Home Technique The 12th American Movie TV Golden Globe Award

The 12th American Movie TV Golden Globe Award

Nomination list

Related reference:

winners < / h2>

Movie class

nomination List

Cely .b. Demir Award

Qi En Hanxudi

Joan Crawford

Stanley Kremer

The most popular actor

The most popular actress

Special Award

Dimitri Dior Gold

John Ford

Herbert T. Kalmus

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James Mason "A star birth"

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award List

Drama Best Video Award


Music Comedy Best Video Award < / b>


< P> Best Director Award

Elia Kazan "Wharf"

Drama Best Master Corner

Malone White Dian "Dock"

Drama Best Actress Award

Grace Kelly "Country Girl"

music comedy best male proton prize

Judy Garland "a star's birth"

Best Male Actuating Come "

Edon · O'Brien "Barefoot Angel"

Jane Sterling "Love is not" "情"

Best Screenwriter Awards

Billy Wilde, Samuel A. Taylor, Erst Lelai Herman "Dragon Puff"

Joseph Ruttenberg "Pongfend Dance Brigadoon"

Boris Coffman "Pier Fengyun"

Best Foreign Language Award

"Master Car "," no way to retreat "," twenty-four eyes "," The lady of the camelias "

Best Male Newcomer Award

Joe Adams, Jeff Richards, George Nad

Best Women's Newcomer Award

Xueli McRan, Jin Novak, Karen Sharpe Kramer

Promote International Interpreter Award

"Broo Bath Silver"

< I> Related References:

Other Awards

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Special Award

Related reference: Related reference: / i>


Winners list

Cely .b. Demir Award < / b>

Qin Hanxudi

The most popular actor

Gregory Pike

The most popular actress

Auda Li Hepburn

Dimitri Dior, John Ford, Herbert T. Kalmus

The 12th American Movie TV Golden Globe Award

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