Home Technique Optical anti-shake function

Optical anti-shake function

Optical Anti-shake

When the hand occurs, the detection circuit detects the direction of the jitter, and the control circuit controls the PSD lens accordingly, and the jitter is compensated. This way is good, and there is no loss after the compensation, but the circuit and optical structure are complex, the cost is relatively high, and only the high-end 3CCD camera is equipped.

The CCD anti-shake used in certain brands is actually another expression of optical anti-shake. The principle is to place the CCD on a bracket that can be moved up and down, first detects whether there is jitter, because the detection of jitter is basically the same as other companies due to the use of gyro sensors.

then the sensor detects the direction, speed, movement amount of the jitter, and the signal detected, and calculates the amount of CCD movement sufficient to cancel the shake.

The first only professional single-lens reflex camera has this function, and later, with the advancement of technology, more and more digital cameras and mobile phones begin to increase optical anti-shakes on the camera.

Electronic anti-shake

Electronic anti-shake uses digital circuits to process the image to produce an anti-shake effect. When the anti-shake circuit is working, the shooting screen is only about 90% of the actual picture, and then the digital circuit is blurred in the direction of the camcorder, and the shake compensation is performed with the left and right screen of the left. This way is that the cost is low, but it reduces the utilization of the CCD, which will bring a certain loss to the screen, which is not helpful to the still image captured by DV. Most low-grade single CCD cameras have an electronic anti-shake device.

When shooting still images, individual DV, DC models (such as Fuji Digital Camera) have a so-called natural anti-shake technology. The principle is very simple, that is, by increasing the speed of the ISO to improve the speed of the shutter. Obviously, this technique greatly increases the noise of still image photos, reducing the practicality of the image.

There is no doubt that optical anti-shake is better than electronic anti-shakes in technology and final effects.

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