Home Technique Stock trading

Stock trading

Stock Market

Stock market is also known as the secondary market or submarine market, is a place for stock issuance and circulation, but also refers to buying and selling the issued stocks. Site. Stock trading is achieved through the stock market. In general, the stock market can be divided into one or second, first-level markets, also known as stock issuance market, and the secondary market is also called the stock trading market. Stock stock is a securities. In addition to stocks, viable securities, including national bonds, corporate bonds, non-production mortgage bonds, etc. The national bond appeared earlier, and it is the first price bond that is the first to invest. With the development of the commodity economy, it will gradually appear price bonds such as stocks. Therefore, stock trading is only an integral part of the price bond transaction, and the stock market is only one of a variety of price bond markets. Few of a single stock market, the stock market is just a place to franchise stocks in the securities market.

Stock I / h2>

Stock distribution refers to the process of selling shares to investors in accordance with legal procedures, raising funds to investors.

Stock Company issued stocks, after approved by the relevant departments, listed trading activities can be publicly listed in the stock market (Stock Exchange). Stocks must be listed on transactions, and must have certain conditions and operate and operate according to certain principles and procedures.

Trading places

Stock Exchange is a tangible place for securities transactions established by government securities authorities by government securities authorities. There are two mainland China: Shanghai Stock Exchange and Shenzhen Securities Exchange.

Stock Exchange is divided into company system and members. Both the two stock exchanges can be a government or public group funded (known as a public security stock exchange), or it can be privately funded (called private stock exchange), and can also be a government and private Capital business (called a public-private stock exchange).

Trading account

The first thing to do to do is to open an stock account (ie shareholder card) for yourself. The stock account is equivalent to a "bank account", and the investor only has opened a stock account to pay the sale.

To trading stocks listed in Shanghai, Shenzhen, investors need to open Shanghai Certificate Exchange Stock Account and Shenzhen Certificate Exchange Stock Account, open Shanghai, Shenzhen A stock account must Go to the certificate of the registration company or by its authorized account opening agent.

Stock account has many different types. Personal investors need to buy and sell A-share stocks in Shanghai and Shenzhen stocks, you need to open a stock account.

Stock Transaction

Clearing Delivery

Clearing the number of buying and selling stocks from the amount and amount of the stock, and then deliver the net difference stock or price through the stock exchange A program. The meaning of clearing is to reduce stocks actually delivered through the stock exchange, saving a large number of human, material resources and financial resources. If there is no clearing, each securities must deliver stocks and prices to the other party, and the procedures are quite cumbersome, accounting for a lot of manpower, material, financial and time. Delivery is an activity of paying the price and transfer stocks after investors' trading stocks. After the investor is commissioned to purchase the stock, pay the price and receive stocks within the prescribed time limit. In the same way, the stock should be delivered to the stock and receive the price after the sale of the stock. This is a necessary link in the stock trading process, a procedure that must be fulfilled.

Stock Analysis

(1) Technical Analysis

Technical Analysis is the purpose of predicting the future trend of market price changes, by analyzing historical charts to market prices A method of exercise analysis. Stock technical analysis is an analytical method for universal applications in the securities investment market.

(2) Basic analysis

Basic analysis method is analyzed by analyzing the macroeconomic situation, industry status, corporate operations, etc. of the decision stock price, industry status, corporate business conditions, etc. Investment value and reasonable value, compared with the stock market price, forming the proposal to form a sale.

Inner disc outer disk

inner disc: Trading in buying prices, adding a number of quantities statistics to the inner disc.

Outer Disc: Trading in selling price. Number of quantities quantity is added to the outside.

inner discs, the two data of the outer disc can be used to determine the strength of the sales force. If the number of outer discs is greater than the inner disc, it shows that the buyer has strong power. If the number of inner discs is greater than the outer disk, the seller has strong power.

Through the size and proportion of the outer disc, the number of inner discs, investors may usually find more active buyings, and more time to discover the treasure, it is a more effective shortline. index.

