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Remote sensing application


Since the long-term, geography is mainly to rely on the first hand (information) information of geographical research in terms of field observation. Traditional means, in terms of quantity, quality, and real-time, timeliness, etc. of information, can not meet or do not meet the current development of geography, and the need for rapid development, the introduction of remote sensing and the application in geography, Growing geography has a modern means of obtaining information.

Remote sensing information is a conventional method that cannot match. The accurate and objective performance of remote sensing information is objectively accurately recorded the electromagnetic radiation (reflection and emission) characteristics of the surface substance, and objectively reflects the live landscape. For example, as a remote sensing image showing remote sensing information, it can reflect the status quo, the interval or phenomena of the ground object distribution, and the change in the mutual influence between the objects. Therefore, the introduction of remote sensing means, for the regional comprehensive analysis of geography, further in-depth research of regional dynamic analysis, and the actual application value and benefits of raising results, and the basis. The remote sensing can provide information of the visible light band, but also provide information on infrared, ultraviolet, microwave segments, and multi-band information; information in the form of image, but also provide simulation or digitized data information; not only get real-time two-dimensional flat information And you can get three-dimensional spatial information, and the like. Thus, the geographic information has been formed in a multi-level, multi-way, multi-side, greatly broadening the breadth and depth of geographic research, and has opened a road for the development of many fields today.

Getting geographic data ​​h2>

remote induction image is "photo" of the Earth's surface, truly show information of the shape, size, color of the Earth's surface object. This is more easily accepted by the traditional map, and the image map has become one of the important map types. As commercial satellite images have become higher and higher (up to 0.5 meters up to 0.5 meters), it can meet the production requirements of large proportion of "4D" product production. At the same time, the satellite image has the characteristics of obtaining a large data range and cycle, and satellite remote sensing has become an important means of basic geographic data acquisition and update.

Remote sensing application

Satellite map has gradually integrated into the public network life. Whether it is an operator or an ordinary public, there is a new understanding and usage habit of real-view satellite images. Domestic well-known Baidu, Tencent, Alibaba Gao De, Sogou, 360 and other map service providers are online, through the picture, the image can be clearly seen in the building, street, garden landscape.

Get Earth Resources

Remote sensing images with rich information, multi-spectral data spectral resolution is getting higher and higher, can get red side bands, yellow border bands, etc. The high-spectral sensor has also developed rapidly, and my country's environmental small satellite is also equipped with high spectroscopy sensors. From remote sensing images, you can get information including vegetation information, soil love, water quality parameters, surface temperature, sea water temperature. These earth resource information can play an important role in agriculture, forestry, water conservancy, ocean, ecological environment and other fields.

Emergency disaster

Remote sensing technology has the ability to obtain information in the case of non-contact targets. In the case of disasters, remote induction images are geographic information we can easily get immediately. In areas where the map is lacking, the remote sensing image is even the only information we can get. In the 5.12 Wenchuan earthquake, remote sensing images played an important role in disaster information acquisition, disaster relief decisions and disaster reconstruction. After the earthquake occurred in Haiti, more than 20 satellites of several aerospace agencies participated in the rescue work.

System core composition

Remote sensing has the ability to collect space information, and remote sensing information has become the main source of information of GIS.

Global Macro Study

The purpose of global research is mainly macro, integrity to human beings, a large air circle, water circle, and biological circle study, Drive the deepening of regional research, promote the improvement in the global environment (environmental deterioration). For example, a remote sensing Global Positioning System (GPS) can be used to monitor and study the transfer of sectors, deep fracture activities; using meteorological satellite materials and other remote sensing information, global meteorological research and forecast for world disasters (Elnino); marine kinetics Research, the distribution of solid state in the earth, the advancement of the world's glaciers (global warming), and the monitoring and governance of the world environment.


With the emergence of the resource allocation, the Shijing explored the road to productization, and the satellite data is made into a plug-and-play product, which is convenient for users to call. At the first World World Conference, the first World Conference is held, the remote sensing market released the 2014 version of the world, the first launch of Jiangsu, the whole field of the two provinces in Zhejiang covered 0.5 meters gallery. At the same time, the 2m resolution data of "High Score 1" satellite has been added to my country and the 16-meter resolution data of the country, 2 meters cover Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and Sichuan, Guizhou, Chongqing and other regions.

With the entry of satellites such as Tianzhi, Sen, high scores, domestic satellites began to lead the market, breaking the situation of foreign satellite images in the domestic market, and its prices have also Decreased significantly. Domestic demand for high scaling satellite data has increased significantly. In 2013, the market size reached 500 million yuan to 600 million yuan, which was 2 to 3 times in 2007, but the amount of data is expanded more than two or three times. As the application technology is increasing, the satellite image application is also more rich, from the service to the government, professional customers to the public application. The development of the Internet has stimulated the network of satellite data services.

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