Home Technique System engineering (realizing system optimization management engineering technology)

System engineering (realizing system optimization management engineering technology)


Starting from the concept of the system, it is the general term for the optimal and integrated organization, management, technology and method to obtain the optimal method of the system as a whole. Professor Qian Xuesen pointed out in 1978: "'System Engineering' is a scientific method of planning, researching, designing, manufacturing, testing, and using the organization and management of'systems.' It is a scientific method that has universal significance for all'systems'. "("On System Engineering", 1982)


It was produced during the Second World War, and began to develop in the postwar 1950s. In the 1960s, the American Apollo Moon Landing Program successfully used the scientific method of systems engineering to send a man to the moon for the first time according to a predetermined goal. Taking this as a turning point, systems engineering has been highly valued by countries all over the world, has been rapidly developed, and has been widely used in various fields of natural sciences and social sciences, creating a new era in the development of systems engineering. System engineering is an organization and management technology that uses system methods to plan, research, design, manufacture, test, and use the system. In 1930, the system theory thought of the American Austrian biologist L·V·Bettaranfi had a direct impact on the formation of systems engineering. As a highly comprehensive emerging technology that spans many disciplines, the formation of systems engineering is also closely related to a series of basic sciences. These basic disciplines mainly include: operations research, cybernetics, information theory, basic mathematics and computer science. Since the 1960s, the notable feature of the development of systems engineering is that it has begun to break through the fields of natural science and engineering technology and continue to penetrate into the field of social sciences. With the rise of "large system theory" in the 1970s, the connection between system engineering and social science has become closer. System engineering has been widely used in social sciences such as economy, society, population, military, administration, legal system, science, education, talent, intelligence, and future research, fully demonstrating its infinite and broad development prospects. In the 1980s, the significant trend of systems engineering development was huge, complicated, and socialized, which meant that systems engineering would further penetrate into various fields of social sciences, and the development and research of social engineering would become the main direction of system engineering development in the future. One.

System engineering is after the emergence of modern "big enterprises", "big projects" and "big sciences", the product structure is complex, the replacement cycle is short, the production is socialized, the management is systematized, and the science and technology are highly differentiated. It was produced under the historical background such as highly integrated. At the end of the 1940s, the American Bell Telephone Company first proposed the term "system engineering" in the development of automatic telephone exchange. In 1957, Professor Gao De and Mike of the University of Michigan wrote the first "System Engineering-Introduction to Large Systems". In 1965, American scholars compiled the "System Engineering Manual", and a relatively complete theoretical system has been initially formed.

Steps and methods

The steps and methods of system engineering vary depending on the target. The three-dimensional space method proposed by A·D·Hall, a system engineer of Bell Telephone Company in the United States, in 1969: (1) Time dimension. Represents the seven stages of engineering activities arranged in chronological order from the planning to the update stage, namely the planning stage; the planning stage; the development stage (and the production plan); the production stage (the production of system parts, the installation plan is proposed); the installation stage; Movement phase; update phase. (2) Logical dimension. Refers to the thought process of completing the above 7 stages of work. Including: clarify the problem, that is, collect data at this stage, and provide the basis for the target; system index design, that is, put forward the evaluation criteria of the target; system integration, that is, design all the options to be selected or integrate the entire system; system analysis, that is, use model comparison Plan, explain; implement optimization, that is, select the best from the feasible plan; make decision; implement the plan. (3) Knowledge dimension. Various knowledge and skills required to complete each step of the work.

This method logically divides the entire process of using systems engineering to solve problems into seven links, namely, problem elaboration, target selection, system synthesis, system analysis, optimization, decision-making, and implementation plan. In terms of time, the entire process of system engineering is divided into seven successive stages: planning, design, development, production, installation, operation and update; in terms of professional knowledge, the use of system engineering requires certain common knowledge In addition, it is necessary to use professional knowledge in various disciplines, such as engineering, medicine, architecture, business, law, management, social sciences, and art. At the same time, a series of system technology methods have been established in the development of systems engineering. Mainly include: simulation technology, optimization technology, evaluation technology and computer technology.

Three-dimensional structure diagram method: 1. Logical dimension (the logical process of solving problems). When using systems engineering methods to solve problems, you can follow the following seven steps; (1) ask questions; (2) select goals; (3) system integration; (4) system analysis; (5) choose the best solution to the problem Best plan; (6) Decision-making; (7) Implementation plan. 2. Time dimension (work stage). For a specific project, from planning to renewal, the entire procedure is divided into: (1) Planning stage, which refers to research, program design, etc.; (2) Preliminary design stage, which is the specific planning stage; (3) Development stage, which is system development Phase; (4) Production phase; (5) Installation phase; (6) Operation phase; (7) Update phase. 3. Knowledge dimension (professional subject knowledge). In addition to some common knowledge, system engineering also involves a variety of professional knowledge, which is called knowledge dimension.

Main features

The main features of the system engineering method are: 1. Analyze the research object as a whole, analyze the interrelationships and mutual constraints between the various parts of the overall, Make the various parts of the overall coordinate and cooperate with each other and obey the requirements of overall optimization; when analyzing local problems, it is to start from the needs of overall coordination, select the optimization plan, and comprehensively evaluate the effect of the system; 2. Comprehensively use various scientific management techniques and Method, qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis are combined; Third, analyze the external environment and change laws of the system, analyze their influence on the system, and make the system adapt to the changes of the external environment.


The difference between system engineering and general engineering technology is: system engineering not only studies material systems, but also studies non-material systems, such as education, culture, news and propaganda systems, and is widely used ; And general engineering technology targets specific material systems. System engineering deals with the system as a whole. To take system theory, cybernetics, and information theory as the theoretical basis, it is necessary to have the professional theories of each type of systems engineering; while the general engineering technology mainly deals with specific technical categories, focusing on professional theories. System engineering workers are system engineers, who are the clients, advisers, and assistants of decision makers, and serve the society; while general engineers are specialized technical personnel. The two have different business quality requirements.

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