Home Technique No more spring

No more spring

No more spring

Movie plot

Li Wei wants to leave Hong Kong, leaving a small mirror to give Betty. Fu Jiazi also pursues Betty, and takes her to see his mother, but the mother-in-law opposes her, Betty is sad and angry, looking for Li Wei hot dance, Li Wei is comforting and taking care of her, finally win her heart heart . One night, Li, Bei remembered the hooligan in the sandy beach, Li Wei lost his hand, and two people hurried home, and a strange man appeared in them. Betty is to save Hugwei, fully pay, and more seriously maintain two people. In the end, Zhicheng ran to inform Betty Li Wei. It is actually the head of the old thousand groups, Betty is sad, shooting Li Wei, then driving the sea.



< TD> Deputy Director (Assistant)
Producer Shizhibin
Monitor He Yusai
Director Liu Fanggang
Ren Yao
Screens " Liu Fangjang
Photography Lu Zheng Clip Yu Canfeng
Props Zhao Mo
Clothing Design Lo Ruilian
Light < / TD> Heguan
Plastics talking 安
Pan Suzhen Poperist Chen Jingsen

▪ Text: Zhong Weiwen

▪ Makeup: Cai Shaozhen

Movie evaluation

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