Home Technique Maselo Rebello Dessa

Maselo Rebello Dessa

Character experience

Portuguese right wings candidate Masore Win President (6 photos)

December 12, 1948, Marcelo Rebello Dessus is born in the city of Lisbon.

In 1971, he was a bachelor's degree in law in Learning, and was a master's degree in law in law and political law. Long-term teachers at the University of Lisbon, serve as the Pilot Catholic University and a visiting professor of Lisbon University.

Join the Portagon Party in 1974.

in 1975 was elected as a parliamentarian.

from 1981 to 1983, he has served as Ministerial Conference Assistant Secretary Secretary.

1984 received a Ph.D. in Lisbon University.

is the chairman of the Socialmid Party in 1996-1999. Create a "Express" and "Weekly" and serve as editor.

2000 to 2015 served as a TV political commentator.

2006-2015 member of the National Council of the President of the President of Portrait.

January 24, 2016, Lisbon, Portugal, Portugal, President Marcelo, delivered a speech after the election results were released. The Portuguese voters elected a conservative candidate on the 24th, and the famous TV commentator Marcelo is a president of the country. Analysis said that although the President of Portuguese is a symbolic state head of state, it has a key role in maintaining a fragile new government.

January 24, 2021, Portugal's current President Marcelo Rebello Dessus wins in the presidential election and won the company.

Personal life

infected new crown

January 11, 2021, Marcelo Rebello Dessa The results are positive in the detection of new crown virus nucleic acid detection. Maselo Reibero Dessa has been isolated on January 6, on January 6, due to the positive case of neoplactonia.

Family life

divorced, there is 1 child.

To China Communication

April 28, 2019, on May 2nd, the Chinese President Xi Jinping invited, Maselo Rebello Dessa conducted to China State-visiting, visit the second "One Belt" International Cooperation Summit Forum.

On the evening of May 7, 2020, Portugal President Dessama That Tong Tong Tong Tong Tong Tong Tongtong Tong Tongtong Tongtong. Dessa said that the Volchers admire the firm belief in the fight against the Chinese people. New crown pneumonia epidemic is a common enemy of all humanity. The international community should adhere to multilateralism and hand in hand. Thanks to the valuable support and help provided by the Chinese side, this has made an important contribution to the populty. Portuguese born, the friendship of the two countries will be further deepened through the joint fight against the epidemic, and the friendship between the two countries will further deepen, and the Portuguese partnership must be more secure.

On March 2, 2021, Portuguese President Dessa said when he accepted the Chinese New Resident Ambassador Zhao Baotang in the Portugang, and the portions of the portions will also work together to promote the relationship between Portugal. Stairs. Dessa said that the current Portuguese bilateral is fully launched in energy, infrastructure, trade, finance, health, humanities and other fields, and has achieved a series of fruitful results. Both sides have extensive common interests in maintaining multilateralism, responding to climate change.

On 27, 2021, Chinese President Xi Jinping took the Tesson phone with Portuguese President. Dessa said that in recent years, the Portuguese relationship has always maintained a good development momentum, and the economic cooperation between the two countries is increasing. The Group is welcome to run cooperation in Chinese companies to Portugate. Portuguese two countries have a lot of common language and common interests in maintaining multilateralism, promoting world peace safety. Portraia will also support the United Nations role with the Chinese side, and strengthen communication coordination under the multilateral frameworks such as the 20th Countries. The portisy appreciates China to promote international cooperation against new coronary pneumonia epidemic, willing to strengthen cooperation with China. China has an important impact on hot issues in Afghanistan and other regions, and the population supports China's greater role.

Character activities

On the evening of June 17, 2020, Portugal President House held a celebration to celebrate Lisbon to win the right to organize this season's European Champion League final stage. Portuguese President Dessa said in the speech that countries are currently striving to resume the economy, and this victory is the country brand of Portugal. Dessa emphasized in the speech that Lisbon has undertakes the European champion final stage has surpassed the sports competitive field itself, which is the victory of Portuguese countries.

Character incident

June 17, 2017, a serious forest fire in the Central Portuguese of Portugal, causing 64 deaths. On June 15th, serious forest fires occurred in the North and the central region, causing at least 41 deaths. The Portuguese opposition party believes that Dessar is not intended to fire, asking him to resign. On October 18, 2017, President Portuguese Massalo Ramelo, Dedso, published a national TV speech, saying that the Portuguese government should apologize for major casualties in the forest fire, and adjust the relevant policies and personnel arrangements.

March 8, 2020, the Portuguese Presidential Palace Website Police said that the students who have received prior met the new coronal pneumonia, the country's President Dessa will take the initiative to isolate two weeks, cancel all official arrangements . The statement added: "Although the President has not shown any symptoms of sick, after listening to the sanitation authorities, it decided to cancel all public participation."

March 18, 2020, Portuguese President Dessa Declare that Portugal has entered the "emergency state" to prevent new championships from spreading.

On 4 April 20020, the Court of Portuguese has recently been protected by the wearing mask, and Portuguese President Dessa said to the media that he must wear a mask when you go out every week. Do your protection. Dessa said that he went out of shopping twice a week, every time he wore a mask, this is his little grandson who lives in China teaches him. The little grandson told him that the Chinese people have a habit of wearing a mask, and wearing a mask during the epidemic is the best protection for themselves. Dessa said that he recently did two new crown viruses, the result was negative, which is illustration.

On August 15, 2020, the survival of several beachfront cities on several beachfronts, while leaving the development of television reporters in the afternoon, he should interview with the television reporter, talk about his tourist reform strategy, interview location It is scheduled to be on the side of the beach. As Dessaras and reporters, he found that there was a small wooden boat in the offshore, there was a small wooden boat suddenly turned to the boat, and the two female youths on board were saved. After the call, Dessan jumped into the sea and jumped into the sea. . Beach lifeguards also saw someone falling water, driving a water high-speed motorboat immediately arrived at the falling water scene, with Dessosa to save two falling women youth to the beach.

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