Home Technique Meng Shaoong

Meng Shaoong

Historical figures

teenager school

Meng Shaonong (13)

1915 (Republic of China four years) December 12 Japan, Meng Shaonong was born in Beijing.

1921 years (in ten years), the Beijing North Elementary School reading.

1927 years (sixteen years), into the Beijing Normal University High School.

1930 years (nineteen years), Changsha Yue Yun Meng Shaonong admitted to secondary school.

1932 years (twenty-one years), into the Changsha high school. The province's high school examinations, he won first prize.

1935 years (twenty-four years), Changsha high school.

public funds in America

1940 years (twenty-nine years), graduated from Southwest Associated University Department of Mechanical Engineering, Southwest Associated University the same year to recruit a number of government scholarships in America, Meng Shaonong with excellent results are admission.

1941 years (thirty years), Meng Shaonong United States to study, to enter the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Mechanical Engineering.

1941- 1943, the US Department of Mechanical Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology, a master's degree.

1943- 1944, the US Ford Motor Company, hammer Shilan Sen machine internship.

1944- 1946, the US Department Di Beike Motor Company, American Linden City Chinese engine factory as an engineer.

1946 In May, he took the first class ship navigation China and the US after the war left the United States.

to return to teach

1946- 1948 years, the Mechanical Engineering Department of Tsinghua University associate professor and professor.

1947 years (thirty-six years) in July, he participated in the Chinese Communist Party.

1948 years (thirty-seven years) in September, he abandoned this university professor senior positions, was ordered to go to the liberated areas to participate in the revolution, has become an ordinary soldier of the revolution.

automobile construction

1948- 1949, the North China Renminzhengfu public enterprises department engineer.

1949- 1950, the Ministry of Public Enterprises in North Renminzhengfu technical room director.

1950- 1952, the central Ministry of Heavy Industry, deputy director of the preparatory group of the automotive industry.

before the 1951 Spring Festival, Meng Shaonong accompanied by Soviet experts to visit Changchun, selected the site.

1952 In July 2009, Ministry of Heavy send to Meng Shaonong headed, there is Li Gang, Chen Zutao, Comrade Pan Chenglie of the representatives in Moscow team, responsible for the FAW technical design liaison, equipment orders and sub-pay, hire experts, dispatch training personnel matters.

1952- 1953 years, the Ministry of Heavy Industry Automotive preparatory group in Moscow on behalf of the Soviet Union.

1953- 1965 years, the first automaker Changfuchangchang Deputy Chief Engineer. Sector

1955 in the second half, FAW parts into the commissioning phase, Meng Shaonong director of product design, technology, metallurgy and production preparation, etc., often go to the scene to check for parts identification commissioning program implementation and timely solutions to deal with some major technical problems and ensure commissioning of production according to plan.

1956 In November 2009, he organized the development of FAW 1957--1962 liberation Car design improvement and development of new varieties of planning. Wherein the improvement includes the liberation of the car, the design of CA-11 type flat new liberation, and its derivative dump trucks, tractors, buses and military vehicles and car development series. He held on tight to the implementation of this plan, one by one specific guidance. After years of efforts, in addition to the bus, the other fully achieved.

1957 he lived in Jilin Province sick Hospital, still in the ward drawn sketch conceived, designed and invited experts Wu dedication, Liubing Nan, Shi Yu Ji, Fu Man and other comrades to discuss research ward.

1962 years attended Premier Zhou Enlai, Vice Premier Chen Yi Science Conference held in Guangzhou.

1965 years Mengshao Nong transferred to the Ministry of Machinery Industry Bureau car, room division is responsible for the overall work.

1971 May, Meng Shaonong transferred to Shaanxi Automobile Factory Revolutionary Committee, deputy director in charge of the technical work.

1965 years when steam began to build, and preparatory group leader Rao Bin study with him two steam-building, he put forward a bold vision that is: the steam building can not be copied. Steam mode, to break a new path, to a large yield, varieties to more equipment to new, advanced technologies to production to specialization.

1978- 1988 years, the second automobile manufacturing Changfuchangchang and chief engineer, the steam Party Committee, vice chairman of Dongfeng Truck Corporation, Director of the steam Advisory Committee and President of Hubei Automotive Industries Institute .

1982, he was at a meeting of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, with plenty of examples of propaganda automotive industry should be a pillar industry of China and China should vigorously step up the development of car production not hesitate view.

