Home Technique The First National Congress of the Communist Party of China

The First National Congress of the Communist Party of China

Holds the background

Spring 1920, spring, with Marxism in China's extensive communication, the vigorous rise of Chinese workers' movement, as the Chinese Communist Party of the combination of products, Shanghai, Beijing, Wuhan, Changsha, Jinan, Guangzhou, and go to Japan, the travel student in the European students has been established, and the party conditions are basically mature, and the National Congress will also be brewed in the party's backbone.

On June 3, 1921, the Communist International representative Marin went to Shanghai to come to Shanghai, and another international representative of Nicilli Niklsky from Siberia. They quickly married Li Da, who hosted Shanghai Party Organization from Shanghai, and Li Hanjun got in contact and exchanged. The Communist International representative suggested that the party's representative conference was held early, and the official establishment of the Communist Party of China was announced.

Li Da, Li Hanjun is consulted by Chen Duxiu, Li Dazhao's opinion and consent, respectively write to party organizations, requiring two representatives of two representatives to Shanghai to attend the party.

meeting agenda

in the middle of July, located in the Law School of 389 Belway (Today, No. 127, Takura Road), a group of teachers, Students look at the young people in the Summer Students of Peking University, come to Shanghai to participate in this historic party. After the representatives, I opened a preference in the residence.

On the evening of July 23, the Chinese Communist Party's first National Congress officially opened at No. 106 Wangzhi Road, Shanghai Fair, No. 76. The site is located in Li Shucheng, Li Hanjun's brothers, and everyone sits around the living room, there is no special arrangement in the room, the furnishings are simple, and the atmosphere is solemn. Attendance, Li Hanjun, Li Da; Li Da, Liu Ren, Liu Ren, Changsha's Mao Zedong, He Xiu Heng; Wuhan Dong Biwu, Chen Tanqiu; Jinan's Wang Yimei, Dunan Ming; Guangzhou Chen Gongbo; Zhou Buddha, Zhou Fuhai, and Chen Duxiu . Chen Duxiu and Li Dazhao did not attend the meeting due to official business, and they were still the main founders and leaders in their minds.

Two Communist International representatives attended a major opening meeting and delivered a warm speech. Ma Lin first pointed out that the establishment of the Communist Party of China has a major world of significance, and the third international increases an Eastern Branch, and Sukeshvik has also a close comrades and puts forward suggestions and hopes for the CCP. Niklski introduced the situation of the Communist International Far East, requiring the Chinese Communist Party to report the Far East Bureau in a timely manner.

The First National Congress of the Communist Party of China

then dedicated to the tasks and issues of the meeting, unanimously determined that the first representative reported local work, discussed and passed the party's program and future work plan, and finally elected the central leading institution.

held a second meeting on July 24, representing the status and working process of the party group organizations in the region, and exchanged experience experience. 25, 26 Receptions, used to draft a program and future work plan. Three days in 27, 28 and 29, three meetings were held respectively, and they were concentrated on drafting programs and resolutions. The discussion is very enthusiastic. Everyone has a unity, and there is a unified understanding, but also argued in some problems, the meeting did not make a decision.

On the evening of July 30, a large number six conference, the original issue is through the party's program and resolution, electing a central institution. The conference just started a few minutes, and the concession in the legal concession suddenly broke into, this meeting was forced to interrupt.

A large sixth meeting has just begun, it is suffered from the invritance of the concession. First, I broke into the venue called Cheng Ziqing. He is the brother of Huang Gong, using this relationship into the patrol room, and let the Chinese probes. It turned out that Moscow was arrested by the Moscow through Europe, and he was arrested by the Police Department in Vienna, although the rescue release, but its actions have been tightly monitored as the "red color molecule". Malin with rich secret work experience, said that this person must be "package listening", it is recommended to stop listening immediately, everyone leaves.

Sure enough, two police cars surrounded by a large site after ten minutes, and the Agreement personnel personally took people into the indoor asking search, did not find how much evidence, threatening the warn, after removal. Although this impact did not bring significant losses, after all, it was a lot to be in the original site. The major representative of the transferred, concentrated on Li Dapa, and everyone agreed that the meeting could not be held in Shanghai. Some people proposed to Hangzhou sitting, and some put forward Hangzhou too bustling and easily exposed the goal. At that time, Lada, Mrs. Lady, showed that it is not as good as my hometown, Jiaxing South Lake, very close to Shanghai, and easy to conceal. Everyone is in favor, I feel that this arrangement is very appropriate.

The next morning, representatives of two batches to Jiaxing. The two international representatives are too big, and Li Hanjun, Chen Gongbo is also got to Jiaxing because of a mistake. At around 10, the delegates arrived in Jiaxing Station, after taking a break in the Lake Hotel, I boarded the South Lake paintings in advance.

This is a cloudy day, and there is a rainy rain. Tourists gradually leave, and the beauty of the South Lake appear to be very quiet. At 11 o'clock, a major meeting started on the slow drawn painting.

Nanhu Conference continues to have a topic that Shanghai has not been possible, first discusses and through the "First Program of the Communist Party", this 15 Treaty 700-word short program determines the name of the party, The goal of struggle, basic policies put forward the development of party members, establishing local and central institutions, etc., and the contents of party and party constitution are the first official document of the party. The meeting passed the first previous program of the Communist Party of China, and the party's name is "China Communist Party", which requires the party's program: the revolutionary army must overthrow the regime of the capital class class with the proletariat; recognize the proletariat dictatorship until the end of the class struggle, ie Until the class of society; eliminate production materials such as capitalists, confiscate machines, land, plant and semi-finished products, and belong to social public; joint communist international. The program clearly proposed to organize workers, farmers and soldiers, and determine the fundamental political purpose of the party to implement the social revolution. The program also contains some provisions that belong to the nature of the party. Regarding the conditions for party members, it is necessary to recognize the party's program and policy, and will become a faithful party member. If the party member is introduced, it can be received as party members, but before entering the party must oppose The party and the group of the Party program have detailed all contacts; the new party members will enter the party, accept the party members, accept the party organization, and the party members' discussion and the party organization approval can transfer to official party members.

then discussed and passed the "The First Resolution of the Communist Party", and arranged for future party work. In view of the fact that the party's strength is weak, decided to establish trade union organizations, guiding workers and doing Good propaganda work and require independent policies with other political parties, emphasizing with the third international establishment of close relationships. The meeting also passed the "resolution on current actual work", which made specific provisions on the organization and publicity of workers' movement.

At 5 pm, the weather turns fine, and a motorboat on the lake came to the painting. Everyone has improved vigilance because of Shanghai's experience, immediately hiding the document, the table puts a mahjong brand, and dress up as a tourist. Later, I heard this is a private yacht of the local gentry. Everyone is relieved, and the meeting continues.

Finally, a large election of the central leadership institution, the representative believes that the number of party members is small, the local organization is still uncomfortable, and the central committee is not established, and the Central Bureau of the three people will be established, and the Secretary of Chen Duxiu is elected. Zhang Guozhen as the organizational director and Li Da as the director of the publicity. The first central government of the party is thus yet. The meeting was closed in the "Third International Longly" and "Long live the Chinese Communist Party".

Convening meaning

a major convening marks the formal establishment of the Communist Party of China, as a round of red days, the eavest, illuminating the future of the Chinese revolution. This is an objective requirement of modern Chinese social progress and revolutionary development. It is a big incident in the openness. Mao Zedong said: "China has produced the Communist Party, this is a big event of opening the sky." Since the Chinese Communist Party, the Chinese revolution has been renewed.

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