Home Technique Questions and Answers on Softswitch Technology

Questions and Answers on Softswitch Technology

Basic information

Pricing: 18

Number of pages: 117

Publication date: 2005-11-1

Edition: 1

Format: 16 open

Packaging: Paperback


This book explains the soft Switched network architecture, standard progress, equipment functions, planning methods, business platforms, maintenance requirements, protocol standards, and technical applications. The book is divided into 8 chapters: basic chapter, equipment chapter, network chapter, protocol chapter, business chapter, network planning and construction chapter, operation chapter, and application chapter. The language is easy to understand, and the introduction to technology is systematic and comprehensive. This book is a reading to help the majority of telecommunications practitioners quickly understand softswitches. It can be read by technical personnel and management personnel engaged in telecommunications network operation and maintenance, research, and softswitch planning, design, technical standard formulation, technology development, business development and management. .

Table of Contents

1. Basics  1

Q1 What is softswitch technology? 1

Q2 Why introduce softswitch technology? 1

Q3 What is the architecture of the softswitch network? What are the main network element equipment included? 3

Q4 What are the main features of softswitch technology? What are the advantages? 4

Q5 What are the current problems in the softswitch technology? 4

Q6 What is NGN? What is the relationship between the softswitch network and NGN? 5

Q7 What are the similarities between the fixed softswitch network and the mobile softswitch network? 5

Q8 What are the main differences between a fixed softswitch network and a mobile softswitch network? 6

Q9 What are the main differences between a softswitch network and a circuit-switched network? 7

Q10 What are the main differences between the softswitch system and the H.323 system? 8

Q11 How is the research progress of the International Standards Research Organization on NGN-related standards? 9

Q12 How about the domestic formulation of softswitch related standards? 10

Q13 What is the protocol architecture of the softswitch network? 11

Q14 In what direction will the circuit switching network evolve? 12

Second, equipment chapter  14

Q15 What is a softswitch device? 14

Q16 What is a media gateway? What types of equipment does it mainly include? 15

Q17 What is a relay gateway (TG)? 16

Q18 What is an access gateway (AG)? 16

Q19 What is Integrated Access Device (IAD)? 17

Q20 What is a media server (MS)? 18

Q21 What is a signaling gateway (SG)? 19

Q22 What is an application server? 20

Q23 What is edge access control equipment (BAC)? What is the role of edge access control equipment? 21

Q24 What is a routing server? What is the role of the routing server? What are its implementation methods? 22

Q25 What is HLR? What is the role of HLR? 22

Q26 What terminal types are there in the softswitch network? 23

Q27 What is a smart terminal? 23

Q28 What are the key technologies involved in smart terminals? Which operating systems can be used? 24

Q29 In what direction will telecommunications terminals develop in the future? 24

Q30 Which organizations are currently engaged in the research of softswitch network terminals? 25

Q31 What are the main concerns about the function evaluation of the softswitch network? 25

Q32 What are the main focus of the performance evaluation of softswitch equipment? 25

Q33 What are the main focus of the performance evaluation of the media gateway? 27

Q34 How to test the performance of the equipment in the softswitch network? 28

3. Network Chapter  30

Q35 How many networking modes can the softswitch network adopt? 30

Q36 What are the requirements of the softswitch network for the bearer network? 30

Q37  What numbering method does the softswitch network user adopt? 31

Q38 How to allocate the IP address of the softswitch network equipment? 32

Q39 How to allocate the signaling point codes of the softswitch network? 32

Q40 How does the softswitch network and No.7 signaling network realize signaling intercommunication? 33

Q41 How does the softswitch network interoperate with PSTN, and what is the routing principle during interoperability? 33

Q42 How does the softswitch network interoperate with the mobile network?  34

Q43  How does the softswitch network interoperate with the H.323 network?  35

Q44 How to realize the operation Network interoperability between companies? 35

Q45 How to ensure the QoS of softswitch business? 36

Q46 How to ensure the security of the softswitch network? 37

Q47 What is private network traversal? What are its solutions? 38

Q48 How to realize the network disaster tolerance of the softswitch network? 38

Q49 What is the roaming of smart terminals? How to manage terminal roaming? 40

Q50 What are the key technologies for realizing IP voice?  41

Q51 What are the main similarities and differences of various voice coding methods? 42

Q52 What are the main similarities and differences of various video encoding methods? 43

Q53 How to realize the transmission of DTMF signal on the IP network? 45

4. Protocol  47

Q54  What are the main protocols included in the softswitch network? 47

Q55 What is SIP, SIP-T, SIP-I protocol? What is the relationship between them? 48

Q56  What functional entities does SIP include? How are they reflected in the softswitch network? 48

Q57 What are the main messages included in SIP? 50

Q58  What is the basic call flow of a SIP? 51

Q59 What is SIMPLE? How is it applied in the softswitch network? 56

How about the development of Q60 SIP? 57

Q61 What is the BICC protocol? 58

Q62 What is the difference between BICC protocol and SIP? 58

Q63 What is the SIGTRAN protocol family? What are the main agreements it contains? 58

Q64  What are the main features of several main adaptation layer protocols in the SIGTRAN protocol suite? 59

