Home Technique Touxuan


Personal experience

Touchuan, this year (Note: 2014) 42 years old. A journalist named Anjiang in Japan is in the twice of ISIS. Tangchuan is a business man of Japan's private military enterprises, but also known as Tangchuan's photo of the gun. Soon, the ISIS organization released a photo of Tangchuan's head bleeding, supine ground, and claimed that Tangchuan had died in "spy guilty".

Tangchuan's company named "PMC Japan", according to the public information of "PMC Japan", the company has "Overseas Division" in Syria, Turkey, Iraq and Africa, claiming to be the main business The business is "public security unstable region intelligence collection, material transport guards, rear support", and providing armed guards for overseas Japanese.

His blog shows that he is an extreme right-wing molecule, advocates "subversion and dismember China". He claims to be "male and beautiful people, Sichuan Fang Zi", as well as "the past memories of Sichuan Fangzi", "Accepting professional military training."

Touchuan has exchanged with the "Syrian Freedom", he claims to be "enthusiastic enclosure" from the "Freedom". In May 2014, Tangchuan also issued a photo with the "Freedom" armed personnel on social networking sites.

Japan Foreign Agency said that it is tightening the relevant news, but it is unclear that the man is held after being held; Abe Cabinet also held an emergency meeting for this, ordered the relevant departments to set up relevant information. The Japanese Prime Minister Abe requires the cabinet officer, the director of the official, the official, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, three good truths and others to collect relevant information as soon as possible. On August 18, 2014, Japanese Foreign Affairs Province said that the man was still unclear where the man was detained, and the personal safety after holding it was not known. Foreign Agency officials said that Tangchuan's remote vegetables may be illegal.

As of 19 on August 19, 2014, the Japanese government did not recognize that this Japanese were killed by ISIS.

Personal life

Tangchuan's marriage in 2000 and familiar women, the career is also very smooth, but in 2005, after the acquaintance borrowed a huge amount of money, it was unrecognizable. Later, Tangchuan's wife was unfortunately suffering from lung cancer. The father is talking about this Tangchuan left home.

2007-2008, Tangchuan is self-hospitality because it wants to commit suicide, but it is not dead. At that time, he said that "After suicide fails, I want to live as a woman." In order to transform it into a female life, he changed this name "orthogonal" to the female "菜". However, as a female life, he could not adapt to the society, and the female name like "Remote" returns to the male life.

until 13 years in December, staying for long hair, he suddenly returned to his home and said that he has changed his name, and admitted that he had been self-esteem for suicide.


July 28, 2014, Tangchuan entered Syria through Turkey. He was involved in ISIS and Syrian opposition armed conflict with Syria against August 15, followed by ISIS. Alleged that although Tangchuan was arrested, he insisted that he was a photographer, but a Japanese reporter called "Anjiang" commented on the twitter of ISIS related personnel, exposed Tangchuan's identity. Shortly after this, there is a pilot with ISIS to post a message, saying that Tangchuan has been executed in the name of "Japan Spy".

Death suspected cloud

On August 18, 2014 YouTube uploaded a video, the Japanese named Touxuan, the Japanese named Touxuan, was tied to the ground, and in the knife tip Under acceptance, the "Islamic" radical molecules are interrogated by the British accent. Asked asked, his answer is a photographer and doctor, but the radical molecule claims to not believe. Tangchuan's face showed that he worked in a company named "Private Mercenary", and his photo took photo with the Iraqi military and Syrian free soldiers. Then, the Japanese government did not admit that this Japanese were killed by ISIS.

In January 2015, the extreme organization released the video saying that Tangchuan Rice and Japanese reporters have become ISIS's hostages, ISIS is $ 200 million in afternoon, otherwise they will kill them. Make the Tangchuan's hailr have become a fascinating. Beijing Time January 24, 2015 22, ISIS released a new video, Japanese hostages, Fujiji two portrait portraits: "You have seen my prisoner Tangchuan, the riots have been killed." NHK reported that the Japanese government This image is urgently confirmed.

Japan Prime Minister Abe said that the extreme organization "Islamic State" to kill a Japanese hostage is "unforgivable".

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