Home Technique Rizhao City

Rizhao City


Kangxi fifty-four years (1715), Zhixian Yongjian increased "Rizhao County Zhiyi". In the eleventh year of Guangxu (1885), Zhixian Chen Yu continued to repair "Rizhao County".


New "Rizhao City Zhizhi" began in December 1982, got collection of more than 2 million words, published in 1994. The upper limit of this principle is generally in 1840, and the individual content is appropriate; the lower limit is originally in 1995, after the urban construction of the city, so the lower limit is extended to the end of 1989. Sage, overview, major evil, appendix, edeman, 32 specializes in: Administrative region, geographic environment, population, comprehensive economy, urban and rural construction, industrial, salt, transportation, port, post, electricity, agriculture, Forestry, fisheries, water conservancy, commercial, food, science and technology, taxation, finance, economic management, political party group, regime, political agreement, judicial, civil affairs, labor, personnel, foreign affairs, overseas Chinese, military, education, culture, health, sports, folk · Religion, dialect.


Rizhao City is located in the south of Shandong Peninsula, is the frontier area of ​​Shandong Province. East is the Yellow Sea, North and Qingdao, Weifang City adjacent, South and Jiangsu Lianyungang City is adjacent to Lianyungang City, and the West is bordered in Linyi. The birth of Rizhao City is the name of Rizhao County, and it is named after "Sunrise Present". Western Hanqu County, Eastern Han Die Nanyi Nanyi, Northern Wei Position Liang Township County. Song Yuan? Two years (1087) set Rizhao Town, belonging to County. Jinda Ding 24 years (1184) set Lisheng County. In March 1985, the city (county level) was withdrawn from the county, and he was promoted to the prefecture-level city in June 1989. The city's total area is 1915.17 square kilometers. The terrain is back to the mountain, the medium and high week, the hill moli is distributed in the plains, located in the northwest of the city, with an altitude of 656.9 meters. The sunshine is warm and temperate, the annual temperature of the monsoon area, the annual average temperature is 16.2 ° C. The population is 1.03 million, of which 99.9% are Han nationality, and 25 minorities such as returns, Manchu, Tibetans. In the sun, the river is inversely, in addition to a small number of rivers, most of the west of the Yellow Sea. Sunshine is a rich area in Shandong, with an annual natural storage capacity of more than 800 million cubic meters. Mineral resources have more varies, large reserves, mainly asbestos, granite, potassium longite, iron ore, gold ore. Among them, there are many good grancomes, which is eye-catching for the world. Aquatic resources are rich in water products, the important seawater seedlings and fisheries production bases in the country and Shandong, and there are 54 species of 43 seas, 86 kinds of algae, 79 species of shellfish, and Shi Shi, Shengshi Hai Treasures such as tongue, flipple eggs. The freshwater fish has 9 subjects, 25 genus, 27 kinds of artificial farming. The sunshine coastline is 99.6 kilometers, which belongs to a relatively straight rock sand gravel coast. There are two countries on the coastline - Rizhao Port, Lushan Port. There are peach blobs in the islands, out of wind island, far from the island, Dashan Island and Che Eshan Island, and the shallow sea waters are broad, and the water-based area is 66,700 hectares, and the development and utilization of marine resources is huge. The sunshine has the title of "Township" of the fish rice, which is the main grain production base in Shandong Province and the national lean pig production base. Since the establishment of New China, while wearing food crops, we must vigorously develop economic crops such as tea, fruit, vegetables, silkworm cocoons, tobacco, and the industrial structure continuously adjust the optimization. South Tea is successful in the sunshine, and the sun green tea becomes a local name, specialty. The sunshine transportation is convenient. Luzhou (Zhangzhou) Stone (Shizhou), Ping (Ping on) (山) two railways are translative, 204 national roads have emergence of north and south; there are Shiji (Rizhao), two countries in Lushan, open port port Navigate to major ports at home and abroad. The reform of the economic system since the 11th CPC Central Committee has promoted the development of economic and social undertakings. In 1989, the total output of industrial and agricultural output was 219.824 million yuan (the price of 13.7097 million in 1980) was 30.9 times higher than 1949, an average annual increase of 3.2%. The total agricultural output value reached 97.247 million yuan, an increase of 7.4% per year than in 1949. Among the total agricultural output, planting industries 48.4 million yuan, fishery 239.15 million yuan, forestry 30.37 million yuan. Shandong Province's first wholly-owned enterprises have been beneficial, the world's first production of water coal milk enterprises - China-Japanese joint venture Yanshui Coal Squa Co., Ltd. In 1989, the city realized the total industrial output value of 9.23.27 million yuan, an increase of 1565 times from 1949; the total acquisition of foreign trade export goods reached 152.76 million yuan, an increase of 10.6 times higher than 1978. The sunshine economy began to transform from the inner direction. In 1989, the mileage of the city's road was 507 kilometers, and all townships have highways. Rizhao Port, Laoshan Port facilities are perfect for a day, and throughput is expanding, with 8.96 million tons. Rizhao Port has become the country's second largest coal output port. The sundial of the people. Only the two generations of the two generations are more than 50, and nearly 200 people. Liang Dynasty's literary theory criticized Liu Wei, Ming Dynasty famous scholar, Chaozuo? The Qing Dynasty is a famous high-energy physicist. There are 79 ancient cultural sites in the territory, including two city sites, Donghai Ruins, 尧王, Dan Earth Site, is listed as provincial key cultural relics protection units. The people's living standards are significantly improved, and urban and rural residents are moving toward Xiaokang. In 1989, the per capita consumption of residents was 705 yuan, and the per capita consumption of farmers was 681 yuan, and the per capita consumption of non-agricultural residents was 906 yuan. Fisheries have a very important position in the history of sunshine, and play an important role in today's economic development. In 1989, the total output of aquatic products reached 80,100 tons, an increase of approximately 16 times from 1949; a total output value of aquatic product reached 239.15 million yuan, an increase of 22.5 times from 1949, accounting for 24.6% of agricultural output value.

New "Rizhao City" in 2005, the first prize of the newly connected landing of Shandong Province.

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