Q65 What is SCTP? 62

Q66  What is the packet format of SCTP? What are the main data block types? 62

Q67  What is a typical SCTP process? 64

Q68  What are the main media gateway control protocols used in the softswitch network? 64

Q69 What are the main messages of the H.248 protocol? What are their respective meanings? 65

Q70 What are the main news of MGCP? What are their respective meanings? 66

Q71  What is the call flow based on the H.248 protocol? 66

Q72  What is the call flow based on MGCP? 69

Q73  What is the process of intercommunication between a SIP user and an H.248 user? 71

Q74 What is the ENUM protocol? 73

Q75 What is TRIP? 73

Q76 What protocol does the smart terminal mainly adopt? 73

V. Business Chapter  75

Q77  What is the architecture of the softswitch network business system? 75

Q78 What are the main functions of the softswitch network business management system? 75

Q79 What are the service provision methods of the softswitch network? 76

Q80 What is business operation, business development, and content provision? 76

Q81 What are third-party business operations, third-party business development, and third-party content provision? 77

Q82 What is a business interface and what is a business development interface? 77

Q83 What is an open service interface? What are the current mainstream open business interfaces? 77

Q84  What is the architecture of the PARLAY API open service interface? 78

Q85 What is the relationship between PARLAY API, PARLAY X and PARLAY Web Services? 78

Q86  how to realize the third-party business operation and business development based on PARLAY API? 79

Q87 What are the characteristics of using SIP service interface to provide services? 80

Q88 What is the difference between SIP service interface and PARLAY service interface? 80

Q89 What are the business development methods of the softswitch network? 80

Q90 What is SIP Servlet API? How to achieve business development? 81

Q91 What is CPL? What are its main features? 81

Q92  What is the relationship between the softswitch network and the traditional intelligent network? 82

Q93 What are the advantages of the service provision capability of the softswitch network compared with the traditional intelligent network? 82

Q94 What new service types can the current softswitch network provide? 83

Q95 Why is it said that the WAC service provision capability of the softswitch network is better than that of the traditional intelligent network? 83

Q96  What are the advantages of the softswitch network to realize the one-number and color ring back tone services? 84

Q97 What is the unified communications service (UC)? 84

Q98 How to realize fax in softswitch network? 85

Q99 How does the softswitch user realize the Internet? 85

VI. Network planning and construction  87

What are the contents of Q100  softswitch network planning? What steps should be followed? 87

Q101 How to plan softswitch equipment? 87

Q102 How to plan media gateway equipment? 87

Q103 How to plan signaling gateway equipment? 88

Q104 How to plan the media server? 88

Q105 How to plan the application server? 88

Q106 How to plan the voice media stream bandwidth in the softswitch network? 88

Q107 How to plan the video media stream bandwidth in the softswitch network? 89

Q108 How to plan the bandwidth of SIGTRAN, SIP, H.248 and other signaling streams in the softswitch network? 89

Q109  What are the typical business parameters in the softswitch network planning, and how to determine them? 89

Q110 How to plan the user number of the softswitch network? 90

Q111 What are the main issues that operators should pay attention to when building a softswitch network? 90

Q112 What is included in the acceptance test of softswitch network engineering? 90

Q113 What issues should be paid attention to in softswitch network engineering cutover? 91

Q114 How to deploy the business platform of the softswitch network? 91

Q115 How to deploy softswitch equipment? 91

Q116 How to deploy user access equipment? 91

Q117 How to deploy signaling gateway? 92

Q118 How to deploy a relay gateway? 92

Seven. Operation  93

Q119  What new requirements does the softswitch network have for the operation and maintenance system? 93

Q120 What is included in the maintenance and management of the softswitch network? 93

Q121  What functions can the current softswitch network management system achieve? What is the relationship with the switching network management system? 94

Q122 What is decentralized and domain-based management? Why apply decentralized power and domain technology? 94

Q123  What are the main equipment and data in the softswitch network that need to realize decentralized and domain-based management? 94

Q124 What is the reason for the echo of the softswitch network? 95

Q125 How to deal with when there is a big echo in the softswitch network? 95

Q126  What billing methods does the softswitch network currently support? How to achieve it? 96

Q127 What special requirements does the softswitch network have on the business support system? 96

Q128 What are the special requirements of IAD equipment for operation support? 97

Q129 How to realize the subscriber line test in the softswitch network? 98

Q130  What are the new features of the Next Generation Operation Support System (NGOSS)? 99

Q131  What model will the next generation operation support system be based on? 99

8. Application  100

Q132  What is the prediction of the commercial process of the next generation network? 100

Q133 How about the commercial situation of softswitch technology abroad? 100

Q134 How about the domestic operators' trials and commercialization of softswitch technology? 103

Q135 What is the route of commercial deployment of softswitch? 104

Q136 What are the characteristics of the commercial mode of softswitch technology? 105

Q137  In what aspects will the commercial use of softswitch technology challenge operators? 105

Q138 What issues should be paid attention to in cooperation with third parties in the commercialization of softswitch technology? 106

9. Abbreviations 107

10. Index of main standards  110

References 115

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