1988 Nian 1 15, died in Beijing.

main achievements

scientific research achievements

FAW construction

20 the late 1950s, for the first automobile factory design, manufacture "Dongfeng" brand cars and "red Flag" limousine brand has made important contributions. 1971 for product development in Shaanxi automobile factory, design bold reform, strong research organizations, the Yan'an 250 military off-road vehicles in 1973 through the national stereotypes, and thus put into production. Under his auspices, in just nine months, they overcome 64 great quality product key, the "East Wind" car with its horsepower, fast speed, good performance, low fuel consumption, light and flexible and excellent performance.

steam overcome difficulties lay the foundation

Meng Shaonong steam moderator is developing its own diesel engine developed EQ6110 and EQ6105 gasoline engine of. The two main parameters of the engine made by him. EQ6110 power of 160 hp, EQ6105 power of 165 horsepower. Which is characterized by long life, good manufacturing, it is suitable for Chinese production, technology, manufacturing standards. National identification that: The machine design is compact, beautiful appearance, reasonable structure parameters, the performance indicators to meet the design requirements, a leading domestic level. Foreign and internal combustion engine design authority Lin Weizi MOSS evaluated as "at the international level in the last." 6105 gasoline engine which through cooperation with the United Kingdom in Kathu companies to improve for three tons and a half off-road vehicles with complete success. EQ6110 Diesel is mainly used for more than 8 tons trucks.

early 1980s, Meng Shaonong vigorously promote the steam joint venture to jointly develop technically road. Under his guidance the organization, the steam successfully designed a prototype applicable 10. Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan EQ140C plateau car, EQ140S5A bus chassis and bus chassis EQ140T type. His initiative and Henan joint design, joint trial, joint development, joint production EQD131 three-ton light trucks, and personally involved in the design. This car has been identified by the State, now in Zhengzhou City, built 80,000 square meters of modern assembly plant, an annual output of 25,000. Under his auspices, the steam is also working with construction machinery plant in Chengdu armored forces made use of.

to develop Shaanxi Auto products

While the formation of the design agency, Meng Shaonong organizing and leading the whole plant fully carry out large-modified product design, such as for the whole mainly the car accelerated, Meng Shaonong proposed by the most high-end file directly into overdrive, a top speed of 75 km / h down to 70 km / h, it really improves acceleration. In order to improve design quality, he asked for the key parts and components to re-check the strength of irrational structure and size of design improvements, greatly improving the scientific results of the design. After the fourth round of 250 Yan'an change the design prototype, finalized after a series of tests, including performance testing, reliability testing, test and regionally adapted special obstacle test to prove successful solution to the power problem and reliable pieces, each indicators have reached the requirements of the design task book, and in December 1974 through the identification of stereotypes, that is officially put into operation in 1975. This car in August 1978 by the National Conference on Science and Technology Achievement Award.

Teaching Achievement

1946- 1948 years Meng Shaonong coach at Tsinghua University, the founder of China's first professional squad car, he granted independence automotive engineering, machinery, tools, science and other courses, the new academic lectures he developed during the second World war advanced mechanical engineering introduced to China, he taught mechanical engineering course selection was very new "MetalProcess" as a textbook, he was writing the little-known domestic super precision machining (SuperFinish) and the level of surface roughness introduced to the Chinese machinery industry, also perfected during World War II mass production and the quality of statistical methods introduced to the Department of mechanical Engineering. The early 1950s, founded the school in Changchun automobile industry, train a large number of mid-level personnel car. For the training of senior automotive industry talent, he was working with local initiatives, the founder of the only Chinese from a car, tractor College (later renamed the Jilin University of Technology), and send a group of technicians to teach.


  • ▪1984 Hubei special working model (winning)
  • ▪1983 Hubei special working model (winning)
  • ▪1985 won the first batch of "1" labor Medal (award-winning)

character evaluation

Dongfeng Motor Corporation chairman and party secretary Zhu Yanfeng: Meng Shaonong outstanding contribution to the new Chinese auto industry made.

Hubei Automotive Industries Institute on behalf of the Party Secretary Cheng Hongbing: Meng Shaonong fusion process is the development of Chinese automotive industry and automotive engineering education will always stand side of the banner, "Meng old spirit" is also the Dongfeng Motor Corporation and Hubei Automotive Industries Institute production Religions process has always been the heritage of spirit, which has a strong practical significance for the comprehensive reform of the current Chinese higher education restructuring and development.

posterity commemorative

China is the memory of the famous automobile expert Mengshao Nong, National Science and Technology Commission proposal in accordance with the steam, be cast in a bronze bust two, placed in a car Hubei industrial School, a place in Wuhan Institute of Technology.

2009 October to commemorate the great contribution Meng Shaonong foundation in Dongfeng Motor Corporation and the development process made, Dongfeng Motor Corporation donated 2 million yuan to Tsinghua University, Tsinghua University for the establishment of "Meng Shaonong - Dongfeng "Reigaku fund, income fund for outstanding students of Tsinghua University specializing in automobile-related incentives, funding for family economic difficulties students, to fund launched in recognition of the automobile business and support employment of students on technological innovation activities of students.

2015 Nian 12 11, to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the birth of Meng Shaonong event held at the Hubei Academy automobile industry, Dongfeng site donated 2 million yuan set "Meng Shaonong scholarship."

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