Home Technique Shantou City Transportation Bureau

Shantou City Transportation Bureau

main responsibilities

(a) the implementation of policies, laws and regulations related to transportation work at national, provincial and municipal, drafting local regulations, draft regulations and policy measures and supervise their implementation ; organizations to develop roads, waterways, local railway industry development plan, participate in the development of the logistics industry development strategy and planning.

(B) is responsible for coordinating the work involved in planning integrated transport system; integrated transport system in conjunction with relevant departments to organize the preparation of planning, directing, coordinating transportation hub planning and management.

(c) is responsible for coordinating center, involving the work done by the Governing Body of the provincial vertical management of maritime, civil aviation, railways, waterways, aids to navigation, rescue, salvage and so on; organizing and coordinating the transportation of important goods, foreign transportation, holidays passenger transport work.

(D) bear highway, waterway and railway construction market where regulatory responsibility. Planning and construction of transport infrastructure of the organization, coordination highways, waterways, local railways, inter-city rail transport, road passenger transport station, etc.; organizing, coordinating and organizing the implementation of toll roads local roads, rural road construction and maintenance; supervision and management of road waterway traffic engineering quality, safety and cost of production, guide transport infrastructure management and maintenance.

(e) undertake road and waterway transport market supervision and management responsibilities. Responsible for the city's road and waterway transport (including urban public transport) sector management and the approval of (nuclear) matter; responsible for overall administration of traffic enforcement.

(VI) responsible for the management and supervision of government funding construction funds of transportation, coordinate or participate in to raise transportation construction funds, responsible innings tube disbursement and supervision of transportation funds; responsible for the toll road management and road network charges coordination and supervision.

(vii) guidance, supervision and transportation industry technical standards and norms, guidance highways, waterways and energy conservation, environmental protection industry, optimize the structure traffic transportation guide, and coordinated development.

(h) organization, coordination and management of the transport sector participation in utilization of foreign investment, foreign exchange and cooperation work.

(ix) guidance highway and waterway transportation industry safety and emergency management; responsible for the daily work of city traffic combat readiness Office.

(x) undertake other municipal government and higher authorities assigned.

Internal organization

(a) Office

and monitoring room, Party committee office Offices

responsible for the Bureau telegrams, meetings, confidential, archives and other daily operations work; in charge of information, confidentiality, letters, safety, government affairs work; organize and coordinate the work of the bureau, the drafting of a comprehensive and important report documents; the lead contractor Municipal People's Congress and CPPCC proposals concerning the proposal of survey respondents work; responsible party organs and units directly under the guidance of.

(ii) the planning and construction department

organize the preparation of integrated transport planning and participating in coordination highways, waterways, local railways, logistics and other development strategies and plans ; undertake annual transportation construction plan and work preparation and reporting of industry statistics; proposed transportation special funds and funding arrangements for repayment toll roads recommendations issued subsidies and other special funds plan; responsible for planning and preliminary transport station management; responsible for transportation construction market supervision and management; responsible for the city pipe transportation construction projects industry review and bidding, project quality, cost, quota management, supervision and management; guide and coordinate the Road Administration; responsible for road and bridge toll stations (points) set in the first instance; implementation of traffic engineering technology standards and norms to guide the transportation construction environmental protection, earthquake disaster reduction; declaration of scientific and technological projects.

(c) Road Transport Management Section

Shantou City Transportation Bureau

is responsible for drafting and local regulations, draft regulations road transport industry development planning; responsible for road passenger and freight transport, road passenger and freight transport station (field), motor vehicle driver training management; responsible for the operation of road passenger and freight transport drivers, road transport of dangerous goods practitioners qualification management; logistics and transport management contractors about the work, the lead organization of passenger transport holidays work; involved in the work done by the central coordination, INAC provincial vertical management.

(d) water transport Management Section

is responsible for drafting and local regulations, draft regulations waterway transportation industry development planning; responsible for waterway transport, sea transport services and shipping agency and other auxiliary services industry management; oversees domestic waterway transport business qualification; coordination center and port, related to maritime-related work, waterways, aids to navigation, rescue, salvage and other regulatory agencies of the provincial vertical management.

(V) Financial Audit Section

the implementation of the transport sector finance, audit regulations, the implementation of the development of transportation funds management system approach; drawing plans transportation fees policy on the implementation of those charges, responsible for coordination, supervision and management of road and bridge fees; organize the preparation of department budgets and final accounts; bear transportation expenses, foreign exchange, credit and foreign investment-related financial work; relevant departments to manage special funds for transportation application responsible for disbursement of funds and the traffic bureau tube using supervision; manage a variety of charges related instruments and securities, coordination on economic matters; undertake financial bureau and units directly under the work of internal audit work; organize the transportation industry with the special audit investigation .

