Home Technique May revolution

May revolution

Basic introduction

Argentina's May revolution (Larevolucióndemayo) is the first independent movement in the Spanish colonies of South America. At that time, Napoleon invaded Spain, overthrew the Spanish King Fedi South Seven, appointed his brother Joseph for Spain, Spain's colonial Lapalata in South America (including Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay) lost the host country. support. On May 13, 1810, a group of British army landed in Montevideo, confirmed that the rumors about the Spanish situation were true. On May 25, the CRM was established in Buenos Aires, overthrew the Governor of Lapa. It was not until 1816 Argentina officially independent.

May 12 May 18th Friday

Friday, May 18, Friday, the Governor, Cezeros, to conceal the public The incident occurred in Spain, the announcement requested that everyone was loyal to the king, but the facts concealed, some of the upper people of Buenos Aires held a rally, requiring the Governor to convene a public representative meeting to determine the future of the Governor's jurisdiction.

Saturday, May 19th

Saturday, May 19th, Saturday, Huan Juan Castel, Martin Rodrid, The Governor Cezeros made a request and requested the second day to hold a congress. Cezeros believes that the representative conference will be unfavorable to himself and decide to summon the guards to see their attitude.

May revolution

Sunday, May 20

on Sunday, Sunday, the guards, Kirina, Sadwra, and rally leaders, seven people The group and the Governor met, Savidra refused to support the Governor, and only one prosecutor Julian De Riva support Governor.

Monday, May 21st

Monday morning on March 21, the parliament was held, but a group of armed people rushed into the Governor's jurisdiction. Square (now renamed "May Square"), interrupting the meeting agenda, requiring the revocation of the Governor's jurisdiction to establish a real parliament. The Governor was eventually forced to sign a consent of the Representative Conference next day.

Tuesday, May 22, "Tuesday, May 22nd, the conference was held at noon, inviting all the famous people in Buenos Aires. It was printed with 600 invitation, only 450 copies, but many people have some concerns that they did not dare to participate in the General Assembly, and eventually only 251 people will meet. The meeting process has a fierce debate. The big bishop opposed any transgenic changes, the prosecutor Raywake warned that if you would resume the throne, consider the consequences.

Wednesday, May 23, Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday, May 23, the General Assembly vote whether to save the governor jurisdiction, 155 votes against the preserved Governor power, 69 votes . The next decision decided to set up the power of the Administrative Association, and the Prosecutor Raywa recommended the Governor Cezeros as Chairman of the Administrative Council, and Sadwandra opposed, he believed to completely cancel the traces of the Governor's jurisdiction.

Ward May 24

On the Thursday, the CPC will finally establish, it is composed of five people, of which 4 is a local Indo-HOS. -... Also include the original Governor. The Congress admits that the current government's composition is until the representative of other regions of the Governor's jurisdiction arrives. At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the army leaders swear to the government. But when the news is announced, it causes the public's opposition, and they think that "Cassina is chaired by the chairman and the governor's jurisdiction." At 8 o'clock in the evening, the revolutionary party, sent representatives to convince the members of the government to resign.

Friday, May 25

May 25th Friday, the conference, re-held, and prepare a request to resign. However, because the force of Savidra no longer supports the Governor, the public's pressure is getting bigger and bigger, and the General Assembly finally decided to ask the Governor to resign, disband the Administration, re-establish a new government conference. The Laplata Governor's jurisdiction officially announced from Spain independence. Such an important thing happened in this week, in Argentina's history called "May WemanAdemayo).

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