Home Technique Total number of large derivatives

Total number of large derivatives


Da DLD Total Derivation is to solve the issue of the same remaining group problem, such problems, have been in the ancient Chinese mathematics for a long time, at least go to the Han Dynasty calendar Empty year's estimation. "Sun Zi is a mathematical model" "ignorant", indicating that this method is quite mature during the Nort-North Dynasty. The 13th century Qin Jiuzhao gives a complete method, and promotes it to the most general case, this method is called "big Total number of derivatives ", usually, the solution to" large derivatives "is usually referred to as" large derivatives ". In Europe, Eucra (Euler, AD 1707 - 1783), Lagrange (Lagrange, 1736 - 1813), Gauss (GAUSS, 1777 - 1855), three mathematician for more than 60 years of efforts The same level, but it has been five hundredrsersement after Qin Jiuyi. This outstanding creation of Chinese ancient mathematics is called "China's surplus theorem" by Western scholars, and China's math is considered to be called "grandsonal theorem".


The total number of large derivatives in Qin Jiu is three major parts. In the final section, general questions must be asked with each other, and Qin is divided into four. This article gives a proper explanation of the key "Josesessing" and "Following Qianqi Pen" and "Beginity Metallics", and clarify the necessary "generality, etc." The number of metals is two grids, indicating that Qin's finalization theory is correct. For the total number of large numbers, this article pointed out that the big derivation is the summary of the process of Qin's conventions of the ancient calendar, summarizing, using some deep concepts, use it Solving a lot of equations; Qin's inherits the number of "grandson 's algorithm" to solve multiple equescerable equations. This article specifically pointed out that Qinli created his degree of reduction method and borrowing number to form a very important third part of the total number of large derivatives - test theory; he gives the decision borrowing of the same gold equation. Solution conditions, the same as today; but its reduction process contains errors. Finally, this article pointed out that there is much simple in operation of the operation, but the total number of large derivatives puts forward a lot of important concepts, the theoretical summary of the running, theoretically more important.

Total number of large derivatives

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