However, when investors use outer discs and inner discs, pay attention to combined with the stock price in low, medium and high, and the total volume of the stock. Because the number of external discs, the number of inner discs is not effective at all times, in many cases, the stock price does not have to rise; the inner disc is large, the stock price does not necessarily fall.

Stock trading time

China's stock time is Monday to Friday, from 9: 30--11: 30 in the morning, in the afternoon is: 13: 00--15: 00 All places in China are the same, subject to Beijing time.

From 9:15 to 9:25 each morning, it is a collection of bidding time. The so-called collection bid is when there is no transaction price on the same day, you can enter stock prices based on the previous day of closing price and prediction of the current stock market, and all prices entering the computer host in this time are equal, End Time Unified Transactions, the price of stocks is set by the principle of maximum volume, and this price is called a collection of bidding, and this process is called a collection bid.

Collection Spike Rules See the collection bidding entry. The matching principle is to buy a square price, the price of the seller is preferential, and the same price will first participate in the bidding priority, but the entire transaction process does not match the distribution, but is the completion of the bidding end. The collection bidding time is 9: 15-9: 25, you can hang orders, 9: 25 will not be monoped. To wait until 9:30 can freely trade.

Stock Trading Plan

Stock trader to develop its own trading plan in accordance with its own risk tolerance, but this is too high for many people. A soundly and feasible plan includes several aspects:

enter the point

stop loss point

selling point

risk (per hand Bearing the risk)

stock species

shareholder power

1, preferred stock: preferred stock is a "common stock" symmetry.

is a shares that have priority than ordinary stocks in the distribution of bonus and remaining property. Priority stocks are also a qualified certificate without a deadline. The priority shareholders generally cannot require retaining stocks to the company in the middle of the company (except for a few redeerated priority).

2, ordinary stocks are symmetrical as "priority stocks", which is a shares that have changed with corporate profits, which is the most common, most basic shares in the company's capital composition, and is the stock business fund. Basic part.

The basic feature of ordinary stocks is that its investment interest (dividends and dividends) are not agreed at the time of purchase, but afterwards, according to the business retronom in the stock issuance, the company's business is well, ordinary stocks The income is high; and the business is affordable, and the income of ordinary stocks is low. Ordinary stocks are the most important, most basic shares in the capital composition of the stock company, and is also the most risk of risk, but is the most basic and most common in stocks.

3, the post-share shares

After the interest or interest dividend and the remaining stock of the regular stock, it is generally the remaining interests after the distribution of ordinary stocks. Return. If the company's profit is huge, the number of post-share issues is very limited, and the shareholders who purchase post-share shareholders can achieve high income. Post-distribution, generally raised funds cannot be immediately replenished, and the scope of investors is restricted, so the utilization is not high.

Tickets Form

1, midden stocks

Mind Stock Stock Stock Stock Stock Stock on the issue, the name of the shareholder is recorded on the ticket, and is recorded on the company's shareholder roster .

The feature of the shares is that anyone cannot exercise its equity in addition to the holder and its formal entrusted agent or legal heir. In addition, the name of the shares cannot be transferred, and when the transfer is transferred, it is necessary to record the names and addresses of the person in the stock market, but also to handle the transfer procedures on the company's shareholders, otherwise the transfer cannot take effect. This stock is safe, not afraid of loss, but the transfer procedure is cumbersome. Such stocks need to be transferred immediately after the transfer behavior is required, such as inheritance and grant, etc.

2, there is no name shares

This stock does not record shareholders in stocks at the stock. Its holders can transfer stocks themselves, and once anyone holds the right to shareholders, there is no need to pass other ways, and the way to prove that there is your shareholder qualification. This stock transfer is simple, but it should also be transferred through legal transactions in the securities market.

3, face value stocks

Tickets for stocks, referred to as amount stocks or denomination stocks, refers to a certain amount on the stock ticket,

Stock RMB 100 yuan, 200 yuan, etc. The amount of stocks set a ticket value to the stock, so it can easily determine the proportion of each shares in the share company.

