Home Technique Shooting army rebellion

Shooting army rebellion

The first time by the Russian Miloslavsky family and its party feathers in Moscow. In the 1682 spring, the trumpet of the trumpet of Odor, the bishop and the leaders have supported the same father, the mother of the same father, Peter (ie Peter I) for the Tsar. The Miloslavsky family is not willing to go to the Naresh Golden Family, and the shooting military soldiers have long been long-term, the situation is tragic, inciting the shooting army and the Naresh gold family. On May 15th, the shooting army captured the cannon, rushed to the Kremlin, killing its Chiro Dolokov (юрий алексеевич долгоруков,? -1682) Duke and Matviev and others. Moscow citizens have also happened to smash the government, burn the contract. Peter's Father isoe Sophia, in the new shooting army, the new shooting army, the singer, the help of иво н р,,? - 1682), and seize the regime, and put the brothers Ivan prince also support the throne (Ivan 5 The world is the first Tsar, Peter is the second Tsar, his own regent. In September, in order to get rid of the priest, Sophia announced that he attempted to give it, and he was arrested. The shooting army riped again. Sophia will share the commotion with the support of the aristocratic arms. The history said that this riot is "the chaos of Hoyanski".

Shooting army rebellion

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