Home Technique Qingdao Institute of Technology

Qingdao Institute of Technology

Qingdao Institute of Technology is from the Civil Department of Shandong University and the Shandong Institute of Technology, and the textile system is combined. After the construction of the school, there are 4 lines, and the construction of civil construction and civil construction. . Qingdao Institutional institutions are set up in both Qingdao Songshan Road and Huangtai Road. The Songshan Road is mainly a textile system, and there is a textile system; there is a civil, hydrological and water, water conservancy, etc., national enrollment, and graduates. . Qingdao Institute of Technology

In 1953, the Soviet Union and Textile Engineering Department had two major professional, and the cotton textile was also studying the weaving project. Most of the textile professional teachers hire engineers with high levels of textile factory.

When the national third hospital is adjusted in 1956, only four Qingdao Engineering Institutes, the textile system is transferred into the East China Textile Institute, and the measurement is to mobilize Wuhan, establish Wuhan Surveying and Mapping School, Civil Engineering To Xi'an, I was also entered into the newly formed Xi'an Institute of Architecture Engineering (Xi'an Building Science and Technology.), Other portrait of Xi'an Jiaotong University. Qingdao Institute of Technology was revoked. Qingdao Institute of Technology was founded less than four years.

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