4, no face shares

also known as proportion of stocks or no denominations. There is no ticket value in stock issuance, only the proportion of total capital per share. Its value increases and decreases with the increase or decrease of our property. Therefore, the intrinsic value of this stock is always in a variable state. The biggest advantage of this stock is to avoid departure from the company's actual asset and ticket assets, because the face value of stocks is often uninterested, people are not a stock face value, but the stock price. Issue this stock requires extremely high for corporate management, financial accounting, legal responsibility, etc., so only the United States is more popular, and many countries do not allow issuance.

Investment entity

The shares of Chinese listed companies can be divided into state-owned stocks, legal personnel and social public shares. State-owned stock indexes have the right to represent national investment departments or institutions to invest in state-owned assets to company investment, including shares that are converted from the company's existing state-owned assets. Since most of our joint-stock companies have been restructured by large and medium-sized enterprises in my country, state-owned stocks account for a large proportion in the company's equity.

Legalian stock index funds or legal qualifications and social groups have the shares formed by their investment in the company's non-market circulation equity. In the equity structure of my country's listed companies, the average of 20% is around 20%.

Social public shares refers to the shares of my country's personal and institutions in China, with its legal property to the company's share of the company's share of the stock.

Listed location

The stock of China's listed companies has a distinction between A shares, B shares, H shares, N-shares, s shares. This distinction is mainly based on the listing place of stocks and investors faced. The formal name of the A shares is the RMB ordinary stock. It is published by companies in China, for domestic institutions, organizations or individuals (excluding Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Australian investors) with ordinary stocks in RMB subscription and transactions. The formal name of the B share is the RMB special stock. It is marked with the name of RMB, with foreign currency subscription and trading, trading in the territory (Shanghai, Shenzhen) Stock Exchange.

Its investors are limited to: foreign natural persons, legal persons, and other organizations, legal persons, and other organizations in Hong Kong, Macau, and other organizations, and other investments stipulated in China's China Securities Regulatory Commission. people. At present, the investors of B shares are mainly the institutional investors in the above types.

B stock company's registration and listing are all in terms of investors, or in Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan in China.

H shares, that is, registered in the mainland, listed in Hong Kong foreign shares. Hong Kong's English is hongkong, taken his words, and is called H shares in Hong Kong.

According to this type, the first English letter in New York is N, the first English alphabet of Singapore is S, New York and Singapore's stocks called N-shares and S-shares, respectively.

Company performance

performance is the stock of excellent company. In China, the main nature of investors measures the optimal stocks is the profit and net asset yields per share. In general, the profit per share is in the middle of all listed companies, and the net asset yield after the company has been launched for three consecutive years, the stock is a column of performance. In foreign countries, performance optimal stocks mainly refer to large companies with excellent performance and relatively stable. After a long time, these big companies have reached a high market share in the industry, forming a scale advantage, the profit has grown steadily, and the market is well-known.

Elementary stock has a high return on investment and investment. Its company has the advantages of funds, markets, credibility, etc., which have strong follow-up adaptability to various market changes, and the share price of performance and optimal stocks is generally relatively stable and long-term rising trend. Therefore, performance optimal stocks are always favored by investors, especially for long-term investment.

Except For stocks

Defier Transmitted

listed company with stock dividends to shareholders, that is, when the company's surplus turned into capital, or when the share To remove the share price (XR), XR is an abstract of Exclud (remove) Right (rights). • Listed companies share the surplus with cash to shareholders, and the stock price is subject to the sub-interest (XD), and XD is Exclud (removed) Dividen (interest).

dividend bonus

dividend is the profit from the shareholders regularly from listed companies, and the dividend is the remaining shareholder to share the shareholder after the listed company is distributed. profit. Dividends and dividends are the basic purpose of investigating companies in investigating companies. It is also the basic economic rights of the stockholders.

Generally, after the listed company pays according to the accounting year, some profits will be assigned to shareholders according to shareholders' shareholdings. According to the information disclosure management of listed companies, my country's listed companies must announce annual financial reports within 120 days of the year of accounting,

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