.

Character evaluation

The Jean-Paul Soulillou evaluation with its cooperation French Nante University transplant scientist said: "He is a real extraordinary person."

More reading

"scientist" Related Report (English)

jean dausset biography (English)

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