Home Technique Quantization



The minimum share of the change is called quantum. For example, the frequency is a resonator whose energy is not continuous, but can only change in the integer multiple of Hυ, and if it is impossible to change its energy to change Hυ. The angular moment of the particles is also quantized, and its inherent quantum is h / 2π. Quantization is one of the basic movement laws of microscopic systems, which is incompatible with classic mechanics.

Flash movie is composed of many time frames, for a few seconds, for a few seconds, in turn, not continuous. Each picture is "quantum" constituting a video, it is indivisible. This is actually a quantization .


Kairen mentioned the two "small black clouds" in physics at the beginning of the century. The first of which refers to the surprising results of Michaelson-Morre experiment, and the second is the dilemma encountered in the study of black body radiation.

Prank has launched the black body radiation. Planc is always trying to solve problems within the Maxwell electromagnetic theory, rather than subverting this theory to make breakthroughs. But in the end, he had to assume that The transmission of energy is not continuous, but passed in a one-piece energy unit. This minimum energy unit is referred to as energy quantum (referred to as quantum).

Optoelectronic Effect

Einstein is inferred according to the photoelectric effect, and the light energy is not continuous. The quantization of light is to exist and propagate in the form of a small unit. A light quantum (referred to as photon). The energy and optical frequency carrying individual photons are proportional. The proportional coefficient is the Planck constant. The value of the Planck constant is: 6.626196 × 10 -34 j · s. The total energy of n quantum is multiplied by n.

Bohl to explain the Rutherford experiment, and the electronic energy is quantified. The simplest one is that electron energy can only be some fixed value.

The above is quantified in the early quantum theory. Features are discontinuous and can only be passed in basic units.

In modern quantum theory, people find a wave-borne nature of photopales, and any object has volatility and particle. Moreover, the position and speed of any object cannot be measured simultaneously. Only use probability to describe. In modern quantum theory, micro-problem with wave binothysis and probability waves is quantized.

Quantizic discovery, for later Heisenberg, the rise of quantum mechanics laid the foundation.


Quantum method converts the classic field into a quantum operator, specifically acting on quantum state of quantum field theory. The lowest quantum state of the energy class is called VacuumState. This true nature may be complicated. The reason why a classic theoretical quantization is mainly analyzed by probability blessings, and the properties of the material, object or particles are analyzed. This calculation will involve some subtle problems, called reorganization. If we ignore the reorganization, this will guide incorrect results, and the results of the probability amplitude appearing in infinity value. A complete setting of a quantization process must give a reorganization method.

Regular quantization

The regular quantum class of field theory is more than a derived quantum mechanics from classical mechanics. The classic farm is regarded as kinetic variables, called regular coordinates, which conjugate is regular. The two variable exchangers, similar to the position and momentum of the quantum mechanics in the position and momentum of the quantum. From these operators, it can be produced and the annihilation operator. These two operators are called stepped codes, all acting on a quantum state, and a common specification. After some operation, you can get the minimum energy level, called true null. Other modifications and accompanying energy levels can be obtained later. The entire program is also called secondary quantization.

Regular quantization can be applied to any quantization of any field theory, whether it is Fermi or a glass, and any internal symmetry. However, it leads to a fairly simple vacuum-like painting, which does not easily apply to certain quantum-based domain, like quantum color motivation. In quantum chromatography, there is often a complex vacuum with many different condensate.

For some relatively simple questions, the regular quantization procedures are not very difficult. However, there are many other conditions, and other quantization methods are relatively easy to get quantum answers. Nonetheless, in quantum field, regular quantization is a very important method.

Co-changing regular quantization

physicist has discovered a method to quantize the classic system, do not need to resort to non-coordinated pathways, the idle structure And select the amount of Hami. This method is built in the classic effect, but is different from the solution of the extensive integration.

This method cannot be applied to all possible amounts (eg, the amount of the nonaptive array, or the normal streaming amount (ActionwithGaugeflow). Starting from all the classic algenes defined in the smooth function of the configuration space to go to the Euler-Lagrangian equation. Then, the commercial space is converted into Poisson's number of Poissonalgebra, which is called Poissonalgebra, which is called (Peierlsbracket). In the case of a regular quantified practice, the procedure of the total regular quantized procedure can be accomplished by adding the Tuanhua constant to the Poecue.

Additionally, there is a method of quantizing the amount of standard flow. This method involves the Bartlin-Wilway Sky Algebra, which is the extension of BRST quantization.

path integral quantization

application amount, take the extreme value of the function of the function of the function of the function, so that classic mechanical theory can be given. The quantum mechanical description corresponding to the classic system can be manufactured from the system to the method of the method.

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