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National economic department

United Nations Industry Classification

, also known as the United Nations standard industry classification method, is the standard industry classification method established in the United Nations in order to unify the industrial industry. It divides the national economy into ten departments: agriculture and forestry hunting; mining; manufacturing; electricity, gas, water supply; construction industry; wholesale, retail, hotel, hotel; transportation, storage, communication; finance, insurance, real estate; government, Society and personal services; other economic activities. The following is divided into several small items below, and the small item is decomposed into a number of fine items, large, medium, small, small four levels, and statistical coding is specified. This industrial classification will be divided into all economic activities, and standardize it. Statistics based on this classification method have high comparability. The significant feature of the United Nations Department of Industry Classification is that the three industrial classification methods maintain a stable connection, and the large items of their classification can be easily combined into three parts, thus consistent with the three classification law.

Three industries classification

divide all economic activities into the first industrial, second industrial and third industries. The first industry, the second industry two words were earliest to New Zealand and Australia in the 1920s. At that time, agriculture, animal husbandry, fisheries, forestry and mining are called "first industries", and the manufacturing industry is called "secondary industry". In 1935, the University of Otaco, New Zealand, proposed the concept of the tertiary industry. In 1940, the British economist and statisticalist Corin Clark use three industrial classification methods in their work "economic progress", studying the law between economic development and industrial structure, and dividing all economic activities into the first The secondary industry, the second industry and the third industry. Due to the various perspectives and purposes of the research industry, countries are not exactly consistent with the division of the three industries, summarizing three classification methods: (1) Australian and New Zealand classification. The first industry includes agriculture, animal husbandry, fisheries, forestry, mining; the secondary industry includes manufacturing, transportation, tertiary industry including business, finance, insurance, real estate, personal service industry. (2) Japan 's "Economic White Paper" in Japan. The first industry includes forestry, fisheries, and aquaculture; the second industry is manufacturing, including mining, manufacturing, construction, electricity, gas, tap water, transportation and communication; the tertiary industry refers to service, including quality, finance , Real estate, personal service, business, housework, professional service, government and defense. In my country's first industry refers to agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, fisheries, etc .; the secondary industry refers to industrial (including mining, manufacturing, tap water, electricity, construction); the tertiary industry refers to business, service, post and telecommunications , Financial insurance industry and research, cultural and education, health and other industries. In addition, the fourth industry has now appeared.

National economic department

The so-called fourth industry is generally divided into the traditional industries, the general scope of certain emerging industries generated by the primary industry, the secondary industry, and the tertiary industry. It is a division of industrial structure in capitalist countries. It mainly includes: designing and manufacturing the department of electronics, computer software, using new technologies such as microcomputer, optical fiber, laser, genetic engineering, and industrial sectors with high electronics and automation.

intensive industry

is also known as the resource set industrial classification method. In the industrial structure analysis, according to the difference in resource dependence in the production process, a classification method of the industrial is divided into industries:

resource-intensive industries

is also known as the land intensive industry. A natural resources such as land can be used in the investment in production factors. As a production factor, land resources refers to a variety of natural resources, including land, primitive forest, rivers and lakes and various mineral resources. Land resources is the material conditions and nature foundation necessary for human beings to produce production activities. The most closely of land resources is the agricultural industry, including planting, Lin Mu fishery, mining industry, etc.

Labor-intensive industry

In the coordination ratio of production factors, labor investment has higher resources. It is for the intensive industries of funds. In the process of social development, with the development of production, the improvement of science and technology, the improvement of capital organic composition, there are two different industrial types of labor-intensive and financial technology-intensive. Labor-intensive industries have a lower proportion of labor consumption, and live labor consumption is higher.

Capital intensive industry

In the coordination ratio of production factors, capital (funds) put into a higher share of higher resources.

Technical intensive industries

is also known as knowledge-intensive industries. In the input of production factors, it is necessary to use complex and advanced science and technology to produce industries, or industries with high knowledge in labor as production factors.

Status classification

Chaoyang industry

Due to the development of new products, the new product is developed in the competition of new products due to the development of new products and social demand. State industrial sector. Mainly refers to the rapid development of emerging technologies, knowledge-intensive industries, such as microelectronics, laser, new materials, new energy, space development, marine development, satellite communications, bioengineering and other industrial sectors. It is characterized by advanced technology, intensive, low energy consumption, high economic benefits. In recent years, with the expansion of the development and application of emerging technology, the Chaoyang Industry has played a huge role in the development of capitalist countries, promoting the adjustment of the world economic structure and deepening of international division of labor. Since the development of these industries is as in the morning of the morning, it is flying to the "Chaoyang Industry".

Sunset Industry

Due to the development of new technological revolutions, the development of new products will be in the industrial sector in the state of the new market. It mainly refers to traditional basic industries in developed countries, such as coal, textile, steel, automobile, railway, etc. It features: mainly based on simple power mechanical principles, consumes a large amount of energy, producing a large amount of waste and pollutant, long production cycle, low technical requirements, labor operation, product standardization, and high level centralized control. As far as the world's scope, due to the impact of the short tide of the new technology revolution, some industrial developed countries are obviously recession, low equipment utilization, excess production capacity, and decrease in employment personnel. Therefore, people are called "sunset industries".

Beijing National Economic Research Institute
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