Home Technique time delay

time delay


In the context of the proliferation of product categories, delay as a strategy to delay product differentiation has two forms: time delay and formal delay.

Time delay refers to delaying the task of product differentiation, including manufacturing, integration, customization, localization and packaging, as far as possible backwards in time. The time delay makes it possible to transform the stock production mode to the order production mode. Time delay and location delay are combined as logistics delay.


Experience tells us that there is an important opportunity in the implementation time delay. This opportunity is related to the geographic location of the implementation of the differentiated task. Generally speaking, differentiated tasks can be implemented at manufacturing plants, regional distribution centers, distribution channels, and even at customers. Very early delay means that all differentiated tasks are implemented at the factory, while extremely late delay means that all differentiated tasks are implemented at the customer.

In the global market, for most high-tech and complex products that are traditionally manufactured and assembled in factories, the opportunity for time delay (that is, the completion of differentiated tasks in the manufacturing plant) is the opportunity for certain differentiated tasks Transfer to a regional distribution center. The shipping time from the factory to the distribution center takes several weeks, which delays the time for product differences by several weeks, and ultimately saves a lot of inventory backlogs and out-of-stock costs caused by forecast errors.

In the spatial reconstruction of time series, the choice of time delay parameters is of great significance. Based on the time delay autocorrelation method and the average displacement method, a better method for finding time delay, namely the complex autocorrelation method, is derived. The complex autocorrelation method has a strong theoretical basis, its computational complexity is not large, the dependence on the data length is not strong, and it has excellent anti-noise ability. Experiments applied to speech signal phase space reconstruction show that its metric can get an appropriate time delay. (Physical time delay)

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