Home Technique Slave dynasty

Slave dynasty

Dynasty History

The Dynasty was initially governed to the northern part of the Peninsula in the Indian Peninsula, and founded to build a Muslim dynasty in the Indian Muslim dynasty. Then, the four Sudanese dynasties were built in Delhi, so it is also known as Delhi Sudan (1206 ~ 1555). The slave Dynasty has been a 12-generation monarch, which is 84 years. Creator Kutb - Ude Ding App (1206 ~ 1210 in place) The descendants of the Central Asian Turkians, and was sold to the Chief Judge Bosneshabul Chief Judge and the Governor of the Governor I. Ding Ding Muhammad Ancient. Because of his loyalty, he has repeatedly built the battle, he is deeply affected by Gur's weight and trust. After 1206, Guol was born, because he did not leave the child, App Avo was selected and announced as a Sudan. He is a devout Muslim. During the ruling period, he is quite building a tree, which is not only resumed in China, but also built a mosque and school in the Muslim region.

Built in the Kutin Mosque built near Mira, Mi La, and has still have a famous Kutu minaret and some vault remains. Take the successor Shams Ude Ding Yale Tukish (1211 ~ 1236 in place) originated from the aristocratic family of Turka Ilibar (Adam), after the slave is sold to Ai Buck, because of his brave, it is deeply loved. In 1211, I took over the king of the king from his child Alamha after death. After the successor, he overcome the difficulties, stabilized the territory of the State, and was subjected to the Gifts and enrollment of the Bahur Mushan (1226 ~ 1242 in the position in 1229). He encouraged development of Islamic academic research and enjoyed a reputation in Muslims.

Dynasty Sudan Bagas - Ude Ding Barbane (in position), 1266 ~ 1287 in place) is also a slave, which is lost by the Turki aristocrats, was sold in 1232 Give the Sultan Shams - Ude Ding Ildum. He served in Ileutukish and its subsets, gradually promoted to the leading position of the guard minister.

At the beginning of 1266, the Palers' throne was in the throne. During the ruling period, the law enforcement was strictly known, and repeatedly slammed the invasion of Mongolians, the Sudanese country was stable. After the death of Palers in 1287, the Dynasty gradually declined. On June 13, 1290, Jalal-ud-Din Firuz Khilji launched a coup, built the Karli Dynasty, the slave Dynasty died.

Jun's Lord

  • Kutb - Ude Ding Ai Bake (QUTB-UD-DIN AIBAK, 1206-1210), (Muiz - Ude Ding Muhammad Guiri's slave) Slave dynasty

  • Aram Shah, 1210-1211)

  • Shams-Ud-Databasees, 1211-1236) (slave)

  • Rugg-Ude - Ding Fuluz (RUKN-UD-DIN FIRUZ, 1236)

  • Lazia - Ude Ding Sultana / Raz Atden Sultana (Raziyyat-UD-DIN SULTANA, 1236-1240)

  • Muiz - Ude Ding Baram (1240-1242)

  • Ala-UD-DIN MASUD, 1242-1246)

  • Nazi Nasir-Ud-Din Mahmud, 1246-1266)

  • Giys - Ude Ding Brassan (GHiyas UD-DIN BALBAN, 1266-1287) (slave)

  • Muiz - Ud Ding Kaiku Bad (MUIZ-UD-DIN Qaiqabad, 1287-1290

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