Home Technique Tu Pu Liu

Tu Pu Liu

Personal Profile

Tonga King Tu Pu Liu On the 4th, the Capital Nukua, Tonga, is officially becoming the monarch of this Pacific Island.

On the day, Tu Pu Liu and Wang Hao Na Spawu were accomplished by a Australian religious person in Nuku Rongfawa. More than 1,000 people are attended by crowned ceremonies, including foreign royal family, state heads, diplomatic envoys.

is to help the King of Tu Pu Liu, and Tonga has held a week of celebration.

Tu Pu Liu is the brother of Tonga's late King Tu Pu 5th. Tu Pu May 2012 in Hong Kong, China in March 2012, is 63 years old.

Personal experience

Tuple Sixth, July 12, 1959, was born in Nuku, Aluver. Graduated from the US Naval College, Australian Military Academy and Australian University University. On October 14, 1998, he served as a minister of foreign defense.

Visit China in November 1998 and signed Zhongtang Jianzhu Bun.

January 3, 2000, served as a prime minister and diplomatic, national defense, agriculture, forestry, fisheries, maritime and port ministers.

from January 2001, it is no longer part of the maritime and port ministers, but he serves as civil aviation and telecom ministers.

Noving the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry and Fisheries will not be part of October 2002.

Resigned from February 2006 to the prime minister.

September 27, 2006 is officially announced by Tu Pu 5 as the assumption of the Kingdom of Tonga.

As of August 2008, he is also a high-level commissioner of Australia, residing in Canberra.

On March 18, 2012, his brother George Tu Pu Yili has been in Hong Kong and inherits the throne.

officially crowned in July 2015.

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