Home Technique Optimize resource allocation

Optimize resource allocation


In economics, resources can be divided into narrow and broad senses. Resources in the narrow sense refer to natural resources; resources in the broad sense refer to economic resources or production factors, including natural resources, labor, and capital. It can be said that resources refer to the sum of human, material and financial resources in social and economic activities, and are the basic material conditions for social and economic development. In any society, human needs are endless as a kind of desire, and the resources used to satisfy people's needs are indeed limited. Therefore, resources are scarce.

Resource allocation means that the scarcity of resources determines that any society must reasonably allocate limited resources to all areas of society in a certain way, so as to achieve the best use of resources, that is, use Minimize resource consumption, produce the most suitable products and services, and obtain the best benefits. Within a certain range, the society allocates the various resources it owns among its different uses, the essence of which is the allocation of total social labor time among various departments. Whether the allocation of resources is reasonable or not has an extremely important impact on the success or failure of a country's economic development.

Generally speaking, if resources can be allocated relatively reasonably, economic benefits will be significantly improved and the economy will be full of vitality; otherwise, economic benefits will be significantly lower and economic development will be hindered.

In simple terms, optimizing resource allocation is to make some reasonable allocations for better use of resources.

Resource configuration


①Plan configuration method. According to social needs and possibilities, the planning department uses planning quotas and administrative orders to manage and allocate resources. The planned allocation method is based on the vision of the founder of Marxism. In a socialist society, the means of production will be owned by the whole society and the commodity currency relationship will no longer exist. Therefore, the method of resource allocation is mainly planning, that is, resources are determined through a unified social plan. Configuration. In the former Soviet Union and Eastern European countries, it was practiced in accordance with this theory, using planning as the main method of resource allocation. In the period before my country's reform and opening up, planning was once the main way of resource allocation, and the role of the market was greatly restricted. In the planned resource allocation method, under certain conditions, this method may coordinate economic development from the overall benefit and concentrate efforts to complete key engineering projects. However, planning methods are difficult to reflect the complex and changeable social needs, and information transmission is easily distorted and distorted, and it is easy to cause market players to lack motivation and vitality. Quotas exclude choice, unified management replaces competition, and the market is in a passive position, which is prone to idle or wasted resources. Based on this, modern countries have adopted the market as the basic mechanism for resource allocation.

②Market configuration method. Rely on the way of market operation mechanism for resource allocation. The market became the main way of resource allocation from the establishment of the capitalist system. Under the capitalist system, social productive forces have developed greatly. All products and resources have become exchangeable commodities. The scope of the market has continued to expand, and more and more types and quantities of products are entering the market. The role of the allocation of resources has become greater and greater, and the market has become the main method of resource allocation under the capitalist system. In this way, enterprises can have direct contact with the market. Enterprises can realize the reasonable allocation of production factors in the competition according to the changes of supply and demand relations in the market and the information of product prices in the market. However, this method also has some shortcomings. For example, due to the blindness and lag of the market mechanism, there may be an imbalance between the total social supply and the total social demand, the unreasonable industrial structure, and the chaotic market order.


1. Decisions 2. Information 3. Motivation 4. Coordination


Different content according to resource allocation method It can be divided into three types, namely natural economy, market economy and planned economy.

Positive effect

First, promote the progress of science and technology and business management, and promote the improvement of labor efficiency.

As the main body of the market, enterprises engage in production and operation activities with the goal of maximizing profits. In order for an enterprise to make product prices competitive and maximize profits, it must make the individual labor time of its own production of goods, that is, the individual value, lower than the socially necessary labor time, that is, the social value. Under the influence of competition, enterprises with high labor productivity and low individual value are in an active position in the competition and can sell products at a price higher than the individual value in order to obtain higher income. On the contrary, enterprises with lower labor productivity and higher individual value are in a passive position in the competition, and may sell products at prices lower than their individual value, earning less income and even losing money. In this way, as the main body of the market, under the regulation of the market mechanism, the enterprise will actively adopt advanced science and technology, improve management, and improve labor productivity under the regulation of the market mechanism, thereby driving the rapid development of social productivity.

Secondly, guide companies to optimize the combination of production factors according to market needs to achieve connection.

As the receiver of market regulation signals, companies mainly use market price fluctuations to understand market supply and demand conditions, and accordingly arrange and adjust production and operation directions, varieties, quantities and scales, and combine production factors . When the price of a certain commodity rises, it means that the commodity is in short supply on the market, and the enterprise will automatically expand the scale of production and operation. Conversely, if the price of a certain commodity falls, it indicates that the supply of that commodity is oversupply in the market, and the enterprise will reduce the scale of production, or adjust the direction of operation, and switch to producing other commodities. The market is the "life" of an enterprise, and it is related to the effectiveness of business operations and the development of the enterprise. Therefore, market-oriented production and operation is an inherent requirement for enterprise development.

Thirdly, give full play to competition and the survival of the fittest mechanism to enhance commodity production and management capabilities.

Enterprises engaged in commodity production and operation will inevitably launch fierce competition for market share. Competition uses external coercive force to force enterprises to strengthen management in production and operation, reduce costs, and improve efficiency; to encourage enterprises to operate independently, take responsibility for their own profits and losses, self-accumulation and self-development in the market; to promote enterprises to enhance their sense of innovation and forge ahead vitality.

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