Home Technique Target value

Target value


The target value can be roughly divided into two types:

1. Quantitative target value.

The target value that can be represented by numbers is called the quantitative target value, such as the product output, output value, profit, and labor productivity of an enterprise.

The specific manifestations of quantitative target values ​​are as follows:

(1) According to their nature, they can be divided into quantitative target values ​​and quality target values. The quantitative target value is used to indicate the breadth of the target, that is, the quantitative level, such as output, output value, profit and tax, etc.; the quality target value is used to indicate the depth of the target, that is, the quality level, such as labor productivity, attendance rate, and pass rate.

(2) According to the measurement unit of the target value, it can be divided into the physical target value and the value target value. The physical target value is measured in physical units; the value target value is measured in monetary units.

(3) According to the calculation method of target value, it can be divided into absolute target value, relative target value and average target value.

2. Qualitative target value.

Refers to the target value that cannot be represented by numbers. The target value of qualitative goals is difficult to quantify, which brings certain difficulties to implementation and assessment. In order to facilitate the assessment, the targets that cannot be quantified should be as specific, morphological, measurable and actionable as possible. Such as service quality goals, customer satisfaction (through surveys and statistical analysis) can be used to reflect the target performance.


The requirements to be followed when determining the target value are as follows:

1. The target value should be as specific as possible to facilitate mastery, control and assessment.

2. The target value must comprehensively reflect the basic content of the target project.

3. The target value must be accurate, advanced and scientific.

4. While determining the target value, it is necessary to clarify the time limit for reaching the target value.

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