(vi) Personnel Section (veteran Management Section)

responsible for the Bureau and guidance units directly under the personnel management, organization, labor wages and other work; Take charge of cadre management work; undertake education and training, job reform, human resources forecasting and communication workers, traveling abroad approval and other work; in charge of family planning; retirees service responsible organs and units directly under the guidance of.

(vii) Security Technology Section

implement the relevant work safety policies, regulations, and organize the development of traffic safety production management regulations and supervision and inspection of the implementation; organizing and guiding the transportation industry production safety work, monitoring the implementation of safe production responsibility system; organize or participate in the investigation and handling of industrial accidents in the transport sector, undertake statistical reporting work; summary, preparation and reporting of the transportation industry safety statistics; responsible for motor vehicle repair business license management qualification and maintenance personnel; technical level responsible for the operation of the vehicle, the vehicle equipment level and two maintenance management; lead organizations to implement emergency management and related departments to carry out energy conservation work; security units directly under the guidance of the work.

(h) Public Transport Management Section

is responsible for drafting and local regulations, draft regulations public transport sector development plan; responsible for buses, taxis, city ​​ferry, tricycle transport management; qualification management is responsible for public transport drivers; responsible for organizing, directing, coordinating and supervising the work of the city's public transport, the implementation of the public transport sector policies and their implementation.

(IX) railway Management Section

involved in the development of local railway construction plans and annual plans; responsible for preparatory work for the city's local railway organization feasibility study preliminary design review, approval and other work; involved in organizing and coordinating the city's local railway planning and construction work; in charge of local railway construction market supervision and management, undertake engineering quality supervision, cost monitoring and railway construction during the service coordination; guidance extend the railway industry management services; related work involving the coordination of the central, provincial vertical management of the railway sector.

(X) Legal Division

guide the transport sector reform, restructuring and other work; responsible for organizing the transport sector to draft local laws and regulations, draft regulations, comprehensive coordination of research, to submit a legislative review and legislative planning to trial work, undertake transportation of normative documents, annual plan; undertake consultation on the draft superiors draft organs laws, rules and regulations and so on; responsible for reporting and management of administrative law enforcement documents; responsible law enforcement supervision; responsible for major administrative law enforcement departments to make to this prior legal review; the hearing is responsible for organizing the work of the administrative penalty, the contractor about the work of administrative reconsideration, litigation; guidance, supervision and administration according to law and is responsible for legal education work.


Municipal Transportation Bureau to administrative preparation 45 (including traffic combat readiness Office of the City Administrative preparation 3), the administrative law enforcement establishment 6. In which a director, deputy director 4, section chief (director) 10, deputy chief (deputy director) 13.

logistic services personnel number six.

Other matters

(a) Municipal Transportation Bureau to add a city traffic combat readiness Office tables. Main duties: responsible for the implementation of the National Defense Transportation work principles, policies, laws and regulations, the development of the city's regulations and plans related to national defense transportation to work and organize the implementation; to guide, inspect and supervise the area of ​​national defense traffic combat readiness, coordinate the handling relevant issues; to military operations and other urgent tasks organized transport security.

City traffic combat readiness Office of the Secretary, director of the Municipal Transportation Bureau part-time, part-time deputy director of the deputy director, deputy director of a full set.

(b) the City Transportation Bureau to add a city railway Management Office tables. Main duties: responsible for implementation of relevant national railway principles, policies, laws and regulations; responsible for local railway management, coordination and planning and construction management of the national railway construction projects in Shantou sections of railway construction to help make land acquisition, demolition and construction process coordination; undertake the city's local special railway lines, railway, storage areas and ancillary facilities and urban passenger transport station pre-feasibility study, assessment, design, approval, etc., to help organize the planning and construction management work; coordination relationship with the relevant departments of the location after the completion of operational railway.

(c) establish and improve the comprehensive transportation system. City Transportation Bureau and the Municipal Development and Reform Bureau and other departments to establish a comprehensive transport system coordination mechanisms. City Transportation Bureau in conjunction with relevant departments to organize the formulation, preparation of a comprehensive transportation system planning, bear the city's comprehensive transportation system planning involves coordination on major issues. Municipal Development and Reform Bureau is responsible for comprehensive transportation system planning convergence and balance economic and social development planning.

(IV) administration Municipal Port Authority, City Roads Authority.

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